Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we publish many warnings of a coming nuclear war between Russia and the West, in light of developments pertaining to Russia, Ukraine, Finland and Sweden. Even though the Bible does NOT prophesy a nuclear war between Russia and the West at this time, nuclear war between Europe and the USA and the United Kingdom IS prophesied, which will be FOLLOWED by nuclear war between Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations (the “kings of the East”) and a united Europe under the dictatorship of the “beast”. Sadly, most observers do not understand any of this and are thereby totally ignorant as to what is and will be happening soon. At the same time, demands for restrictions of free speech in the USA are getting louder, also and especially in light of the Buffalo massacre. Please view our new message, “Biden’s Ministry of Truth and Consequences of the Ukraine War—Comments on News and Prophecy, May 14, 2022” .

We also focus on Israel and Iran; the ongoing downfall of Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz; a “promise” by Dr. Fauci that may sound to be too good to be true; a new ridiculous definition of “woman”; and some sad “accomplishments” by the United Kingdom.

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