Letter to the Brethren – October 18, 2013

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

It is hard to believe that the Feast of Tabernacles 2013 has ended over three weeks ago. We have returned from a marvelous occasion which portrayed a time of universal peace and happiness, and we must cope now once again with trials and persecutions in this present evil world, which is ruled by Satan the devil.

In our first weekly Update after the Feast (No. 607, dated October 4), Brian Gale wrote in his Editorial: “We have just kept the Feast of Tabernacles which pictures the coming reign of Jesus Christ on this earth. Then there will be no leadership problems at all. But until then, in this world, do we have leadership problems? There’s proof galore for those with eyes to see and ears to hear!”

In the following Update (No. 608, dated October 11), Michael Link wrote in his Editorial, “How are we doing since returning from the Feast? Has that attitude we experienced just a couple of weeks ago diminished now that we are ‘back to reality?’” And in that same Update, the Q&A reminded us that it is not the task of a true Christian today to try to make this a better world, but to prepare for the time when Christ rules on earth.

In Update No. 609, dated October 17, Norbert Link warned us in his Editorial that a falling away from the truth is still prophesied to occur in the Church of God prior to Christ’s return, and that the beginning signs of that falling away can already be observed.

It is most certainly of paramount importance to take in the encouragement and admonition to not be overcome by this world, especially after we have celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. Yet, with those thoughts in mind, we would like to reflect on the time just about three or four weeks ago when we kept the Feast, to remind us how it was, and to show us what it will be like at next year’s Feast, so we do not lose heart.

Beginning with the Feast in the USA, here is a report from Dave Harris:

The Church of the Eternal God observed the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day in Vail, Colorado. We were privileged to secure accommodations in the beautiful Lion Square Lodge, a condominium complex located alongside Gore Creek. Our meeting room was also located in this facility.

We had three dozen people attending, and one of our special highlights was being able to host one another for meals and fellowship in our condominiums. That included one evening featuring a South of the Border theme. Many ventured into Vail Village to take advantage of fine dining and shopping and a visit to the Vail Farmer’s Market on Sunday afternoon. A combination talent show and game night took place on Sunday evening, and several bravely took their turn as Karaoke entertainers.

Several commented on the very special experience of this Feast, emphasizing the fellowship and especially their appreciation for the meaningful sermonettes and sermons along with the contribution made by those giving special music.

With the Feast falling in mid-October of next year, Vail will not be an option; however, we have already begun looking at other locations in the Western United States, and we will update everyone as these plans go forward.

Turning to our Feast site in Germany, here is a combined report from Norbert Link, Rene Messier and Brian Gale:

After 16 years of having the Feast in the UK, it was decided to hold the Feast this year in Freudenstadt, a town in Baden-Württemberg in the Black Forest southern area of Germany which accommodated the many new people in Germany who are responding positively to the Church’s message. It is a beautiful area with many interesting places to visit for both the local Germans as well as those attending from the UK, USA and Canada.

In addition to our StandingWatch programs, Evangelist Norbert Link has been announcing the good news of God’s coming Kingdom in the German AufPostenStehen Internet broadcasts, as well as in weekly German sermons, for over seven years. Many new people have become interested in the message of the Church.

There were in excess of 70 zealous and enthusiastic people attending (many of whom attended the Feast of Tabernacles for the very first time). On the Last Great Day, five baptisms took place. Apart from daily services with truly inspiring and meaningful messages, Bible Studies were also held along with a bus trip, Feast dinner, a talent show and other well attended activities. Services were conducted in both English and German, with five interpreters taking it in turns to translate. On the Sabbath after the Feast, most people attended with another full house near Speyer, Germany.

The excitement of seeing so many young people and families being called provided a joyous and very happy atmosphere, and it is expected that the Feast next year may well attract many more new people. The potential growth was really inspiring to witness, as more are eagerly preparing themselves for baptism at the spring festival season next year. We also were privileged to have a blessing of little children ceremony, and Rene Messier and Brian Gale were raised in rank to Pastor on the Last Great Day.

But this is just the beginning. We expect further growth, knowing that the time is short. And so, we are preparing for great tasks ahead. In addition to our live audio broadcasts, we are also video-broadcasting some of our live Sabbath services in the USA, as well as in Germany, and people all over the world can tune in to watch and listen. Brian Gale and Rene Messier are giving their voices to StandingWatch programs for especially the British and Canadian audiences.

We are observing the fall of the United States and Great Britain and the rise of Europe under German leadership. A new booklet has been prepared, titled, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire,” which was distributed to our Feast attendees. We are pleased to enclose herewith a copy of this new booklet to our subscribers who did not attend the Feast with us (the booklets were already distributed in the UK). With this booklet, we have by now published 37 free booklets—all of which are available upon request.

We have also begun to print our German booklets, which are being posted on our German web site. We are currently printing the German version of our booklet on the Book of Revelation.

As the time of Christ’s return draws nearer, we must be about our Father’s business. Our weekly radio programs continue, as well as the publication of our weekly Updates. More and more people are responding, and with it, more attention is being given to us. Satan, the prince and ruler of this world, knows this too, and his wrath is great. He will try everything he can to create problems for us. But he will not succeed, because God, who is with us, is mightier than the god of this world.

Brethren and Friends, be aware that during these coming cold, rainy, and snowy winter months, our work is cut out for us. We must never give up, and we will not fail, when and as long as our lives are built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. When we increase in grace and knowledge of Christ, working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, waiting with anticipation for God’s rule to be established here on earth, then we have every reason to look forward to next year’s Spring and Fall Holy Day seasons—and beyond—until the reality of all that is pictured by these Festivals is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

With brotherly love,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Eric Rank

Robb Harris

Michael Link

©2025 Church of the Eternal God