A Sensitive Matter

Money can be such a sensitive matter; whether it’s about earning it or spending it. But we have to have the right approach to it – using it as a commodity, not worshipping it as a god. Scripture has something helpful to say about this: “For the love of money is a root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).

In our free booklet “Tithing Today?,” the opening paragraph on page 1 states: “MONEY—a sensitive subject for many people.  Those who have money, don’t want to part with it.  Those who don’t have it, long for it.  Yet from the time of man’s creation on this earth, God has given instructions on tithing—paying ten percent of our income to God who gave it in the first place.”
It further states, starting at the bottom of the first page: “Many people who have learned that tithing is still valid for us today, and who have begun to tithe, have noticed inexplicable financial, physical and spiritual blessings in their lives. This is because God promises physical and spiritual blessings if one is obedient to Him, and that includes obedience to His command to tithe.”

I was reading an article by investment adviser a while ago and was intrigued by his comments, when he wrote the following:

“Aspirational spenders are above-average-income earners who yearn to possess the lifestyle of the truly wealthy but do not earn enough money to do so.  Instead, they employ credit card and home equity loan debt to acquire the trappings of wealth — fancy cars, vacation homes, designer purses, designer suits etc. They actively pretend (self-delude is a better word) that they are rich. This becomes an all-consuming pantomime of self-delusion, as more and more money is required to fuel this facade of wealth. The aspirational spender typically earns between $100,000 and $150,000 per year. This is 2½ to 4 times greater than the national average income. In fact, it is more than enough of an income to get wealthy on within a 10-15 year period.  But these people never do develop real wealth.  Their incomes continue to grow, and they make terrific employees and are usually very good at their jobs, but their desires are always one step ahead of their income.”
I wonder, though, whether this attitude affects MOST PEOPLE, whatever their income? If not, why do so many have so much debt? It could simply be because their expenditure exceeds their income and they do not “cut their cloth accordingly.” Do any of us in the church have such problems? If we tithe faithfully, God promises to bless us, but we still have to do our part by being responsible. We have to make sure that, as much as it depends on us, we live within our means and are able to pay our bills and our debts.  

We are coming up to the Feast of Tabernacles in just over a month’s time. Have all wage earners in the church been faithful in tithe paying and tithe saving? Saving second tithe for the Feast is a requirement to make sure that we can spend our second tithe for oxen, sheep, wine or similar drink, for whatever our heart desires (compare Deuteronomy 14:23-26).  

Being faithful in paying the first tithe means that we will further God’s Work in proclaiming to a dying world the message about the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Our second tithe will help us to have a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles–picturing the coming Kingdom of God which the church has been preaching with the use of God’s first tithe.  

When we see how first and second tithes work together, we should have no problem in being faithful in the sensitive matter of tithing! Please remember that God is always watching our actions and attitudes.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God