Continue With the Work

We have just finished the annual ministerial Church Conference with great success and unity. We discussed many things, and we will continue collectively in doing the Work and feeding the Flock. And I want to thank everyone for their prayers in regard to the conference and its success.

It may be challenging at times to look at the size of our respective groups and feel discouraged or frustrated by the apparent lack of members. But something that I take courage and strength in is the fact that within the ministry, we are of like mind, and we uphold each other. At the end of the day, we are each, in our ways, helping to support, maintain and participate in building the Church, as God shows us and opens the doors for us, including how to preach the Gospel as a witness to this world (Amos 3:3). There cannot be dissension and confusion (James 3:16).

When we study the Bible, it is easy to see that, for the most part, the true people of God, in regard to churches, have not been large. Christ speaks about the little flock (Luke 12:32). He isn’t mentioning large swelling churches here, but rather a few gathered in His name, who WILL have tremendous power. While we know this, that doesn’t make it easier. But we KNOW from what Christ Himself says to us, that this will be the case. Matthew 24:12-14 says: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” We have to continue to endure, persevere, grow and preach the Truth.

I think a lot about Elijah feeling scared about being the “only one” standing up for God, and God replying that He had reserved for Himself 7000 who had not participated in idol worship. We don’t always know what the fruits of our labor are going to produce nor at what time they will be produced. We cannot become discouraged about our numbers or lack thereof. We have to maintain the Truth.

It is also discouraging when people walk away from our fellowship. We cannot allow this to sway us. It is hard and painful at times to deal with these situations as they come up. I have personally dealt with this a few times as I am sure a lot of us have. In 2 Timothy 4:9-11, Paul lists people who left him in regard to the Work. In verse 16, he goes on to say how at first NO ONE stood with him in his defense except God; and this is the point I want to drive home. It doesn’t matter what happens as long as we are the ones staying close to God and accomplishing what needs to be done.

In Matthew 9:35-38, Christ tells us that it is God’s harvest and we are His workers. He tells us to pray for more laborers so they can help with getting the job done. We should each be asking ourselves, how can I help more, how can I participate more? And when there is an opportunity to be doing the Work, in whatever way, we should be approaching that with as much zeal and focus as we can.

As we get ready for the upcoming Fall Holy Days, it may be useful for us all to start preparing mentally so we can use the Feast days to help propel ourselves forward in the Work that lies ahead of us. Yes, it is getting more challenging; yes, it does seem that time is moving faster and the world is falling apart at an accelerated rate. This should inspire us and motivate each of us to draw closer to God, not scare or detract us from fulfilling our duties.

We will accomplish what God wants us to accomplish; we will finish our part in God’s Work as He sees fit; we will continue to grow in the mind of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit; and we will not fail, if we stay close to God and are obedient to Him.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God