Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the results of the US midterm elections, which will lead to foreseeable hostile confrontations between House and Senate Republicans and Democrats and total legislative gridlock [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Frightening Results and Consequences of Midterm Elections”]; and address Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ forced resignation and Fox News moderator Sean Hannity’s inappropriate conduct and President Trump’s war with CNN’s Jim Acosta. We continue with developments in Europe, including consequences from Angela Merkel’s announcement that she will not run again as Chairman of her party and as Chancellor; a serious warning from French President Macron for Europe and his demand for a “real” European army; the formation and coalition of ten European militaries; the ongoing hopeless battle surrounding Brexit negotiations; and the dismissal of controversial German ex-spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen.

We speak on American sanctions against Iran which will also affect many other countries, and explain that especially Europe is extremely unhappy about US conduct while grudgingly admitting that at this point, they don’t have enough power to oppose the Trump Administration; and we report on the deeply divided USA—a nation in turmoil which is still (or again) plagued by the “ghost of the civil war” which some feel could break out again with full force. We also address once more the ongoing misconceptions and misrepresentations pertaining to America’s constitutionally guaranteed birthright citizenship.

We point out the nonsense of daylight saving time and explain its astonishingly evil history; speak on Jewish mysticism and superstitions; and report on ongoing fears of California’s “Big One” due to a series of large earthquakes resulting from a movement along the San Andreas Fault system.

We conclude with frightening experiments and developments involving genetically engineered viruses which some feel have the potential of wiping out all life on planet earth; and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which, it is claimed, may replace the worship of God.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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