Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our newest booklet has entered the initial review process. “When and How Will Christ Return?,” is the title, and this will be our 40th booklet to be published. All of our booklets are posted on

“Becoming Surety for a Friend?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

What does the Bible say about becoming surety for another person, including your neighbor or your friend, or about co-signing a loan or a guarantee agreement? Should you provide financial security or collateral for another person? Don’t be too sure that you know the answer, because many well-meaning persons have acted wrongly to their own hurt, while bringing many sleepless nights and even financial ruin on themselves and their family. We are offering two free booklets on this program, which deal with sound financial principles.

“Führt Sünde zum Erfolg?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Does Sin Lead to Success?”

A new Global Trailer by Pastor Brian Gale is now available on YouTube. In it, Mr. Gale discusses our booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days.” Here is a summary:

WHY has God commanded us to keep holy certain annual Holy Days, which are listed, for example, in Leviticus 23? What possible relevance and meaning could these “ancient” Holy Days have for us today? In this booklet, you will learn the truth about the annual Holy Days and Festivals to be kept in the Spring and early Summer. These days carry a deep and rich meaning, actually revealing to us the great master plan of God for mankind. But just knowing about them academically is not enough! Blessed are those who understand them and actually DO them, keeping them Holy as God made them holy!

Truth Be Bold,” the sermon presented by Michael Link on the previous Sabbath is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are we convinced that we know the truth, that the Bible is in fact true? If we know what we read is true, how do we apply it in our lives and do we speak the truth with boldness?  The Bible is filled with many examples of those who spoke the truth with boldness, along with evidence that the Bible is the Truth.     

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Old Testament Laws — Still Valid Today?,” has been mailed to our subscribers, and it is posted on our webpage. If you would like a free copy, it is available upon request.

“America Has Won Its Last War!,” is the title of our new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Until his death in 1986, Herbert W. Armstrong proclaimed many times that with World War II, America had won its last war. Was he right? A remarkable recent article in the Huffington Post confirms his prediction. But how did he know, and why has America been so unsuccessful? And why is it so powerless today in regard to the present disastrous conditions in Iraq and the speedy advance of militant Islamist groups, such as ISIS and ISIL? Your Bible gives you the answers, and our booklets help you to understand. On this program, we offer free copies of “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” “Should You Fight in War?” and “Old Testament Laws-Still Valid Today?”

“It is Satan’s Fault!,” the sermon given last Sabbath, is now posted–here is a summary:

Is Satan responsible for all the evil which we may encounter in our lives? Is it his fault when we don’t overcome sin? Of course, Satan has deceived the whole world, and he is the god of this present age. However, Christ came to deliver us from the power of Satan and to bring us to God. The Bible shows us that we can conquer Satan, but we are admonished not to turn away from the truth. Many have done this over the years, because they ignored important facts about Satan’s goal and intention. God declares to us that we will be victorious over Satan, when we draw near to God and stay close to Him. Do you know where you can find these promises in your Bible?

“Erschafft Gott das Böse?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Does God Create Evil?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Old Testament Laws — Still Valid Today?,” has been posted. Printed copies of this publication have also been received. They will be sent out to our US subscribers early next week, and they will be forwarded to our organizations in the UK and Canada for further distribution.

In addition, we have contacted our printer in Germany to produce a German version of our booklet, “Jesus Christ—A Great Mystery!”

“LGBT Pride, Gay Parades and the Bible,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

An openly transgender priest and an openly gay priest speak in the US Episcopal Church. Catholic Nancy Pelosi asks San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone, not to participate at a march for traditional marriage, as some of the participants might show hate or disdain for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. President Obama designates June as LGBT Pride Month. The US Embassy in Tel Aviv raises a rainbow flag to show America’s support for the celebration of LGBT Pride Week and the biggest gay parade in the Middle East. Those who dare to criticize these developments are labeled as despisers of mankind and in violation of democratic values. Did you know that God condemns all of this very strongly in His Word, the Bible?

“Welche Sprache hat Jesus Gesprochen?,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program. This is the German version of our recent English SW program on what language did Jesus speak.

“Satan Ist Schuld!,” is the title of the German sermon for this week. Norbert Link will be giving the same sermon in English this Sabbath as well.

Title in English:  “It is Satan’s Fault!”

“How Does the Holy Spirit Work?, the sermon given by Eric Rank on June 7, 2014, is now posted. Here is a summary:

With the Holy Spirit of God playing such a crucial role in the history of the universe, it is vitally important to understand exactly how it works. What effect does it have? How is it obtained? How is it lost? How is it distinguished from other spirits that work in man? The answers to these questions will empower you.

The Time of Trouble!,” a sermon presented by Dave Harris on June 14, 2014, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Prophecies of the Bible reveal many things, but none is more terrifying than what is commonly called, “the great tribulation.” The very existence of life on earth will hang in the balance, but God promises to intervene on behalf of the “elect.” Are you watching and are you ready to face what is coming? Will you be one of those whom God protects? Or are you willing to dismiss and reject the warnings God is giving to mankind?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Why Britain Will Leave the EU,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Church of God has proclaimed for many decades that Britain will leave Europe. Current events strongly suggest that the moment of Britain’s departure from the EU is not far away. Der Spiegel wrote that Europe must choose democracy over Britain. The Guardian reported that Britain’s conduct “is getting on a lot of Germans’ nerves,” and that the “UK’s relationship with the EU has reached a breaking point.” How could anybody know this more than 40 or even 70 years ago? In this program, we offer free copies of our booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America” and “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

“Wer ist der Kleinste im Himmelreich?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon, which is titled, in English: “Who is the Least in the Kingdom of Heaven?”

“Glückliche Familien – ein Muss!,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, which promotes our German booklet on marriage and family (Die Schlüssel zur glücklichen Ehe und Familie!). Title in English: “Happy Families – a Must!”

“God’s Spirit of Power,” is the title of the recent Pentecost sermon presented by Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

One of the most important qualities of the Holy Spirit is godly power with which God creates and upholds everything, and which He wants to share with man. But first, certain special requirements are necessary. This sermon shows you our incredible potential, if we are counted worthy for it.

Global Trailer, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” presented by Pastor Brian Gale, has been posted on YouTube.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written by Pastor Brian Gale in which he cautions that we must ignore the mockers and scoffers who question the return of Jesus Christ, but that we are to look forward to the time of Christ’s return with great anticipation.

“What Language Did Jesus Speak?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

During Pope Francis’ recent trip to Israel, an exchange occurred between him and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the language that Jesus spoke. While Netanyahu claimed that Jesus spoke Hebrew, Francis responded that He spoke in Aramaic. Netanyahu replied, “He spoke Aramaic, but He knew Hebrew.” Could neither the pope nor Netanyahu be right? What does the Bible say?

Our new booklet, “Old Testament Laws—Still Valid Today?” has been sent to the printer.

“Gibt es Heute Propheten in Gottes Kirche?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. In English, the title is, “Are there Prophets in God’s Church today?”

“Pfingsten 2014—Gottes Geist der Kraft” is the title of the sermon for Pentecost. In English, the title is: “Pentecost 2014—God’s Spirit of Power.”

“How Wise Are You—Really?,” is the title of last week’s sermon, given by Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Are we wise in God’s eyes, or do we possess the wisdom of this world, which God describes as foolishness? What is true wisdom, and how does it manifest itself? How can we obtain godly wisdom? The Bible speaks of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. What is the difference? Why is it necessary that we have all three qualities, even though they do not guarantee that we will not fall away from God? What else is there to consider?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Rene and Delia Messier will visit the brethren in Oregon next weekend, and Mr. Messier will present the morning sermon on Pentecost.

Our new booklet, “Old Testament Laws—Still Valid Today?” has reached the final review cycle. We anticipate sending the booklet next week to our printer.

“Pope Francis’ Trip to Israel in Light of Biblical Prophecy.” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Why was Pope Francis’ recent trip to the Middle East and Israel of significant importance in light of biblical prophecy? Which events are most telling, and where will they lead? Our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation” gives you detailed answers.

During the conference, we determined to post all video-recorded ministerial sermons on YouTube. So far, we have one given by Eric Rank during the Days of Unleavened Bread, “The Time Is Now” and Dave Harris’ Sabbath sermon, “Who Will Listen?”. Also, Brian Gale’s sermons which were recorded in California are being posted on YouTube in England. These will complement the extensive presentations by Norbert Link which are also posted on YouTube.

“Verschwörungstheorien und die Bibel,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The title in English:”Conspiracy Theories and the Bible.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Here is a run-down on the most popular StandingWatch programs (the recent SW program on “Ukraine in Prophecy” has been viewed in excess of 9,000):

“When Will Russia Attack Israel” has by now topped 146,000; followed by “How Germans Really Feel” (45,000); “Germany Is Back–Why Now?” (37,000); “Coming–The Great Depression” (almost 36,000); “New Great Depression In 2012?” (almost 36,000); “Is The Fourth Reich Coming?” (34,000); “When Will Israel Attack Iran?” (25,000); “Food Shortage In The USA” (23,000); “666–Number Of The Beast’s Name” (20,000); “Why Atheists Are Wrong” (almost 19,000); and so on.

Additional popular programs include the one on “A Singular Nuclear Bomb Could Destroy America” (13,000); “WHY Is Christ’s Return Near?”(over 10,000) and “Germany’s Trier Much Older Than Rome?” (almost 11,000); also, the one on “The Bible and the Mahdi” (almost 8,000)–followed by programs in the 7,000 range, 6,000 range, 5,000 range, etc.

“Let’s Count Our Blessings in the USA!,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Even though we are committed to warn our nation of impending disaster, if we don’t change our ways, we need to be thankful for the freedom we still have in the USA. This program gives you some stirring eyewitness examples of attacks on individual liberties in Germany and Europe, serving as a warning that we, as a nation, do not fall into the same trap. At the same time, we are rectifying a common error about Europe’s unification, which some hold because of a misunderstanding of biblical prophecies. We are offering our free booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

“Wie Weise Sind Sie Wirklich?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon–title in English: “How Wise Are You Really?”

“Christ’s Parables in the Book of Luke,” presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Less than two months ago, we discussed many of the parables in the Book of Matthew. In this sermon, we will address those parables in the book of Luke, which are not addressed in the book of Matthew. They include, among many others, the parable of the good Samaritan; the rich fool; the great supper; the lost son, the unjust steward; the Pharisee and the tax collector; the minas; and of course the mostly misunderstood parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

We have also posted a recent sermon by Pastor Brian Gale (United Kingdom), given during his recent visit to the U.S. The title is “No Hiding Place.” 

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written and mailed this week. In it, Dave Harris reviews prophecies given to help Christians prepare for future trials and points to the need to more fervently draw close to God.

“Does the Vatican Question the Return of Christ?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

A spokesperson for the Vatican, Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore, allegedly announced that the coming of Christ may not happen. The Cardinal reportedly said that Jesus may have been drinking when he uttered the statements of His return, and that people make promises they can’t keep when they’re drunk. Other religious teachers postulate as well that Jesus will not return, or that He has already returned. Why does the Bible condemn these views as deceitful, blasphemous and ungodly?

“Warum Heilt Gott Mich Nicht?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon–the title in English: “Why Doesn’t God Heal Me?”

“The Book of 2 Thessalonians,” the sermon given by Norbert Link this past Sabbath is now posted. Here is a summary:

What significance does Paul’s prophetic writing have for us today? Who is the son of perdition and the man of sin, sitting in the temple of God, claiming to be God?  What is meant with “antichrist”? Are God’s people still going to face the falling away from the truth? Does the Bible teach that Christ returns twice? How does God send strong delusion?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link have returned from their almost month-long visit in Germany. Many important decisions were made in firmly establishing our European activities by the Church. Mr. Link will be giving further announcements in our live broadcast this coming Sabbath.

“Do the Dead Work Miracles?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Pope John Paul II became a saint after two miracles were attributed to him after his death. A four-year-old child had a near-death experience during which he allegedly communicated with his dead sister. True or false? Is something like this possible? Are the dead still alive? Can they work miracles or communicate with us? Or are we dealing here with terrible deceptions of demonic origin? What does your Bible say? Order our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

“Neu! Wie Gott Mensch Wurde,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Mr. Link discusses how Jesus became a human being, and addresses the issue that He was the “only-begotten” Son of God. Title in English: “How God Became Man.”

All six German sermons, which Mr. Link gave while in Germany, have been posted on the Web. They include five messages on the entire letter to the Galatians and Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians. You can view the sermons at

“Retten Sie Ihre Ehe!,” is the tile of a new AufPostenStehen program, which advertises our free new German booklet on Happy Marriages and Families. Title in English: Save Your Marriage!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

While in Germany, Mr. Link has finalized the new German site for the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles. The location is near Berlin. Also, a German Member Letter has been sent to subscribers announcing these arrangements.

“The Real Herbert W. Armstrong,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Church of the Eternal God and its corporate worldwide affiliates teach as major doctrines those which were taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, as derived from the Bible. Much has been written and said about Herbert Armstrong, but very little resembles the truth. In this program, we present to you the real Herbert Armstrong and explain the end-time commission and purpose of God’s true Church. We also offer our free booklet on the “Authority of the Bible.”

©2025 Church of the Eternal God