Letter to the Brethren – May 13, 2022

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In this letter, we would like to report on the recent 2022 Church Conference, held on Friday, April 29th through Sunday, May 1st and conducted from Escondido, California.

We utilized “Google Meets” for those in attendance. While we did face time zone differences, Thilo and Anita Hanstein, Christoph and Monique Sperzel (from Germany), and Paul and Tine Niehoff (from Australia) were able to participate. Also, Rene and Delia Messier (from Canada) and Dave and Peggy Harris (from Colorado) joined the meetings.

Norbert and Johanna Link, Michael and Anna Link, Eric Rank, Kalon Mitchell, Margaret Adair, Rhonda Cagle and Dawn Thompson were among those in California. Also, Brian and Jill Gale had travelled from England to California for the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread and to attend the Conference.

On Friday, after the reading of the Minutes, regional summaries were given. Following, we had a wide-ranging discussion about our Internet activities: literature views and requests; accomplishments from our monthly Tech Meetings; Live Services broadcasting issues (which, by the way, have improved through the purchase of newer equipment—but more to do in that regard); new advertising campaigns; and alternatives to YouTube in case our messages are blocked. We also reviewed how we conduct Sabbath Service and the procedure regarding prayer requests; and we discussed plans for new English and German booklets for 2022.

On the Sabbath, Live Services were presented from California with Brian Gale giving the Sermonette and Norbert Link giving the sermon. Additionally, elder Eric Rank was ordained to the rank and office of Pastor by the ministry present.

On Sunday, we discussed the question of who are the elect, mentioned in Matthew 24:22. In conjunction with that discussion, we spent some time addressing the prophetic timeline based on the work of the Church of God and events in the world which point to the last generation alive before Jesus returns. A question on biblical covenants was raised, and Norbert Link will write the first Q&A as an introduction to a comprehensive series of Q&As on this topic appearing in the weekly Updates.

National and International Board Meetings were conducted at the conclusion of the Conference.

Brethren, we came away inspired by the many opportunities God has opened to us to conduct His Work—that includes dedicated individuals at every level who zealously serve to accomplish what is before us. That also includes those of you who continue to pray for us and each other as we all join in this mutual effort God has given to us.

As a final comment, we also spoke about plans for the Fall Holy Days during the Conference. We will still face issues for travel, and we have heard that some members cannot afford to attend the California location. We also know that there will be problems in Europe, as well. We know with certainty that great challenges lie ahead, but we also fully trust and faithfully believe that God will do what He has promised to do to help us.

With brotherly love,

The Ministry

©2025 Church of the Eternal God