Current Events

We begin with quoting from some revealing articles about the European perception of the American status quo… and its foreseeable future. We also report on the fights within the Republican Party (GOP) and the desperate attempt by the GOP establishment to stop Donald Trump… being willing to use whatever means they deem to be necessary. However, this has already seriously backfired on the GOP establishment.

We speak on Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles and continue with more controversial comments by Pope Francis and the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe which has led to decreasing support for Angela Merkel and the German political establishment and an increase of popularity for the German AdF, a right-wing populist anti-migrant party.

We report on the EU’s shaky deal with Turkey and dictatorial measures by Turkey under its autocratic ruler. We speak on deeply troublesome measures of the FBI; report on Nancy Reagan’s death; vaccination requirements in Jewish camps; Israel’s first transgender beauty pageant; and a new Israel study claiming that “forty-eight percent of Jewish-Israelis agreed or strongly agreed with the statement ‘Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel.’”

We discuss the retraction of a scientific paper daring to speak of a “Creator,” showing again the attempts of the scientific community to brain-wash gullible people; and we conclude with a revealing article about fraud committed by the vast majority of “street beggars.”

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