Are You a Patriot?

Many of us probably have friends or neighbors who would consider
themselves to be patriotic, and supporters of the United States of
America. Maybe they take the time to display the flag on the 4th of
July, remember the men and women who sacrificed in the wars of this
country, or with pride hold their hand to their hearts when the
national anthem is played.  Service to one’s country still holds
true as a virtue and serving those around you are still ideals held by

But are these the ideals to be held by Christians? 
And should Christians practice patriotism?  The answer is,
Yes!  But to whose country should we show our true allegiance?

the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, through God’s Spirit, interpreted
the king’s dreams, and because of that service was made “ruler over the
whole province of Babylon” (Daniel 2:48). Continuing in verse 49, we
read that Daniel appointed Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego to be “over
the affairs of the province of Babylon.”

In that particular case,
for God’s specific purpose, He chose to have men performing civil
service for a foreign county (as they had been deported from Judah to
Babylon), who also had God’s Spirit guiding them. Undoubtedly, they
performed their duties as was prescribed by the appointments Daniel
gave to them.  But when decrees were set before them to disobey
God, by worshipping an idol of gold, what was their response? 
“…let it be known to you, O King, that we do not serve your gods, nor
will we worship the gold image which you have set up” (Daniel 3:18).

came before ALL men for these three, and because of their belief God
saved them from their trial, and the king honored them greatly (Daniel

What are our duties, then, in our respective
countries?  While we are to honor and submit to those in
authority, we are not to obey them when their demands conflict with
God’s instructions.

But we are expected to be patriots–patriots
of a kingdom that has yet to be set up, but is no less real.  We
are “…ambassadors for Christ…” (2 Corinthians 5:20), and as
ambassadors we are required to show complete patriotism for God’s
soon-coming Kingdom. Our citizenship is in heaven (Philippines 3:20).
While coming out of our earthly country, in a spiritual way, we are
desiring a better country: we are waiting for God’s heavenly kingdom to
be set up here on earth (Hebrews 11:14-16). We are to be patriots of
God’s very Kingdom.

A patriot is defined as: “One who loves,
supports and defends one’s country.” Can that be said of us in how
proudly we “show our colors” to those around us? Matthew 5:14 states:
“You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be

It is our responsibility and duty, not just to ourselves, but to mankind as a whole to let the light of God’s truth so shine.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God