Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a deal between Russia and Ukraine to allow the export of needed grain from Ukraine, but subsequent events cast a shadow of doubt on the effectiveness of that arrangement. We address some of Ukraine’s unpopular moves and publish the opinion that Ukraine—and Europe—are losing the war against Russia.

We point out the dire state of America’s economy; incredible hypocrisy and political “blindness” of some American politicians; and discuss the contempt court conviction of Trump advisor Steve Bannon which has been labeled by legal experts as unconstitutional.

We speak on the fight against the traditional family in the UK and attempts to codify same-sex marriages in the USA; and we report on the controversy between the Pope and German Catholic Bishops; as well as the “apologies” for sinful misconduct by the Catholic and the Protestant Churches.

Turning to the history of COVID measures, restrictions and persecutions of “dissidents,” we report on a court decision in Canada reversing what appeared to have been blatantly illegal conduct by politicians, the police and the courts towards Pastor Artur Pawlowski and others; Dr. Fauci’s irresponsible and dangerous “follies”; further speculations about the origin of Covid-19; and the lies of Trump’s White House Covid response coordinator Deborah Birx; and we point out the undeniable dangers of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars especially for kids and young adults being targeted, among others, by the tobacco industry.

We conclude with an article speculating about the possibility that Boris Johnson may be planning a comeback.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled COVID 19–a Man-Made Pandemic?”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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