What God Can Do!

By Monique Sperzel

Recently, our daughter Delayla had many problems with her tonsils. She was sick often and the doctor said she needed to have an operation . But my husband Christoph and I had a bad feeling about this, because the operation is dangerous and can result in much bleeding. So we prayed very hard to God that He would help us to make the right decision. And we told Delayla that she must be praying to God too, that He will heal her. So we were praying every day to God for His intervention.

After a little while, Delayla came to me in the kitchen. She was very happy and said with a big smile: “Mommy, Mommy, look into my mouth, my tonsils are a little bit smaller and you can see my throat. And I can eat and breathe better now. That’s sooo nice for God that He is helping me and that He makes my tonsils smaller. So I don’t need an operation now. I will pray more and more that He makes my tonsils very little. I am so happy that He is hearing and healing me.”

To hear this was moving and heart-warming. We are thanking God for His help and His intervention. It reaffirmed to us that we are on the right way–God’s way; that He can and will help us in our time of need; and that He is here for us—including our little daughter.

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