
Simple things that we all have and seem to need are often times taken for granted. One such example is electricity. Most just do not understand what it is. What do we really know about it? We simply turn on the light switch or start any appliance or push a button, and something works. When we wake up in the morning, we may wash ourselves with warm water; go into the kitchen and cook breakfast in a stove; and for those who are environmentalists, unplug our car or perhaps charge it up before we head out. 

It is only when there is no electric power available, that we start to consider the importance of it. Without electricity, we would still be burning wood and coal to heat our homes and businesses, and we would still be using oil and candles to light our way in the dark. That is the way it was for many centuries, before electricity was discovered and used. Only since the invention of the electric generator have humans been able to advance in every aspect of modern life. In fact, modern living is defined by electric power.

We might consider Benjamin Franklin. He was a great American inventor and innovator. His electrical experiments formed the basis for other inventions that we still use today, such as batteries, incandescent light bulb, electromagnetic fields, generators and transformers. His experiments became the origin of our  “plus” and “minus” nomenclature. The positive and the negative charges helped identify the atmospheric and static electricity.

In a few weeks, the Church of God will celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. It reminds us of the day when God poured out of His Holy Spirit on the New Testament disciples (compare Acts 2:18, 33, 38-41; 1 John 4:13). When we receive God’s Holy Spirit of power (Acts 1:8), something happens to us spiritually. When used properly, it will change our lives for the better. It is an incredible gift from God. It is not to be taken for granted.  

In an analogous way, the Holy Spirit, as the manifestation of God’s power, can be compared with the flow of electric power. Electricity flows through conductive wires from its source to the devices using it. Only as long as the flow of the electric current from its source is uninterrupted, have those devices use of its power. So it is essential that there is constant contact with the electric power source.

The same is true of God’s Spirit. We do not have the capacity to permanently store the power of the Holy Spirit for use when we don’t feel like serving God. If we discontinue our relationship with God, we cut ourselves off from the Source of the power working in us. 2 Corinthians 4:16 tells us that our “inward man” needs to be “renewed day by day.” God’s Holy Spirit within us must flow from us toward others–that is, others must be able to recognize the effects of God’s Spirit within us. And since God’s Spirit is to flow through us and out of us toward others, it must be renewed on a regular basis (through regular prayer), so that we can be constantly filled with it (Psalm 51:10-11; Philippians 1:19; Ephesians 5:18; compare 2 Corinthians 4:16). Rather than quenching the Holy Spirit within us (1 Thessalonians 5:19), we must be led by and follow the lead of the Spirit (Romans 8:14; Luke 4:1).

When a battery is fully charged, it works at its full potential, but eventually it will need to be recharged before it loses its power. As true Christians, we need to be renewed by God’s Holy Spirit. We need a constant spiritual recharge. When we start to become weak, we need a boost; otherwise, we will slip away and lose all power. We must not let that happen to us, but we must be reenergized on a daily basis.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God