Imagine This Time

Satan would love nothing more than to drive a wedge into our spiritual life and separate us from God. His ultimate goal is to do whatever he can to take us out of the Church, the body of Christ. Now, especially at this pre-Passover time of the year and at this juncture in the end-time, he is for sure doing all that he can to disrupt us in our walk towards the Plan of God.

Imagine a spirit being that has been around for eons – 6,000 years would be a short time to him.  Knowing that he only had this short time, he, as an entity that never tires, would be relentless in his goal to derail true Christians.  Night and day, he would accuse the brethren before God (Revelation 12:10), and he would walk around seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8; Job 1:7; 2:2). 

Now imagine that this very short period of 6,000 years is almost up.  How much more, if it were possible, would Satan be stepping up his effort to thwart the Plan of God? 

God would love nothing more than to have us as members of His Family in His Kingdom.  His ultimate goal is to do whatever He can to see that we are successful in this calling.  Now, especially at this pre-Passover time of the year and at this juncture in the end-time, He is for sure doing all that He can to reconcile us in our walk towards the Plan of God.

Imagine a loving God—the Father—who has inhabited eternity with only one other Family member—Jesus Christ. After all that time, He began carrying out His plan that included fashioning the physical universe with all the laws to govern it. God also created man and gave him His laws to be governed by.  He sacrificed His only Son to pay for the penalty for our sin in order that we may live and have access to His Power – the Holy Spirit which further aids us in attaining His goal for us—to grant us the awesome opportunity to qualify for a position in His Kingdom and Family. 

Now imagine we only have a short time left.  We are quickly coming to a crossroads – a time when God will pronounce His final judgment on the firstfruits of His creation.  Then, in the twinkling of an eye, it will all be decided.  Do we sense the urgency?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God