Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Russia’s Invasion of Georgia–Just the Beginning.” In the program, Norbert Link asks the questions: Will Russia “nuke” Poland? Will it attack other European nations with nuclear weapons? What would happen if Israel were to attack Iran? Are we facing the prospects of another World War?

Our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Coming–A Great Depression”  has been viewed on You Tube in excess of 10,100 times.

The following sermon by Norbert Link has been posted on Google Video:

“Bible Study–Mystery of Salvation”

(August 23, 2008) The text for our new comprehensive booklet on the Book of Revelation has been sent to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno. We hope to be able to print the booklet in time for distribution at our Feast sites in Arizona and England.

As announced before, an advertisement for our free Public Bible Lecture in Fort Collins, Colorado, on September 7 has been posted on the Internet. The ad is targeted for the Fort Collins area.

In addition, a local ad and flyer will be distributed in Colorado, announcing the lecture.

Please continue to pray for the success of these ads and the lecture.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and Google Video. It is titled, “Georgia Burns, While the West Fiddles.”  In the program, Norbert Link points out that while our political leaders seem to be unwilling to respond in a meaningful way to the new-found imperialism of “Vladimir Bonaparte,” the Russian Bear, under Putin, continues with its aggressions. “Mother Russia” claims that Georgia has lost its territorial integrity, and threatens Poland with a nuclear attack. As Britain’s The Telegraph wrote on August 15, the West, collectively, including the EU and the USA, failed in this crisis. But very soon, according to the Bible, things WILL change.

The following sermons by Norbert Link have been posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–Trials and Temptations” (April 15, 2006)

“Bible Study–The Mysteries of the Bible” (October 22, 2005)

As announced last week, an advertisement for our free Public Bible Lecture in Fort Collins, Colorado, on September 7 has been posted on the Internet. The ad is targeted for the Fort Collins area. Please continue to pray for the success of this ad and the lecture.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

An advertisement for our free Public Bible Lecture in Fort Collins, Colorado, on September 7 has been posted on the Internet. The ad is targeted for the Fort Collins area. Please pray for the success of this ad and the lecture.

Recently, we had to reprint our booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.” Now, we will reprint our booklet, “The Mysteries of the Bible.”

The following sermons by Norbert Link have been posted on Google Video:

“Bible Study–The Book of Malachi” (August 9, 2008)

“Bible Study–How Assertive Are You?” (August 27, 2005)

“Bible Study–The Son of Man and of God” (December 17, 2005)

A new StandingWatch program in the German language was posted on our German Website and on YouTube It is titled, “Krieg mit Iran–Nie im Leben?” (i.e., “War With Iran–Not in Your Life?”)

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “WHY Is Our Economy THAT Bad?” In the program, Norbert Link discusses that the fact that the U.S. budget deficit will reach $500 billion in 2009. A new law raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued $5 trillion in debt. Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history. General Motors lost $15.5 billion in the second quarter. So far, seven banks have been shut by regulators in 2008, with many more to follow. 463,000 jobs were lost so far this year. An economic recovery is not expected any time soon, if at all. WHY should this happen to the greatest nation on earth? Is GOD really pleased with how we are living today?

Set forth below are the numbers of all-times views on Google Video, as of August 1,  pertaining to our five most successful sermons:

Bible Study–The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 1, 3,525 views and 78 downloads

Bible-Study–Day of Atonement: Mystery of the Atonement Rituals, 2,585 views

Bible Study–Christian Suffering, 2,234 views and 71 downloads

Bible Study–Sin, a Powerful Enemy, 1,465 views and 32 downloads

Bible Study–The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2, 1,141 views and 24 downloads

Set forth below are a few selected comments received from viewers of our StandingWatch programs, as posted on YouTube:

“Why do you keep going on about the Law knowing you yourself cannot live up to all of it? Don’t you know that if you are guilty of breaking one law you are guilty of breaking them all? THAT is the reason for Jesus’ death on the cross, YOUR inability to keep the law. It seems you can’t accept the cross of Christ for what it is. You have not been made complete by grace. Just accept it man, Christ fulfilled the law and then died in your place because YOU(WE) could not fulfill it. Dude read Romans!”

“I agree with you. As it says in the psalms, ‘The law of the Lord is perfect.'”

“Useless preaching. No hard facts.”

“Blessed are those, whom God instructs.”

“The Bible does not mention the peak oil crisis, nor does it mention climate change, world wide human overpopulation, soil degradation, fiat-money and many other cataclysms of the modern world faces. Why should an ancient scripture be appropriate in today’s world? Sorry, but the Bible? has no appeal to me at all. It’s a document of a past ancient world.”

“I thought it was a serious video and then the guy goes on talking about the Bible… Don’t waste your time watching this…”

“Thank you for another outstanding program. Prophecy is falling into place right before our eyes. And it seems that there are still too many ignorant people out there who think they know everything. But instead they know nothing and could not care less what is being said in those programs. They rather listen to any other book inspired by man. But I believe that the time will come when most of them will wake up–hopefully–I know that you are doing your part.”

“The status quo of the US economy is the product of a greedy money culture, that has no moral or social values anymore. We are witnessing the fall of great nation.”

“Things are going to get worst. I urge everyone to accept Jesus Christ !!!!”

“Dude, hope all that listen to this will listen. Man, this is no joke!”

“I agree. God bless you.”

“Put up your treasures in heaven. I like that. It’s a great message.”

“I’ve watched your video on ‘Will Your Soul Go To Heaven?’ I was overwhelmed to learn that you agree with me. I do not believe man has an immortal soul.”

“Everyone needs to hear this message about Halloween. Thank you for revealing the truth about this festival. People need to stop following tradition and ask themselves about origins and customs of holidays they celebrate.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new, comprehensive booklet on the Book of Revelation has entered the second review cycle.

As a special service to our readers–especially for those who may not be able to watch our StandingWatch programs on the Internet–we are offering, via email, informal transcripts of future programs. Please contact us if you are interested.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Obama and the Beast of Europe.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that on Thursday, July 24, Senator Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin, Germany, but not all liked his demand for more European military involvement in Afghanistan. Would a military buildup in Europe be good for America and the rest of the world? And what role will religion play in all of this–given the fact that a separation between Church and State is unknown in Europe?

Our StandingWatch program,“Coming–The Great Depression,” was viewed in excess of 8200 times on YouTube, followed by “Food Shortage in the USA” (over 3700 views).

Set forth below, as of July 25, 2008, are the numbers of all-time views on Google Video pertaining to our fifteen most successful StandingWatch programs:

Title Page Views Downloads
What is Happening in Germany? 12415 16
America’s Illegal Aliens 7871 73
666, the Beast and Antichrist 5443 100
Is Nuclear War Coming? 3855 125
To Spank or Not to Spank… 3642 20
America’s Latest Phone Scandal 3220 10
American Hiroshima 2699 80
Are Ghosts for Real? 2431 54
Ghosts of Departed Ones? 2101 7
Iran’s Frightening Intentions 1995 51
War in the Middle East 1986 18
USA–The Fading Superpower! 1729 36
Afghanistan’s Radical Islam 1562 149
Why So Much Cruelty? 1367 20
What’s in Store for America? 1361 15

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

This week, Norbert Link video-recorded the Feast sermon to be played during the Feast of Tabernacles 2008 in Tucson.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “America’s Financial Crisis.” In the program, Norbert Link is discussing that recently, the U.S. federal government took control of the Pasadena, California, based IndyMac Bank, signifying the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. The largest U.S. mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also in big financial trouble. The third largest U.S. investment bank Merrill Lynch is $10 billion in debt. More than 300 U.S. banks might fail over the next few years. The US. is facing a global crisis to fund its $700 billion (!) account deficit. Especially Europe is upset with America’s irresponsible financial dealings and is looking for alternatives. What DOES the future hold for all of us?

Three StandingWatch programs in the German language were posted on our German Website  and on YouTube, discussing a potential War with Iran; Ireland’s Vote on the Lisbon Treaty; and the recent Mission to Mars.

The following video-recorded sermons by Edwin Pope were posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–Inherit the Promises Through Faith and Patience, May 13, 2006

Bible Study–God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, March 18, 2006

The following video-recorded sermons by Norbert Link were posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–The Good Samaritan, July 19, 2008

Bible Study– Abraham, Part 1, January 5, 2006

Bible Study–Abraham, Part 2, January 21, 2006

Bible Study–Who Is Your Lord?, November 26, 2005

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube.  It is titled, “Is War With Iran Coming Soon?” In the program, Norbert Link is discussing the fact that we are hearing more and more the warning that Israel may strike Iran militarily before the end of this year. Is this possible or likely? What consequences would such an attack have for the United States and the rest of the world? Does the Bible give us any information as to what IS going to happen?

The following video-recorded sermon by Norbert Link was posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–In the Name of Jesus Christ, November 11, 2005

We are preparing for a free Public Bible Lecture, to be conducted by Norbert Link on September 7, 2008, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Fort Collins, Colorado. The lecture will address developments in the United States and Europe in the light of biblical prophecy. More information will be forthcoming.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Reminder: Memorial Service for Paul Voss on Sunday, July 13, 2008

As we announced before, Paul Voss, a long-time deacon in God’s Church, died on May 23, 2008, at his home in Oregon. A memorial service for Paul will be conducted on Sunday, July 13, 2008, at 1:00 pm, at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 2701 East 8th Street, (Paradise Valley), National City, California 91950. All family members and friends are invited to attend. Please contact us for any questions.

The following video-recorded sermon by Norbert Link was posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–Marriage–Physical and Spiritual, June 28, 2008

This week, a new StandingWatch program was recorded, titled, “Is War With Iran Coming Soon?” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that we are hearing more and more the warning that Israel may strike Iran militarily before the end of this year. Is this possible or likely? What consequences would such an attack have for the United States and the rest of the world? Does the Bible give us any information as to what IS going to happen?

Norbert Link recorded also the German version of the program, titled, “Kommt Krieg mit Iran?”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Reminder: Memorial Service for Paul Voss on July 13, 2008

As we announced before, Paul Voss, a long-time deacon in God’s Church, died on May 23, 2008, at his home in Oregon. A memorial service for Paul will be conducted on Sunday, July 13, 2008, at 1:00 pm, followed by a potluck, at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 2701 East 8th Street, (Paradise Valley), National City, California 91950. All family members and friends are invited to attend. Those who would like to participate in the potluck should plan to bring enough food for themselves and one extra person. Please contact us for any questions.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Noelle Jacobs and Michael Link will be getting married in Ramona, California, on Sunday, June 29, 2008. The marriage will be officiated by Norbert Link. We are wishing the new couple God’s richest blessings for this new chapter in their lives.

A new member letter was written for the month of July. It will be sent out early next week. In the letter, Brian Gale discusses the connection between the Day of Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, and the need for God’s disciples to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Spinning Out of Control,” and raises the following issues:

Midwestern floods; tornadoes and hurricanes; powerful earthquakes; skyrocketing gas prices; abysmal home values; increased air fares; unaffordable health care; endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; food shortages; depression on the horizon; voter frustration with Washington–is everything spinning out of control? Are we too proud and unwilling to follow Abraham Lincoln’s admonition to “humble ourselves before the offended Power”? Are politicians and religious leaders deceiving us when they proclaim that we don’t have to obey all of God’s laws? Will we perish soon in natural and man-made disasters, as the civilization at the time of Noah perished in the waves of a worldwide flood?

Our recent StandingWatch program, “Coming–The Great Depression” has been viewed approximately 4,200 times on YouTube. Our recent program, “Food Shortage in the USA” has been viewed approximately 3,000 times on YouTube.

A new member letter is also posted online.

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