Pre-Feast Trials

Those who have been long-time members of the Church of God can speak from experience of pre-Feast trials. Those who are new(er) in the faith might be surprised and perhaps somewhat unprepared when problems strike around these times of year.  Of course, we understand that trials are not restricted to certain specific days or seasons. We are told that everyone who wants to live godly will suffer persecution, and that we must enter the Kingdom of God through much tribulation. But still, it appears that problems and difficulties intensify just prior to and even during the annual Spring and Fall Holy Days. Why is this so?

In short, Satan plays a major role in this. He walks around like a roaring lion to see whom he can devour. He is called the deceiver, the destroyer and the murderer of mankind. He knows that his time is short. He has great wrath. He understands what the annual Feast Days picture. He sees that when these days approach, God’s people (re-)focus and meditate on the meaning of these days. And he does not like it one bit.

The Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Pentecost symbolize the end of Satan’s individual rule over true Christians who have rejected the government of Satan in their lives and begun to embrace and submit to the government of God. With the gift of the Holy Spirit within them, they are being enabled to obey God and overcome Satan’s evil devices. Clearly, Satan does not like that some of those under his rule have become deserters and “traitors” to his cause and willingly changed alliances. Especially just before and during the Spring Holy Days, he focuses on those whom he had originally kidnapped to do his will, and who subsequently were freed from their spiritual captivity by God, their true Father. With great anger and hate, the devil will bombard them with unforeseen and unexpected trials, problems and persecutions, in an attempt to make it difficult for them to concentrate on the Spring Holy Day season, and what it pictures.

The Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and the Last Great Day symbolize the end of Satan’s universal rule over all of mankind. They also symbolize the establishment of the Kingdom and Government of God on the earth, and the replacement, imprisonment and ultimate banishment of Satan. Clearly, Satan does not like the thought that his influence over man will cease. Especially just before and during the Fall Holy Days, he focuses on those who are qualifying now to replace him and rule with and under Christ on this earth. With great anger and hate, the devil will bombard them with unforeseen and unexpected trials, problems and persecutions, in an attempt to make it difficult for them to concentrate on the Fall Holy Day season, and what it pictures.

Satan wants us to forsake God’s government and submit again to his rule. He will try to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal. But Satan can only do what God allows. And God only allows trials which we are able, with His help, to bear and deal with successfully. Satan knows this. At times, he even asks God for specific permission to see how far he can go, in tempting God’s people. At the same time, God tests us to see where our priorities are, and to give us opportunity to become victorious in our fight with the devil.

Will Satan succeed in discouraging us? Will we succumb to his evil devices? Will we allow his weapons to mortally wound us? Or will we stand strong and fight the good fight of faith to the end, especially in times of difficulties and trials—knowing God’s promise to you and me that “the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly”?

As we enter this year’s autumnal Holy Day season, let us remember to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, being fully convinced that His good and comforting Spirit in us is greater and so much more powerful than the evil and discouraging spirit of this world.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God