Current Events

by Norbert Link

To begin with, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!”, providing an in-depth analysis of President Biden’s controversial and troublesome statements in his address.

We continue with reporting on the development pertaining to Ukraine and the world’s reaction to Russia’s invasion. We draw a comparison between the present situation and the past, leading to World War 2. We ask who is to stop Putin, in light of weak leadership in the Western World, but also explain that some of the sanctions are having an effect on Russia, but they come with a price, while other sanctions are meaningless for the time being, and the most important and effective sanctions have not been issued, so far. However, it seems that Putin had underestimated the Ukrainians’ resolve, and the growing popularity of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom Putin is apparently determined to assassinate.

For a thorough discussion on the reasons for Putin’s behavior, please view our recent message, “Mass Murderer Putin—the Modern Hitler; Comments on News and Prophecy, February 26, 2022.” 

We speak on Putin’s latest threats and the failed meeting between Russia and Ukraine. We also address Germany’s “change of heart.”

We conclude with Biden’s terrible poll numbers and his nomination of a black woman for the Supreme Court, who has been labeled a left-wing activist.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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