Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with eye-opening articles on the true and deeply concerning state of America’s military and the unsettling practical application of the US Presidency’s war powers; and we continue with concerns about the future of the US economy and the disturbing fact that America’s allies disassociate themselves more and more from the US. 

We address another political decision of the US Supreme Court; strange happenings at the Mexican border; and the announcement of a proposed controversial treaty between the USA and Guatemala.

We continue with doubts about the sincerity of “flip-flopping” Boris Johnson, as well as some interesting news about his close connections to Israel; the new-found friendship between China and Russia; and with deeply alarming developments regarding a brutal and violent crackdown by the Russian government on opponents and dissidents, including the charge of attempted poisoning of Russia’s most popular opposition leader.  

We speak on China’s persecution of Christians and other disconcerting developments; the shameful European conduct in regard to UN anti-Israel resolutions; the ongoing desire and demand for the building of the Third Temple [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “What Will Europe Do When the Third Temple Is Being Built?”;] and new unproven dirty allegations against Austria’s former chancellor, Sebastian Kurz.

We conclude with frightening news about Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri; an overview over earthquakes in Europe and other places; and interesting ideas as to how to deal with the current recycling crisis.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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