Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we focus on frightening and disconcerting developments in the USA, including the real possibility of a violent civil war; the Obama Administration’s failure to react to Russia’s meddling in the US elections; the disastrous and “barbaric” proposed Senate health care bill; the controversial decision of the US Supreme Court to reinstate parts of President Trump’s Muslim travel ban [note our new StandingWatch program,“Limited Version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Takes Effect”]; further intrusions into the lives of travelers by the TSA; ongoing popularizations of the transgender agenda in American schools; and America’s active support of same-sex marriages in other countries, such as Romania.

We continue with Turkey’s decision not to teach evolution in high schools; and an interesting new exhibit of Noah’s Ark.

We speak on ridiculous demands of Arab countries regarding Qatar; a suicide bombing near Mecca; the highly disputed concept of “liberal Islam” in Germany; further Russian persecution against the Jehovah’s Witnesses; President Netanyahu’s controversial decision to revoke his prior permission for mixed gender prayers at the Western Wall; and Australia’s departure from Christianity.

We report on SPD candidate Martin Schulz’s attempts to gain badly-needed support just ninety days before Germany’s parliamentary election; same-sex marriages in Germany; the growing East-West divide in the EU; the finalized deal between Theresa May and Northern Ireland’s controversial Democratic Unionist Party; and Europe’s financial punishment of Google.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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