Current Events

Why is the Pope Visiting Britain?

Overshadowing the papal visit to Britain, the first for Pope Benedict XVI, are questions as to why he would confront the obvious public outcry against his trip. reported on September 16:

“As the United Kingdom braces to receive one of the best-known and most controversial figures on the planet, Pope Benedict XVI, a question hangs over the state visit: Why is he coming?”

The article continues:

“And the United Kingdom is not a Catholic country. On the contrary, Britain’s break from Rome in the 16th century echoes, if faintly, to the present day, with laws on the books forbidding the heir to the British throne from marrying a Catholic.

“In fact, the country is one of the less religious ones in Europe, home to vociferous critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins, and those who find belief in a higher power simply unnecessary, like Stephen Hawking.

“Public opinion on the eve of his visit ranges from indifference to downright hostility. There will be protests from critics who consider him a protector of pedophiles and from liberal Catholics who resent his staunch defense of orthodox doctrine.

“And all this will play out in in front of the British media — one of the world’s most aggressive.

“So why, aged 83 and happier at home, is the professorial vicar of Christ on earth stepping into the lion’s den? It may be the very factors that seem to argue against his coming that impelled him to come, according to two experts.

“This pope relishes a challenge, said John Allen, CNN’s senior Vatican analyst. His ‘No. 1 priority is to combat secularism, and in some ways the United Kingdom is the dictionary definition of a post-religious society,” Allen said. “He just created a whole new department in the Vatican to reawaken the faith in the West, and this trip is a chance to elaborate a strategy.’

However, ABC NEWS/International (online 9/16/10) further reports on the swirling resentment that is following the pope’s visit:

“But this four-day, $20 million visit is already mired in controversy. The cloud of the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is hanging over events.

“Belgian investigators just published a report detailing sexual abuse by priests in nearly every diocese in that country.

“Some of the victims were reportedly as young as two years old.

“British victims of abuse are demanding more than just an apology from the Pope. They want money for counseling and they want the Vatican to throw open its files on abuse.

“Protests are also planned by those who oppose the Pope’s views on condom use, homosexuality and the ordination of women.

“When asked about the sex scandals, he said ‘the revelations were a shock to him’ and ’caused great sadness.'”

UK is Like “Third World Country!”

The, on September 15, 2010, reported the reactions to very controversial remarks made by a leading papal advisor:

“The pope’s visit to the UK is mired in controversy after one of Benedict XVI’s senior advisers dropped out after comparing an arrival in multicultural Britain to landing ‘in a third-world country’.

“Cardinal Walter Kasper – the Vatican’s leading expert on relations with the Church of England – also accused the UK of discriminating against Christians.

“The cardinal’s remarks, made hours before the papal party was due to land in Edinburgh this morning, came in an interview with the German news magazine Focus, in which he noted that Britain was a ‘secular, pluralistic’ country.

“Asked by the magazine whether Christians were discriminated against in the UK, Kasper replied: ‘Yes. Above all, an aggressive new atheism has spread through Britain. If, for example, you wear a cross on British Airways, you are discriminated against.'”

Strife Builds Over French Actions

Controversy continues over France’s crackdown on illegal migrants, and BBC reported on September 16:

“President Nicolas Sarkozy was furious after European Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding appeared to compare France’s removal of Roma with Gypsy deportations during World War II…

“Although France has deported thousands of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma over the past few years, it began accelerating the process last month, as part of a high-profile crackdown on illegal camps in the country.

“On Tuesday, Ms Reding seemed to compare France’s actions to the persecution of Jews and Gypsies in Nazi-occupied France, when she said: ‘This is a situation I had thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War.’

“She also urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over the deportations.”

Also, from the BBC on September 16, 2010:

“France and Germany are embroiled in a diplomatic row after German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly contradicted President Nicolas Sarkozy on the issue of Roma camps.

“The issue of Roma (Gypsy) deportations from France has dominated an EU summit.

“Mr Sarkozy told a news conference that Chancellor Merkel had said to him that she intended to follow France’s example in dismantling Roma camps.

“Mrs Merkel’s spokesman denied she had discussed the issue with Mr Sarkozy.

“Fresh from a blazing row with the president of the European Commission, President Sarkozy has managed to fall out with his closest ally in Europe, says the BBC’s Oana Lungescu, who was at the summit in Brussels.”

The focus on human rights is pre-occupying the planned summit of EU leaders in Brussels, while the intended focus was a co-ordinated approach towards China and India–new emerging power-houses on the world stage.

We are witnessing a steady emergence of issues that will soon call for a new kind of leadership in Europe, and Bible prophecies reveal that the stage is set for a startling shift in who is the true super-power! Please read our free booklet: Europe In Prophecy-The Unfolding of End-Time Events.

No Middle-Ground in the Middle East!

Following more “peace talks,” the stalemate remains deeply entrenched in the volatile West Bank.

On September 16, CNN World reported:

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has proposed a three-month extension of Israel’s construction moratorium on the West Bank, a diplomatic source told CNN Thursday.

“The proposal, which was made this week during Middle East peace talks being held in the region, was accepted by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, but essentially rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The two sides appear to be at a stalemate, the source said.

“Netanyahu’s official position remains that he will not support any extension of the moratorium, which has been in place for 10 months and is set to expire September 26.

“The U.S. special envoy to the region, former Sen. George Mitchell, is attempting to negotiate a “quid pro quo” from the Palestinians in exchange for an extension, the source added.

“‘There are all kinds of ideas in the air’ over different ways to break the logjam, the source noted.’

“‘Nobody is going to let the talks break down over this issue,’ the source said. ‘Nobody is walking out of these talks.'”

Along with the momentous changes occurring now in Europe, the Middle East remains one of the most troublesome challenges in today’s diplomatic efforts. Like Europe, this region, and especially the State of Israel and Jerusalem, are destined to fulfill prophecies from the Word of God that only few now understand.

Our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah-Prophecies for Today!,” will help you understand, as well. 

Current Events

Coming in 2011–Largest Tax Hikes in US History

On September 3, 2010, The Drudge Report linked to the following article, published by
“In just 120 days, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect…

“The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates… The ‘marriage penalty’ (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level. The dependent care tax credit will be cut… For those dying on or after January 1, 2011, there is a 55 percent top death tax rate on estates over $1 million… The top capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011.  The top dividends tax rate will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011.  These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013…

“There are over twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. Several will first go into effect on January 1, 2011… Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin). The HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike… increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent… Starting next year, there will be a multi-billion dollar tax assessment imposed on name-brand drug manufacturers. This tax, like all excise taxes, will raise the price of medicine, hurting everyone… The IRS is now empowered to disallow perfectly-legal tax deductions and maneuvers merely because it judges that the deduction or action lacks “economic substance.”  This is obviously an arbitrary empowerment of IRS agents. Employer Reporting of Health Insurance… will start for W-2s in the 2011 tax year.  While not a tax increase in itself, it makes it very easy for Congress to tax employer-provided healthcare benefits later…

“The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available. Tax credits for education will be limited. Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses… Until this year, a retired person with an IRA could contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA… This ability will no longer be there.”

USA Today added on September 8:

“The most sweeping tax cuts in a generation are due to expire at the end of the year. Congress is set to take up the issue this month. If Congress does nothing, families at every income level face tax increases next year.

2011 Income
Number of tax returns
Average tax increase
Less than $10,000
$10,000 to $20,000
$20,000 to $30,000
$30,000 to $40,000
$40,000 to $50,000
$50,000 to $75,000
$75,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $200,000
$200,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $1 million
$1 million and over

In times of financial hardship, these tax hikes are irresponsible and extremely damaging to all of us. Even though the USA is not ruled by a “king,” dictatorial and autocratic government-imposed measurements surely give the impression that we are. In other words, we are under a CURSE!

The Bible warned ancient Israel that the people’s desire to reject God’s leadership and be ruled instead by a king would result in financial hardship, misery, high taxes, increased wars and pain (compare 1 Samuel 8:11-18). We are being plagued by similar problems today.

As the ancient Israelites, many Americans foolishly felt that a new president would bring about “change” for the better. Now, many feel that a change in the current government would substantially improve our condition. It is high time for the American people to wake up and forsake their trust in a man–ANY man–and to return to God who alone can give us peace and prosperity.

Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan Not a Hit with Economists

USA Today wrote on September 8:

“President Obama’s proposal to jolt a listless recovery with $180 billion worth of tax breaks and transportation projects left economists largely unimpressed Tuesday. ‘I don’t think they’re game-changers,’ says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. ‘I don’t think they’re going to add up to a lot of new jobs’…

“The administration wants to spark economic growth by… letting businesses deduct from their tax bills 100% (up from 50%) of what they invest in new equipment through 2011. The deduction would give businesses $200 billion up-front; but it would cost the Treasury only $30 billion over the next decade because businesses would have gradually written off the value of the equipment anyway…

“Zandi says companies probably wouldn’t ramp up spending to take advantage of the deduction until next year: ‘Most companies are going to sit back and make sure the business landscape is safe before they jump in.'”

The Universe Created Itself?

The Daily Mail wrote on September 3:

“The Archbishop of Canterbury has led a religious backlash after Britain’s most famous scientist declared God redundant. Dr Rowan Williams dismissed Professor Stephen Hawking’s findings that modern physics leaves no room for a Creator and science could explain the origins of the universe.

“In The Grand Design, the best-selling author concludes: ‘Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touchpaper and set the universe going.’

“But Dr Williams said: ‘… ‘It is the belief that there is an intelligent, living agent on whose activity everything ultimately depends for its existence. Physics on its own will not settle the question of why there is something rather than nothing.’

“Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks… said: ‘Science is about explanation. Religion is about interpretation… The Bible simply isn’t interested in how the universe came into being.’

“Vincent Nichols, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, added: ‘I would totally endorse what the Chief Rabbi said so eloquently about the relationship between religion and science.’

“Ibrahim Mogra, an imam and committee chairman at the Muslim Council of Britain, said: ‘If we look at the universe and all that has been created, it indicates that somebody has been here to bring it into existence. That somebody is the almighty conqueror.’…”

When reading those above-quoted comments by Prof. Hawking, Chief Rabbi Sacks or Archbishop Nichols, one shudders at the confusion, as they all got it wrong. If you want to know the TRUTH, please watch our new StandingWatch program, “Why Atheists Are Wrong.”

Germany’s Sarazzin Debate

AFP reported on September 6:

“Politicians have rushed to condemn a board member of the German central bank for a new book tackling immigration, but his views have found considerable support among the population at large. Thilo Sarrazin’s book ‘is not convincing, but it has convinced many people,’ said the influential Spiegel magazine, which this week has the Bundesbank executive on its cover, calling him a ‘people’s hero.’

“His publisher is rushing to print more copies of ‘Germany Does Itself In’ to meet demand. Online retailer has a massive 207 reader reviews on its website, with the average score 4.4 stars out of a possible five.

“The Social Democrats (SPD), the centre-left political party Sarrazin belongs to, has been inundated with thousands of letters, emails and phone calls attacking the central bank board’s desire to expel him. ‘Listen to the voice of the people for once,’ Spiegel quoted one of the almost 4,000 emails as saying.

“In the book, Sarrazin says Europe’s top economy is being undermined, overwhelmed and made ‘more stupid’ by poorly educated, fast-breeding, badly integrated and unproductive Muslim immigrants and their offspring. ‘If I want to hear the muezzin’s call to prayer, then I’ll go to the Orient,’ he says, saying that allowing in millions of ‘guest workers’ in the 1960s and 1970s was a ‘gigantic error.’

“He also says that Turkish and Kurdish ‘clans’ have a ‘long tradition of inbreeding,’ leading to higher rates of birth defects, and ponders whether this might be one reason for immigrants’ poor school performance, Spiegel said. This and his comment to a newspaper that ‘all Jews share a certain gene’, critics say, is akin to the kind of pseudo-science used by the Nazis.

“Chancellor Angela Merkel called the remarks ‘completely unacceptable.’ The Bundesbank’s board has asked President Christian Wulff to fire him, as it cannot do so itself. Sarrazin has no intention of going quietly, however, and has threatened to appeal in the courts if Wulff dismisses him in a ‘show trial’…

“The debate has taken on such proportions that Merkel, 56, gave an interview to the Turkish daily Hurriyet, and on Sunday she admitted in the Bild am Sonntag weekly that Germany has made mistakes and has a lot of work to do. In the past, Germany ‘dreamed a so-called multi-cultural dream and didn’t do enough to remind immigrants of their responsibilities,’ she told the paper.

“…a Pandora’s Box has been opened. Backing for Sarrazin, 65, is so strong that a survey published on Sunday indicated that if he set up his own new political party, almost one in five (18 percent) would vote for him. Sarrazin has no intention of doing any such thing, but the survey raised fears that a charismatic right-wing populist in Germany, like anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, could win considerable political support.”

Deutsche Welle reported on September 10 that Sarrazin asked German President Christian Wulff to relieve him of his responsibilities as a German central bank board member.

The Bible announced in advance that in these last days, a powerful charismatic leader will arise in Germany and become the leader of Europe.

Germany Without Right-Wing Leaders… For Now…

Der Spiegel wrote on September 3:

“Right-wing populist parties are everywhere in Europe. But in Germany… the right side of the political spectrum is decidedly vacant. Why?… In contrast to virtually all of its neighbors — particularly Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France — there is no political home in Germany for people like Sarrazin…

“The fleeting nature of right-wing populism in Germany is almost unique in continental Europe. Belgium has the Vlaams Belang party, the Netherlands has Geert Wilders and France’s far right has periodically found significant success at the polls under Jean-Marie Le Pen. In Switzerland, voters supported a populist movement to ban the construction of minarets. Austria’s right wing has a long history of political success under now deceased Freedom Party leader Jörg Haider and many eastern European countries, led by Hungary, have an active right wing…

“Still, the almost unanimous opprobrium German political parties have heaped on Sarrazin is misleading. Recent studies suggest that the lack of a robust, right-wing populist party in Germany is more of a political anomaly than an indication of tolerance in the country. According to a study by the University of Bielefeld published last December, fully 46 percent of Germans agree that there are ‘too many Muslims’ in the country…

“A survey in July, conducted by the polling institution Emnid for the newsweekly Focus, found that 20 percent of Germans would consider voting for a party to the right of Merkel’s Christian Democrats… Nevertheless, [Ulrich] Kober, [head of the integration and education department at the Bertelsmann Stiftung think tank] emphasizes, there is nothing to prevent the development of a populist right wing in Germany in the future… ‘We aren’t that different from our neighbors,’ Kober says. ‘The xenophobic and anti-Muslim potential is there. I certainly wouldn’t bet my life on Germany being an island of sanity.'”

Conspiracy Against Netherlands’s Geert Wilders?

Reuters reported on September 3:

“A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday. Wilders’ Freedom Party scored the biggest gains in June 9 polls… Polls show Wilders would win a new election if one were called now.

“Wilders demanded to know why he had learnt about the threat from the newspaper and not from Dutch authorities who are guarding him after a film and remarks he made angered Muslims around the world.

“De Telegraaf, the Netherlands’ largest newspaper, led its front page on Friday with a story on the speech by Feiz Muhammad… The paper posted an English-language audio clip in which he refers to Wilders as ‘this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland’ and explains that anyone who talks about Islam like Wilders does should be executed by beheading…

“Wilders is currently on trial in the Netherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims. The Freedom Party leader made a film in 2008 which accused the Koran of inciting violence and mixed images of terrorist attacks with quotations from the Islamic holy book. Wilders was also charged because of outspoken remarks in the media, such as an opinion piece in a Dutch daily in which he compared Islam to fascism and the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’… But his views have also made him extremely popular with a segment of the country uneasy about the Netherlands’ commitment to multiculturalism.”

Austria’s Strache on the Rise?

The Austrian Independent wrote on September 6:

“Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache has attacked the European Union (EU) for being a ‘centralist’ association. The right-wing politician said today… ‘We want a federalist Europe, not a centralist one.’ Strache has previously criticised EU decision-makers for financially backing struggling member Greece. He has also attacked the Austrian government for contributing around 2.3 billion Euros to the international rescue and support bid for Greece.

“Strache became federal leader of the FPÖ five years ago after former party boss Jörg Haider – who died in 2008 – set up the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ). All then FPÖ ministers followed Haider and joined the new right-wing party. Both factions suffered losses in subsequent elections, but the FPÖ recuperated significantly faster than the BZÖ.

“Strache’s party is expected to increase its share in upcoming provincial elections in Styria (26 September, 4.6 per cent in 2005) and Vienna (10 October, 14.8 per cent in 2005). Its Styrian branch has caused outcry by setting up an online shooting game targeting mosques and muezzins, while Strache – who also heads the FPÖ’s Viennese department – said he considered suggestions for more mosques featuring minarets ‘disconcerting’. FPÖ General Secretary Harald Vilimsky has been criticised for calling mosques ‘hotbeds of radical Islam.'”

The struggle between Christian Europe and its Muslim citizens and residents will continue and increase in proportion.

Roma the New European Scapegoats?

Der Spiegel wrote on September 6:

“France’s expulsion of Roma people could be copied by other governments unless it is vigorously condemned by the European public, warn German media commentators. They argue that Brussels is right to voice its misgivings against a policy that flies in the face of the principles the French nation has stood for since the revolution…

“Left-wing Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘Officially it isn’t a crime yet in France to be a Roma from Romania or Bulgaria. But de facto the French government is no longer treating these European Union citizens as individuals with fundamental rights. They are being treated as enemies… The Roma are an easy target for a policy that is seeking cheap applause from worried citizens. Like the term “gypsies” in the past, the word “Roma” is being used by government propaganda as a synonym for thieves and troublesome beggars whose expulsion doesn’t require any further reason: their ethnic background suffices…

“‘This hunt for publicly branded scapegoats serves as a deterrence. The Roma are being made an example of for a policy that Nicolas Sarkozy was already considering when he was still interior minister talking about “selective immigration.” This policy deliberately instrumentalizes existing prejudices. There is a big risk that this policy will spread from France and Italy to the rest of Europe if it isn’t rejected firmly enough by the European public.’

“The Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel writes: ‘The Roma are EU citizens — everywhere in the European Union. That means that Roma who come from within the EU can move freely everywhere in the bloc… Sarkozy is by no means the only European leader to be tough with the Roma. Germany’s current repatriation of Roma refugees to Kosovo poses the question: are we really checking every individual case here too?'”

Deutsche Welle reported on September 9 that the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning France’s policy of Roma deportation. The article continued: 

“The resolution stressed that ‘mass expulsions are prohibited’ under EU law, ‘since they amount to discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity.’ French Immigration Minister Eric Besson… said there was ‘no question’ of Paris complying. ‘Of course we are not going to submit to a political diktat,’ Besson said.”

It is always dangerous to look for scapegoats to be blamed for unfavorable conditions.

“Europe Needs a Directly Elected Leader with Charisma”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on September 8:

“European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso came out with plenty of fine words during his ‘state of the union’ speech on Tuesday… It seemed inevitable that expectations would be disappointed… Barroso, who is not known for his charisma or public speaking ability… was criticized both for blandness and for not speaking out clearly on issues such as the deportation of Roma in France, which the EU has expressly criticized…

“Commentators writing in the Wednesday editions of Germany’s main newspapers give their verdict on Barroso’s speech. The consensus is that Europe needs a more passionate advocate if ordinary people are to overcome their apathy regarding the EU.

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘According to surveys, every second European feels apathetic toward the European Union. …. Therefore, it would be in the interest of the president of the European Commission to ignite a bit of enthusiasm for Europe among Europeans. But passion is not Jose Manuel Barroso’s thing… Instead of revealing what he really thinks, Barroso remained true to his nickname of the “chameleon”… Europe needs a directly elected leader with charisma.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘Barroso…fuelled the preconception that Europe wants more power and money…’

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

“The European Union is currently in a weak state… The citizens of Europe are turning away from the EU… And the governments of most member states are placing their bets on national interests rather than further European integration… without new political glue to hold it together, the EU will fall apart in the long term. Neither the Commission nor the Parliament can prevent that — only the member states can. Only in the individual countries can the people of Europe be persuaded that the EU is a good thing…”

The EU will not fall apart; however, we will witness a two-speed Europe with a core Europe of ten nations or groups of nations. And there WILL BE a charismatic leader who will present the glue to hold Europe together. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

Watch Rise of Militaristic China

The Economist Daily wrote on September 1:

“The International Institute for Strategic Studies (better known as the IISS), reckons China now has more warships than America, which long possessed the biggest fleet. As it can be hard to distinguish a warship from other boats, the IISS uses its own definition of what counts and what does not. This striking trend is yet another manifestation of the rise of China.”

The Bible prophesies a military alliance between China, Russia, Japan, India and other Far Eastern countries, which will become a challenge to Europe.

Soon–Nuclear War in the Middle East?

Reuters reported on September 3:

” Iran would retaliate by striking Israel’s nuclear facility if Israel attacked its nuclear activities, armed forces chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi said on Friday. ‘Our developed weapons can hit any part of the Zionist regime (Israel) … We hope not to be forced to attack their nuclear facility,’ Firouzabadi told the semi-official Mehr news agency…

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in a live broadcast at Tehran University marking the annual Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, told Israel to leave Iran alone… Israel, believed to be the only nuclear-armed Middle East state, has not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to end a dispute over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”

Middle Eastern Peace Talks

Haaretz reported on September 6:

“The United States and the international community must pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if peace between Israel and the Palestinians is to be finally achieved, Arab Israeli MK Ahmed Tibi said in a Los Angeles Times editorial over the weekend, adding that, left to his own devices, Netanyahu would only continue his history of evading an honest peace deal.

“The L.A. Times op-ed was published in the wake of last week’s peace summit in Washington, in which Israel and the Palestinians relaunched direct peace talks in an attempt to reach a final status peace deal within 12 months. However, despite reports of optimism in both camps over the possibility of a peace agreement, Tibi wrote that Netanyahu would only use direct talks to avoid achieving a deal with the Palestinian Authority, as he has done in the past.”

In a related article, Haaretz wrote on September 6:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed concern Monday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas would abandon the peace process, after the latter declared that he would not concede to Israel on a number of core issues and would refuse to continue negotiations should construction resume in West Bank settlements…

“Meanwhile, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said Monday that Israel’s demand to be officially recognized as a Jewish state was ‘a cause for concern’, considering the growing Arab sector.”  

As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3: “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.”

Jeremiah 6:14 adds: “…Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.”

Jeremiah gives us the answer from God’s own mouth for this development: “They continually say to those who despise Me, ‘The LORD has said, “You shall have peace,” And to everyone who walks according to the dictates [stubbornness] of his own heart, they say, “No evil shall come upon you.”‘… Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD has gone forth in fury–A violent whirlwind!… In the latter days you will understand it perfectly” (Jeremiah 23:17-20).

Christian Outrage on Planned Burning of Koran

AFP reported on September 8:

“The planned mass burning of copies of the Koran in Florida on Sept. 11 would be ‘an outrageous and grave gesture,’ the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue said Wednesday. Florida pastor Terry Jones… vowed to burn the Muslim holy book in a protest against extremism. ‘No one burns the Koran,’ read the headline in Tuesday’s L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s paper.

“The Vatican’s condemnation added to a chorus of voices asking Jones to reconsider his protest. The planned Koran burning drew widespread protest from leading figures, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus.

“Last month, The Dove World Outreach Center of Gainesville [listing 50 members] made international headlines when it announced on its Facebook page that members of its congregation would burn copies of the Koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the U.S.”

Newsmax reported on September 9:

“The anti-Muslim leader of a tiny Florida church says he was lied to and is rethinking his decision to cancel burning Korans to mark 9/11. Pastor Terry Jones earlier Thursday had backed off his threat to burn the Koran after he said he was promised that a planned Islamic center and mosque would be moved away from New York’s ground zero. Muslim leaders denied there was such a deal. Later outside his church he said that the imam he thought he made the deal with ‘clearly, clearly lied to us’ about moving the mosque.”

Even though we most certainly do not advocate or support the mass burning of copies of the Koran, one has to ask where is the outrage of Christian or American leaders when copies of the Bible or the American flag are burned, or when Jesus Christ is mocked and blasphemed in cartoons and other publications?

USA Today touches upon this very issue, when it states on September 8:

“Is burning a Bible because you hate Christianity, a hate crime? How about burning a Torah? Is that an anti-Semitic act? And this brings us to the question of burning a Quran…. Is the Dove World Outreach Center’s Quran bonfire, planned for the Saturday anniversary of the 9/11 attack, a hate crime or an expression of free speech — like the deplorable but legal protest act of burning a U.S. flag to object to a government policy?”

Terry Jones in Germany

Der Spiegel Online wrote on September 8:

“What is less well known is that [Terry Jones] led a charismatic evangelical church, the Christian Community of Cologne, in the western German city up until 2009. Last year, however, the members of the congregation kicked founder Jones out, because of his radicalism… The pastor and his wife apparently regarded themselves as having been appointed by God, meaning opposition was a crime against the Lord… Andrew Schäfer, a Protestant Church official responsible for monitoring sects in the region where Cologne is located [said:] ‘Terry Jones is a fundamentalist…’

“Both major churches in Germany have ‘sect commissioners’ who monitor the activities of religious groups, sects and cults… According to Schäfer, Jones urged church members to beat their children with a rod and also taught ‘a distinctive demonology’ and conducted brainwashing.

“When he came to Germany in the 1980s, Jones apparently considered Cologne ‘a city of Hell that was founded by Nero’s mother,’ while he thought Germany was ‘a key country for the supposed Christian revival of Europe,’ Schäfer says.

“Jones became increasingly radical as the years went by, former associates say. At one point he wanted to help a homosexual member to ‘pray away his sins.’ Later he began to increasingly target Islam in his sermons…

“By the end of 2007, the community had had enough. Members confronted him and tried to change the direction of the church. But Terry Jones refused to make changes, they say. In the end, Jones, his wife and their fellow preachers were expelled from the church and he moved back to the US…”

Of course, one has to be very careful when former members report about their church. Still, if true, some of these allegations about Jones would be very troublesome.

New Zealand’s Earthquake Tears Open New Faultline

Mail On Line reported on September 6:

“The earthquake that devastated a city in New Zealand tore open a new 11ft faultline in the Earth’s surface. The 7.1-magnitude quake which hit Christchurch, the country’s second-largest city, destroyed about 500 buildings and caused an estimated £930million of damage…

“The quake was caused by the continuing collision between the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates, said Professor Mark Quigley, of Canterbury University. ‘One side of the Earth has lurched to the right … up to 11ft and in some places been thrust up,’ he said. ‘We went and saw two houses that were completely snapped in half by the earthquake.’… Prime Minister John Key said it was a miracle no one was killed.”

Current Events

Destructive Solar Storm in 2012?

On August 26, Yahoo India News published an article by Australasian Science (ANI), stating the following:

“Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs… Similar storms back in 1859 and 1921 caused worldwide chaos, wiping out telegraph wires on a massive scale. The 2012 storm has the potential to be even more disruptive.

“‘The general consensus among general astronomers (and certainly solar astronomers) is that this coming Solar maximum (2012 but possibly later into 2013) will be the most violent in 100 years,’ quoted astronomy lecturer and columnist Dave Reneke as saying…

“No one really knows what effect the 2012-2013 Solar Max will have on today’s digital-reliant society. Dr Richard Fisher, director of NASA’s Heliophysics division, told Reneke the super storm would hit like ‘a bolt of lightning’, causing catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.

“NASA said that a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause ‘1 to 2 trillion dollars in damages to society’s high-tech infrastructure and require four to 10 years for complete recovery.'”

Volcano Erupts after 400 Years

The Associated Press reported on August 30:

“An Indonesian volcano dormant for four centuries erupted for the second straight day Monday, shooting clouds of hot ash more than a mile into the air and forcing 30,000 people to flee. Some domestic airplanes had to be diverted because of poor visibility. Many villagers living along the slopes of Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra province wore masks as they packed their belongings and headed to emergency shelters, mosques and churches… Their abandoned homes and crops were blanketed in gray soot and the air was thick with the smell of sulfur…

“Sinabung last erupted in 1600… Indonesia is spread across 17,500 islands and is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location within the so-called ‘Ring of Fire’ — a series of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

“It is also home to some of the largest eruptions in recorded history. The 1815 explosion of Mount Tambora buried the inhabitants of Sumbawa Island under searing ash, gas and rock, killing an estimated 88,000 people. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa could be heard 2,000 miles away and blackened skies region-wide for months. At least 36,000 people were killed in the blast and the tsunami that followed.”

For more information on volcanic eruptions, as well as past space impacts, as discussed in the next article, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution… A Fairy Tale for Adults.”

The Destruction of the Dinosaurs

BBC reported on August 27:

“The dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by at least two space impacts, rather than a single strike, a new study suggests. Previously, scientists had identified a huge impact crater in the Gulf of Mexico as the event that spelled doom for the dinosaurs. Now evidence for a second impact in Ukraine has been uncovered. This raises the possibility that the Earth may have been bombarded by a whole shower of space rocks…

“What might have caused this bombardment is highly uncertain.”

However, the Bible explains what caused the devastation in the past.

Devastation in Pakistan Continues…

The New York Times wrote on August 27:

“Hundreds of thousands more Pakistanis fled their homes as high floodwaters reached the southernmost region of the country and inundated several more districts… Almost one million people have been displaced since midweek in Sindh Province, adding to the estimated six million already made homeless countrywide over the last three weeks in Pakistan’s worst floods in living memory…

“Health workers setting up clinics in the major centers of displacement reported a sharp increase in cases of acute diarrhea. The numbers represent an increase of 30 percent compared with the same period last year… A high incidence of malaria is also being reported in the southern provinces…”

America’s Grim Economic Future

The Daily Mail wrote on August 27:

“America was heading for a second recession last night as gloomy figures showed its economy grinding to a halt. Slowing growth and rising unemployment across the Atlantic cast a long shadow over a small improvement in the UK economy –which grew at its fastest rate for nine years this spring…

“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke described the financial outlook yesterday as ‘inherently uncertain’ and said the economy ‘remains vulnerable to unexpected developments’… Any worldwide slowdown led by an American slump would hurt Chancellor George Osborne’s hopes of leading the UK to a recovery led by exports.”

President Obama Dismissive

Politico wrote on August 29:

“President Barack Obama dismissed a recent poll showing that a third of Americans don’t know he’s a Christian — and blamed an online campaign of misinformation by his conservative enemies for perpetuating the myth that he’s a Muslim.

“Obama, speaking with NBC ‘Nightly News’ anchor Brian Williams on Sunday afternoon, was equally dismissive of conservative talk show host Glenn Beck — saying he didn’t watch the Fox host’s Saturday rally in Washington but wasn’t surprised that Beck was able to ‘stir up’ people during uncertain economic times…

“‘I can’t spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,’ quipped Obama, who took a deep breath to gather his thoughts when asked if the poll reflected his inability to communicate with voters. ‘The facts are the facts. We went through some of this during the campaign — there is a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly,’ said a visibly annoyed Obama, referring to ‘birthers,’ who have waged a guerrilla campaign questioning either the existence or the validity of his Hawaiian birth certificate…

” A stunning 18 percent of Americans identify Obama as Muslim… Only a third identify Obama, who speaks passionately about his faith in his autobiography, as Christian…”

“Six Days to War” With Iran

Newsmax reported on August 27:

“Iran expert Kenneth R. Timmerman… lays out the scenario likely to unfold if the United States and Iran go to war. In Timmerman’s report, you’ll find out why ‘Six Days to War’ could happen sooner than you think — as many American assets are already ‘in position’ for an attack…

“Timmerman’s report on the looming war with Iran is based on sources including top Israeli intelligence officers, military, and political leaders interviewed in Israel and Washington, D.C., and a key planning document… developed by the Iranian navy.”

In a SPIEGEL interview, which was published on August 30, Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki discussed the “risk” of a military strike against Iran. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“SPIEGEL: There are growing calls in Israel for a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities — with or without Washington’s approval.

“Mottaki: Israel has been talking about this for years. The Zionist regime knows exactly what fate awaits it here. The regime would be putting its own existence at stake with an attack.

“SPIEGEL: You would attack Israel?

“Mottaki: I have just told you what would happen.

“SPIEGEL: Your first reactor, in Bushehr, is scheduled to go online on Sept. 26 after more than 30 years of construction. Do you really want to see the Israelis reduce it to rubble?

“Mottaki: Do you have evidence that Bushehr will be attacked? How probable do you think such an attack is?

“SPIEGEL: The likelihood is considered high.

“Mottaki: We don’t see this likelihood.

“SPIEGEL: Do you want to ignore reality? Don’t you recognize the military threat? Don’t you see the worldwide protest against the impending stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani [accused of adultery and sentenced to death]?

“Mottaki: What is the point of these questions? You would be better advised to listen to us. It was our interpretations of the situation in this region that have proved to be right. We predicted that the United States would capitulate in Iraq, and that’s what has happened. Instead, you are playing the human rights game. You ask me about the possible killing of a human being. But you show no sensitivity for the many, many people that are being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. How long does the West intend to live with this contradiction?”

Iraq’s Dire Situation–Waste of U.S. Taxpayer Money

The Associated Press reported on August 29:

“A $40 million prison sits in the desert north of Baghdad, empty. A $165 million children’s hospital goes unused in the south. A $100 million waste water treatment system in Fallujah has cost three times more than projected, yet sewage still runs through the streets

“As the U.S. draws down in Iraq, it is leaving behind hundreds of abandoned or incomplete projects. More than $5 billion in American taxpayer funds has been wasted — more than 10 percent of the some $50 billion the U.S. has spent on reconstruction in Iraq, according to audits from a U.S. watchdog agency.

“That amount is likely an underestimate, based on an analysis of more than 300 reports by auditors with the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction. And it does not take into account security costs, which have run almost 17 percent for some projects…

“Even completed projects for the most part fell far short of original goals… And the verdict is still out on whether the program reached its goal of generating Iraqi good will toward the United States instead of the insurgents…

“The reconstruction program in Iraq has been troubled since its birth shortly after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. The U.S. was forced to scale back many projects even as they spiked in cost, sometimes to more than double or triple initial projections…”

Iraq’s Dire Situation–Fears of Civil War

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 30:

“US combat troops are withdrawing from Iraq, where terrorist attacks are once again part of everyday life. The Iraqi population is suddenly mourning the departure of the once-hated occupiers, as fears of a civil war grow…

“Only 50,000 US troops will remain in the country, out of a total of over 170,000 soldiers that were in Iraq at the high point of the American deployment. They are staying mainly to support the Iraqi security forces as advisers and trainers, and are also due to return to their homeland at the end of 2011.

“The withdrawal of US combat troops from Iraq’s urban centers just over a year ago was welcomed euphorically… Visitors to Baghdad can sense the fear [now] that many people have of a new civil war. That fear is underscored by the daily news reports on television. Last week, at least 56 Iraqis died at the hands of suicide bombers and snipers in around two dozen terrorist attacks. In August, an average of five policemen or soldiers died every day…

“Given the violence that is flaring up again, many Iraqis want their occupiers to stay longer… The uncertainty about what will happen now is so far-reaching that it has even affected the former arch-enemies of the US Army. Abu Mujahid lost a leg in 2004 when he fought against the invaders in the battle of Fallujah. Shrapnel fragments are lodged in his head, the legacy of a US missile strike. ‘Yes, we fought them to the death,’ Mujahid, who is a Sunni Muslim, told the news agency Reuters. ‘We dreamed of the day when they would leave Iraq. But their withdrawal at this time is not in Iraq’s interests’…

“The US forces, for their part, are observing the sudden regret over their departure with interest. ‘We are seeing that very clearly,’ says Brigadier General Mark Corson, speaking in the US military base in Balad about 70 miles (110 kilometers) north of Baghdad… The decision to leave the country has not been called into question for one moment, despite the Iraqis’ new-found affection for their occupiers, Corson says. ‘You can’t please the Iraqis. If you’re here, you are the evil occupier. If you leave, you are letting them down. Then it’s better to just leave at some point.'”

Iraq’s Dire Situation–President Obama’s Oval Office Speech

The Associated Press reported on September 1:

“Despite President Barack Obama’s declaration Tuesday of an end to the combat mission in Iraq, combat almost certainly lies ahead. And in asserting the U.S. has met its responsibilities in Iraq, the president opened the door wide to a debate about the meaning of success in the muddle that most – but not all – American troops are leaving behind.

“A look at some of the statements Obama made in his Oval Office speech and how they compare with the facts:

“OBAMA: ‘Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.’

“THE FACTS: Peril remains for the tens of thousands of U.S. troops still in Iraq, who are likely if not certain to engage violent foes. Counterterrorism is chief among their continuing missions, pitting them against a lethal enemy. Several thousand special operations forces, including Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs, will continue to hunt and attempt to kill al-Qaida and other terrorist fighters – working closely with Iraqi forces. Obama said, ‘Of course, violence will not end with our combat mission,’ while stopping short of a full accounting of the hazards ahead for U.S. troops.

“OBAMA: ‘We have met our responsibility.’

“THE FACTS: That depends entirely on how the U.S. responsibility is defined. Sectarian division – the danger that Obama said as a presidential candidate had to be addressed before Iraq could succeed – continues to deprive the country of a fully functioning government. U.S. goals for reconstruction are unmet. And although the U.S. says Iraqi forces can handle the insurgency largely on their own, Iraq is expected to need U.S. air power and other military support for years to control its own air space and to deter a possible attack by a neighboring state.

“It was the U.S. that invaded Iraq, overthrew its government, disbanded its security forces and failed in the early phases of the conflict to understand the depth of Iraq’s sectarian and ethnic divisions and its political paralysis… today Iraq has no permanent government and its security forces arguably are not fully prepared to defend the country’s skies and borders…

“OBAMA: ‘Within Afghanistan, I have ordered the deployment of additional troops who – under the command of Gen. David Petraeus – are fighting to break the Taliban’s momentum. As with the surge in Iraq, these forces will be in place for a limited time to provide space for the Afghans to build their capacity and secure their own future.’

“THE FACTS: Obama is reciting almost the exact language of the Bush administration’s rationale for the Iraq surge: to buy time and space for the Iraqis to reach political accommodations and to strengthen their own security forces. That’s quite a change from Obama’s stand as a presidential candidate, when he criticized it. Obama seems to be embracing the troop surge logic now, even though it’s clear that the Iraqis have yet to achieve the necessary level of reconciliation to form an enduring government.”

Leader of Germany’s Central Bank under Fire over “Attacking” Jews and Muslims

The Daily Mail reported on August 30:

“A leading member of Germany’s central bank has caused outrage by claiming that Jews are identified by a particular gene. Thilo Sarrazin, who is on the board of the Bundesbank in Frankfurt, said in a newspaper interview: ‘All Jews share a certain gene. Basques (Spanish separatists) have particular genes, that distinguishes them from others.’

“Germany’s Jewish community today reacted with horror and accused him of anti-Semitism and attempted racial profiling. Germany’s deputy Chancellor Guido Westerwelle accused the banker of stoking up hatred… Another member of the German cabinet, defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, said Sarrazin had ‘overstepped the borders of provocation’. German Chancellor Angela Merkel tonight condemned Sarrazin for making ‘stupid and pointless’ statements…

“Sarrazin gave an interview to the respected Welt am Sonntag Sunday newspaper to promote his book entitled ‘Deutschland schafft sich ab’, which can be translated as ‘Germany does away with itself.’ In the book he claims the country is on the road to ruin because of the influx of immigrants from the Middle East which would overwhelm the indigenous population and create a nation of ‘dunces’. In particular he singles out Muslims for failing to integrate and having low IQs… He asserts the result has been a ‘dramatic fall’ in literacy and numeracy. ‘Germany is becoming more stupid,’ he said.

“‘Muslim immigrants don’t integrate as well as other immigrant groups across Europe. The reasons for this are apparently not based on their ethnicity, but are rooted in their culture of Islam,’ he told Welt am Sonntag. Germany has strict laws which ban inciting racial hatred. These include denying the Holocaust, using the Heil Hitler salute and displaying a Swastika. Making anti-Semitic remarks is also an offence but Sarrazin’s comments – while distasteful – are unlikely to lead to a prosecution.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 30:

“Sarrazin, a member of the center-left Social Democrats [and] a former minister of finance for the city-state of Berlin, has repeatedly caused controversy by criticising Turks and Arabs in Germany… In his book, Sarrazin argues that Muslims undermine German society and that young Muslim men are aggressive due to sexual frustration…

“Left-wing Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘He is without doubt a racist. Unlike other opponents of Islam, Sarrazin doesn’t just believe in a “clash of cultures” and voice shrill warnings about “over-alienation” by Muslims. He goes further by attributing cultural and social differences mainly to genetic dispositions… What should be done if 65 years after the banning of “Mein Kampf” another treatise of racial theory turns into a bestseller in Germany?’

“Conservative Die Welt writes: ‘He is right on many counts… One has to be appalled at a growing, passive-aggressive underclass, about miserable educational achievements and also about Turkish and Arab immigrants who refuse to integrate and to get an education. Even if many people claim that all this has long been known, nothing has been done. We still lack the political will to tackle this unpleasant conflict… One has to be tough and honest, but one mustn’t argue in static technocratic terms like Sarrazin…’

“Left-wing Frankfurter Rundschau writes: ‘The hobby author Sarrazin is responsible for risk control in the most important central bank of the euro zone. Such an office cannot seriously be carried out by someone who no one takes seriously anymore in the financial sector.'”

Germans Sympathetic Towards Sarrazin

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 30:

“Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) on Monday said it would begin proceedings for the expulsion of longstanding member Thilo Sarrazin over comments in his new book. Sarrazin… officially launched his book ‘Deutschland schafft sich ab’ (‘Germany does away with itself’) at a press conference in Berlin on Monday…

“At the launch, Sarrazin reiterated his beliefs about the threat of Muslim culture to European societies. He told reporters that Germans were in danger of becoming ‘strangers in their own country’ and demanded stronger checks on immigrants…

“Advance orders have sent the book to the top of German sales charts.”

Der Spiegel added on August 31:

“Thilo Sarrazin’s comments about Muslims have triggered outrage in Germany and abroad, but have met with willing listeners among the general public. His rhetoric is slowly bringing about change in Germany, transforming it from a tolerant society into one dominated by fear and Islamophobia…

“Of course, these fears are not completely unfounded. Conditions in areas like Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighborhood give rise to very real, justified concerns. There are schoolrooms where three-quarters of the students are from immigrant families, students whose German is barely good enough to get by. There are Arab and Albanian family clans that control crime syndicates and receive welfare benefits. There are phenomena like forced marriages and honor killings. In some mosques, imams are encouraging the faithful to engage in Islamist terror. All of this exists, and yet it has nothing to do with ordinary Islam and the day-to-day lives of well over 90 percent of Germany’s Muslims. And yet these are precisely the kinds of things that fuel cheap attempts to create stereotypes of Muslims as the enemy…

“There is no question that there are Muslims in Germany who sympathize with Islamist ideas… It is also undeniable that suicide bombers worldwide frequently invoke Islam — a deplorable but not an isolated phenomenon. Every monotheistic religion, through its claim to exclusivity, contains the potential for violence.

“But no one condemns Christianity as a whole when Northern Irish breakaway factions commit murder in the name of God. We don’t blame all Catholics when some of them kill abortion doctors while invoking their faith. And we don’t take all of Judaism to task when a Jewish terrorist named Baruch Goldstein slaughters dozens of Muslims during prayers in Hebron while invoking Yahweh. But we do condemn Islam, whose holy book contains about as many passages glorifying violence as the Old Testament (which, unlike the Koran, does mention stoning as a punishment).”

The false claim that the Old Testament glorifies violence is absolutely outrageous and blasphemous. For more information, please read our free booklets, “And Lawlessness Will Abound…” and “Should YOU Fight in War?” .

Changes in German Bundeswehr?

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has announced plans to reduce the size of the German military by about a third of the current 250,000 troops, and to end Germany’s mandatory military service. At the same time, however, he said he also wants to see an increase in the number of troops available for active duty, which is currently 7,000.

“Outlining his plans to make military service more attractive, Guttenberg told the mass market Bild am Sonntag newspaper that despite ending conscription, a trial period for potential volunteer troops could be an option to avoid a shortage of service members… In an interview with ARD television, German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported Guttenberg’s ideas to reform the Bundeswehr, saying she’d like to see a ‘culture of volunteerism’ and that signing up for the Bundeswehr should be made more attractive for young people.

“Guttenberg estimates the German military would need between 7,500 and 15,000 short-term volunteer troops. Additionally, the defense ministry said he is looking into various means of compensation for volunteers who would serve between 12 months and 23 months. This could include a salary, pension or educational opportunities, he said.

“The interview was published while Guttenberg was paying a surprise visit to German troops in the Baghlan province of Afghanistan… He emphasized his support for the troops’ efforts, but wouldn’t comment on a possible date for the withdrawal of German soldiers from Afghanistan.

“The idea of ending Germany’s long-standing tradition of mandatory military service has not been without criticism. In a speech to the Marine Officer’s School in Ploen, Peter Harry Carstensen, the state premier of Schleswig-Holstein, said he considered Germany’s mandatory military service an integral part of society. ‘This is not something we can sacrifice easily,’ he said.

“But Guttenberg said only a small percentage of German men were actually called on to perform mandatory service… adding that only 13 to 16 percent of men are drafted into temporary service.”

Germany Strengthens EU

The EUObserver wrote on August 26:

“Germany’s constitutional court has laid down the ground rules for controlling decisions by the EU’s top court… Thursday’s pronouncement backed by seven of the eight judges not only avoids a direct conflict with the EU’s Luxembourg court but also appears to strengthen it. Germany’s court stated that EU decisions may only be checked if European institutions seriously overstep their powers. A headline in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung says: ‘Karlsruhe (the court) restricts its own powers’…”

Current Events

Iraq War Damaged American Credibility

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 20:

“Has American credibility been severely damaged by the Iraq War? One day after the last US combat unit left the country, some in the German press say that it has. Commentators are pessimistic about Iraq’s ability to cope alone.

“It has been seven and a half years since Shock and Awe, the military campaign launched by US and UK forces to topple Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. On Thursday, the last US combat unit crossed the border into Kuwait with far less fanfare than when those first coalition forces arrived in March 2003…

“Yet the cost of the war has been enormous both financially and in terms of human lives. Over 4,400 US troops and 100,000 Iraqi civilians died during the conflict. And the country is by no means completely pacified, with sectarian and ethnic tensions still present and insurgents thought to be regaining strength…

“According to a US-Iraq military pact from 2009, US troops must be out of the country by Jan. 1, 2012 yet last week Robert Gates, Obama’s defense secretary, said that if a new Iraqi government is formed ‘and they want to talk about beyond 2011, we’re obviously open to that discussion.’ Those comments are not likely to have been welcomed by much of the Democratic party, which faces tough midterm elections in November. The US public is weary of almost a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq and Obama, who is up for re-election in 2012, will have to tread carefully.

“Just last week Iraq’s military commander, Lieutenant-General Babakir Zebari, caused consternation when he said his troops would not be in a position to protect the country until 2020 and that Washington should keep its forces in Iraq until then.

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… The invasion of Iraq was wrong, unjust and damaging. For the Iraqi people one inscrutable, violent regime has been replaced by another. And the promises of freedom and democracy are worthless if they can’t run a generator or help buy food. This practical disillusion is paired with the strategic defeats that America has suffered… the US has also weakened itself, where it was classically strong: as a hard power. America showed itself to be helpless during the worst years of the Iraq civil war and incapable of dealing with the complex insurgency… America’s claim to leadership is broken, its credibility severely damaged. The world has become more confusing and less safe. That is the legacy of this war.’

“The business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘The Iraqi Army is hardly in a position to provide security. The people will have to suffer much bloodshed in the future because the roots of terrorism have not been dealt with. Iraq is not able to deal with this by itself. It still doesn’t have a functioning government after the elections in March. This double vacuum provides a fertile breeding ground for extremist groups. Washington has suffered terrible damage to its image in the Middle East. Iraq is not pacified and the Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan because the US concentrated its military capacity in Iraq. Neighboring Iran is playing cat and mouse on the nuclear issue while peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is out of reach. The Iraqis have few grounds for optimism. The US is not only leaving behind a security gap, but also a political mess. The institutional structures are too weak and the army too inexperienced to prevent the country from descending into chaos and anarchy.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… The war is far from over, never mind [who] won… Around 50,000 American soldiers are staying in Iraq and contrary to what the government seems to be suggesting, they are full-fledged soldiers who will attack if need be. The Iraqi soldiers and police are not able to provide security everywhere in the country … and the number of terrorist attacks has increased recently, while five months of attempts to form a government have failed so far’…

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘The Anglo-American war in Iraq and the subsequent occupation was a severe breach of international law. The collected justifications by the Bush and Blair governments for the war were lies from the beginning. A later attempted justification was the deposing of Saddam Hussein, a dictator who the West and the Soviet Union had backed in the late 70s and armed for his war against the Islamic revolutionary regime in neigboring [sic] Iran. What price was paid for the overthrow of Saddam? Over 100,000 civilians have died as a direct consequence of the war and other acts of violence since March 2003. In Iraq 4,419 US soldiers lost their lives and tens of thousands came home injured or with terrible trauma. The Pentagon budget since 2003 for the war and occupation was over $740 billion. Some experts put the actual cost for the US economy at $3 trillion. Yet despite these huge costs and victims, Iraq is neither pacified in the long-term nor politically stable.'”

America won its last war a long time ago. It has not won the Iraq war, nor will it win the Afghan war, nor any other war to come. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Obama vs. Bush

Newsmax wrote on August 22:

“When George W. Bush departed the White House on Jan. 20, 2009, he left as one of the most unpopular presidents in history. At the time, a Gallup poll found President Bush tallied a mere 34 percent approval. That put him only slightly above the two most unpopular presidents in the era of modern polling: Harry Truman (32 percent when he left office), and Richard Nixon (22 percent when he resigned in disgrace in August 1974.)

“Close to two years into President Barack Obama’s term, Bush’s mojo with the American public appears on the rise… Nationally, Obama continues to be the more popular politician. Gallup’s latest poll shows Obama’s favorability at 52 percent, compared with Bush’s 45 percent. Yet, these numbers show steady improvement for the one-time Texas governor who led the nation’s ‘war on terror.’

“Since March 2009, Bush’s Gallup rating has climbed 10 points. Obama’s favorability during the same period: down by more than 20 points… For the moment, Bush’s Rocky Balboa-like comeback is happening despite the fact that Bush left the country in the worst financial shape since the Great Depression and ramped up social spending to dizzying heights while nearly doubling the national debt and embroiling the nation in two foreign wars.

“The cause for this GOP windfall could be because of the fact that Obama seems to have fallen so far short of the ‘hope and change’ message he promised voters. His actions during his first two years have alienated independent voters in a manner that go well beyond any of Bush’s errant ways.”

America’s leadership is no longer respected, regardless as to who might lead.

Jewish Voters Disassociate Themselves from Obama

In a related article, Newsmax reported on August 22:

“Barack Obama won nearly 80 percent of the Jewish vote in 2008, but his support among Jews has been declining in part because of concerns over his Israeli policies. A study of Jewish voters by McLaughlin & Associates this past spring found that only 42 percent of respondents would support Obama’s re-election, while 46 percent said they would support another candidate.

“Among Orthodox Jews, 69 percent would likely support another candidate, and just 17 percent would back Obama. Among those affiliated with Conservative Judaism, only 38 percent would support Obama, as would a slim majority of Reform Jews, 52 percent.

“Overall, 50 percent said they approved and 39 percent disapproved of Obama’s handling of American relations with Israel. ‘We are not only witnessing a sharpening of the divide within the community, but a radicalization of the Jewish political right, accompanied by a corresponding disengagement of the Jewish liberal sector from the Israel discourse,’ The Jewish Journal observed in an Aug. 10 article… ‘Not only worried about their own economic status, this constituency is deeply concerned by what they observe as the erosion of support for Israel’…

“Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, tells Newsmax: ‘The majority of Jews now realize that this guy is bad for Israel, let alone bad for America.'”

The relationship between America and the state of Israel will steadily deteriorate.

Islam’s Laws and “President Apostate?”

On August 20, 2010, the Drudge Report re-published an article, which had been originally published on May 12, 2008, stating the following:

“Senator Obama is half African by birth and Africans can understandably identify with him. In Islam, however, there is no such thing as a half-Muslim. Like all monotheistic religions, Islam is an exclusive faith. As the son of the Muslim father, Senator Obama was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood. It makes no difference that, as Senator Obama has written, his father said he renounced his religion. Likewise, under Muslim law based on the Koran his mother’s Christian background is irrelevant.

“Of course, as most Americans understand it, Senator Obama is not a Muslim. He chose to become a Christian, and indeed has written convincingly to explain how he arrived at his choice and how important his Christian faith is to him. His conversion, however, was a crime in Muslim eyes; it is ‘irtidad’ or ‘ridda,’ usually translated from the Arabic as ‘apostasy,’ but with connotations of rebellion and treason. Indeed, it is the worst of all crimes that a Muslim can commit, worse than murder (which the victim’s family may choose to forgive).

“With few exceptions, the jurists of all Sunni and Shiite schools prescribe execution for all adults who leave the faith not under duress; the recommended punishment is beheading at the hands of a cleric, although in recent years there have been both stonings and hangings.

“… in Iran in 1994 the intervention of Pope John Paul II and others won a Christian convert a last-minute reprieve, but the man was abducted and killed shortly after his release. Likewise, in 2006 in Afghanistan, a Christian convert had to be declared insane to prevent his execution, and he was still forced to flee to Italy.

“Because no government is likely to allow the prosecution of a President Obama — not even those of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the only two countries where Islamic religious courts dominate over secular law — another provision of Muslim law is perhaps more relevant: it prohibits punishment for any Muslim who kills any apostate, and effectively prohibits interference with such a killing.”

Based on this fact and other factors, we cannot expect that the relationship between the Obama administration and the Muslim world will steadily improve.

America IS in a Depression!!!!

CNBC wrote on August 24:

“Positive gross domestic product readings and other mildly hopeful signs are masking an ugly truth: The US economy is in a 1930s-style Depression, Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg said Tuesday… then as now… signs of recovery were unsustainable and only provided a false sense of stability, said Rosenberg.

“Rosenberg calls current economic conditions ‘a depression, and not just some garden-variety recession,’ and notes that any good news both during the initial 1929-33 recession and the one that began in 2008 triggered ‘euphoric response.’

“‘Such is human nature and nobody can be blamed for trying to be optimistic; however, in the money management business, we have a fiduciary responsibility to be as realistic as possible about the outlook for the economy and the market at all times,’ he said…

“Rosenberg’s warning comes as a slew of major analysts—Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan among them—have slashed GDP projections for 2010 to the 1.5 to 2 percent range. Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans said in a speech Tuesday that the risk of a double-dip recession has escalated. He said government programs to help distressed homeowners have been ineffective and aren’t helping the pivotal housing sector recover.

“The dour outlooks come on the same day that the National Association of Realtors said home sales reached a 15-year low in June, dousing hopes that the industry had reached a bottoming point. Rosenberg points out that the ‘overall economic malaise’ has come despite aggressive efforts by the Federal Reserve to stimulate the economy through rate cuts…”

CNBC added on August 24:

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average will lose about half of its value over the next couple of years… according to Charles Nenner, founder and president of Charles Nenner research. Stocks are currently in a bear-market rally, and looking at charts and past trends, unemployment and leading indicators suggest the Dow will drop to 5,000 in the next two to two-and-a-half years, Nenner told CNBC in an e-mail.

“Deflation will arrive… pushing the Dow lower… ‘Things look really bad for the next 10 years,’ Nenner said.”

As we are apparently experiencing a depression–not unlike the one in 1929–please listen again to our StandingWatch program, “Coming–The Great Depression?” giving helpful tips as to how to cope in such dire circumstances.

Iran’s “Ambassador of Death”

The Associated Press reported on August 22:

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country’s first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an ‘ambassador of death’ to Iran’s enemies. The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers)…

“The ceremony came a day after Iran began to fuel its first nuclear power reactor, with the help of Russia, amid international concerns over the possibility of a military dimension to its nuclear program… Referring to Israel’s occasional threats against Iran’s nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad called any attack unlikely, but he said if Israel did, the reaction would be overwhelming. ‘The scope of Iran’s reaction will include the entire… earth,’ said Ahmadinejad. ‘We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table.'”

The Jerusalem Post and the Associated Press wrote on August 21:

“Nationwide celebrations were planned for Saturday’s fuel loading at Bushehr. ‘I thank the Russian government and nation, which cooperated with the great Iranian nation and registered their name in Islamic Iran’s golden history,’ Salehi said. ‘Today is a historic day and will be remembered in history.’

“Iran says it plans to build other reactors and says designs for a second [reactor] in southwestern Iran are taking shape. The Bushehr project dates backs to 1974, when Iran’s US-backed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi contracted with the German company Siemens to build the reactor. The company withdrew from the project after the 1979 Islamic Revolution toppled the shah.

“The partially finished plant later sustained damages after it was bombed by Iraq during its 1980-88 war against Iran. Before making the Russian deal to complete Bushehr, Iran signed pacts with Argentina, Spain and other countries only to see them canceled under US pressure.”

“Israel Says Iranian Reactor Use ‘Totally Unacceptable'”

y-net news, Reuters and AFP reported on August 21:

“Israel on Saturday denounced Iran’s fueling up of its first nuclear power plant as ‘totally unacceptable’ and called for more international pressure to force Tehran to cease any uranium enrichment. Israel, widely assumed to be the only Middle East country to have nuclear weapons, has said a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its existence, raising concerns Israel could attack Iran’s nuclear sites… Also on Saturday, US State Department spokesman Darby Holladay said the reactor ‘underscores that Iran does not need an indigenous enrichment capability if its intentions are purely peaceful.'”

Bild Online added the following on August 22:

“There is evidence that Iran is working on a rocket which could reach Berlin… According to unverified reports, the US aircraft carrier ‘USS Truman’ is heading towards the Persian Gulf, rather than Afghanistan… Professor Michael Wolffsohn (Military University Munich): ‘I have not the slightest doubt that Israel will attack before Iran has the bomb. When we add two and two, we can see that Israel and perhaps also the USA are preparing for the event of emergency.'”

Welt Online added on August 22:

“It is a terrible signal that Russia supports this development in Iran… And it is further proof that Russia has been playing the hypocrite for years… According to the New York Times, the American government is trying to persuade Israel that there is no immediate present danger emanating from Iran, because the country would need one more year to build the bomb. It is a mystery what is supposedly comforting regarding this. It would mean that Iran can only be stopped militarily and that such an attack would happen within a year, at the latest… The Iranian messages this weekend prove all by themselves why Iran must never be allowed to have the bomb.”

It is likely, as we have said for years, that Israel will attack Iran and that as a consequence, an outright war in the Middle East will ensue. The Bible says in Hosea 5:13 that in the future, Judah or the state of Israel will receive a wound. It also says that Judah will not find rescue or help as God will “take them away” (verse 14). Does this wound refer to Israel’s attack on Iran and Iran’s retaliation (with the possible help of others) and the world’s condemnation of Israel?

Israel Prepares for War Against Iran

WND wrote on August 22:

“While Israel is hoping for a peaceful resolution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the Jewish state is also preparing for ‘a time of war,’ declared a Knesset member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party… Likud Knesset Member Danny Danon… the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament… hinted that Israel may take action if the world does not stop the Iranian nuclear threat, recalling Israel’s lone strike on Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981.

“Stated Danon: ‘We are ready for all scenarios, and we are able to defend our civilian population. I cannot tell you how long we can wait more. But we prefer to wait and see if the international bodies are acting, or [whether] it will be only the burden of Israel, like it was in the early ’80s, when the great leader, Menachem Begin, [made] the great decision to bomb the nuclear reactor in Iraq.'”

Al-Qaida Prepares for Israel-Iran War

The Jerusalem Post wrote on August 20:

“Al-Qaida is ready to exploit a war ‘by the Jews against Iran,’ the Sunni group’s second-in-command in Yemen, Saeed al-Shehri, said in an audio message this month, according to the Daily Beast.

“The mostly Shi’ite nation of Iran is an enemy to Al-Qaida, and al-Shehri predicted that after Israel attacked Iranian nuclear installations, Iran would blame Saudi Arabia – which reports say may let Israel fly through its airspace to attack Iran – and use the opportunity to seize the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

“Al-Shehri said Israel would then seize territory from surrounding Arab nations to establish ‘the greater state of Israel,’ and the Sunni Arab population of the Middle East would be trapped between the ‘Jews in the Middle East and Iran in the Peninsula,’ the Daily Beast reported.

“According to the Daily Beast, Al-Qaida would benefit from an Israel-Iran war because if Israel attacked Iran’s nuclear installations, Iran would use its proxies to lash back at Americans in the Gulf, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Daily Beast is a news aggregator and original content website owned by a former Wall Street Journal editor.”

Iran Prepared to Supply Lebanon with Weapons Against Israel

Haaretz reported on August 25:

“Iran is prepared to sell weapons to Lebanon if Beirut asks for help in equipping its military, the Islamic Republic’s defense minister said Wednesday. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi’s comments come one day after the leader of Lebanon’s Shiite Hezbollah group, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, called on the Lebanese government to formally seek military assistance from Iran.

“‘Lebanon is our friend,’ Vahidi was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency. ‘If there is a demand in this respect, we are ready to help that country and conduct weapons transactions with it.’ In a televised speech on Tuesday, Nasrallah vowed that his Iranian-backed group could help secure the aid for Lebanon’s poorly equipped army.

“The Hezbollah leader made his suggestion after a U.S. congressman suspended $100 million of American military aid to Lebanon earlier this month over concerns the weapons could be used against Israel and that Hezbollah may have influence over the Lebanese army.

“Lebanon’s government has since opened an account at the central bank to receive donations to help it purchase weapons for the military. But Beirut is not entirely dependent on U.S. military assistance, and has turned to other countries, including Russia and Arab nations, for assistance in the past.

“Iran is a key supporter of Hezbollah, believed to funnel it weapons and millions of dollars in funding, though Tehran denies arming the Shiite group. Hezbollah, also closely allied to Syria, boasts a heavy arsenal of rockets capable of reaching deep inside Israel.”

The End Is Near–But What End?

USA Today wrote on August 23:

“When some Christians look into the near future, they see a wondrous fate for themselves and fellow evangelical believers: a rapture in which God sweeps the true Christians up to heaven. According to this reading of the bible’s Book of Revelation, what awaits those on the wrong side of the ecclesiastical line is not so wondrous: seven years of unimaginable suffering, war and destruction that ends with the Second Coming of Jesus.

“Opinion surveys over the past decade show that more than half the American public believes that the end times are coming. A new poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press finds that roughly four in 10 Americans believe the Second Coming will happen by 2050. Those enraptured by the rapture tend to view current events through the lens of biblical prophesy, reading everything from the Obama election to the oil disaster in the Gulf Coast as fulfillment of one or another cryptic passage from Revelation…”

The Bible does not teach a “rapture,” nor a period of seven years of “unimaginable suffering.” For the truth on what the Bible really teaches, please read our free commentary, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Current Events

Obama: Muslim Rights

The Washington Post wrote on August 13:

“President Obama said on Friday that he supports the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York, saying that opposing the project is at odds with American values. ‘Let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country,’ he said at a White House ceremony marking the traditional breaking of the daily Ramadan fast, according to prepared remarks. ‘That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.'”

Obama: Muslim Wisdom

Politico wrote on August 14: 

“The White House on Saturday struggled to tamp down the controversy over President Barack Obama’s statements about a mosque near Ground Zero… Obama’s comments placed him squarely in the middle of the controversy over a Muslim group’s plans for a mosque near the site of the 2001 attack – and in turn, transformed an emotion-laden local dispute in New York into a nationwide debate overnight.

“Republicans pounced, amid early signs that the issue would seep into some state and congressional contests… And Democrats – at least the ones willing to comment at all — could barely contain their frustration over Obama’s remarks, saying he had potentially placed every one of their candidates into the middle of the debate by giving GOP candidates a chance to ask them point-blank: Do you agree with Obama on the mosque, or not? That could be particularly damaging to moderate Democrats in conservative-leaning districts…

“Adding to the political problem for Democrats were the mixed messages out of the White House. Obama’s comments Friday night… were widely reported as offering support for the specific mosque project in question near Ground Zero.

“But on Saturday, Obama seemed to contradict himself, telling reporters at one point, ‘I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there. I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding. That’s what our country is about…’

“That impromptu answer to a TV reporter… prompted a second attempt to clarify his initial statement, this time from spokesman Bill Burton. ‘Just to be clear, the President is not backing off in any way from the comments he made last night,’ Burton said. ‘…What he said last night, and reaffirmed today, is that if a church, a synagogue or a Hindu temple can be built on a site, you simply cannot deny that right to those who want to build a mosque.’

“White House officials later said that Obama was simply saying that since there was no local ordinance that would prevent construction of the mosque, he believed local officials made the right decision to allow it to go forward… The Friday statement and Saturday clarification were consistent in a literal sense, but they sent sharply different signals that called into question how clearly the president thought through his intervention in the controversy or how his words would echo.

“The legal right to build the mosque is one even many critics of the mosque have not contested—claiming mainly that the project was inappropriate on grounds of taste and local sensitivities and therefore should be strongly discouraged.”

Obama Nationalizes the Debate

The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 16:

“The dispute over the mosque is just the most prominent in a series of debates around the country where Muslim groups have sought to build mosques. In the community of Temecula, Calif., where a proposed mosque has sparked an intense dispute, Mr. Obama’s comments spurred a surge of letters to local newspapers decrying his statements. Pastor William Rench of Calvary Baptist Church, next door to the proposed mosque site, said he now expected opposition to the mosque plan to harden.

“‘It will galvanize their desire for resistance to the mosque,’ he said. ‘It confirms in their minds the idea that Mr. Obama seems to be more accommodating to the Islamic world than he is for the Christian representation in America.’ Mr. Rench said former President George W. Bush, who also spoke of Islam as a peaceful religion, might have made similar statements, but Mr. Rench said he disagreed with those views…

“In Tennessee, where the growing Muslim community wants to build a larger mosque in Murfreesboro, Darrel Whaley of Milton said the president’s remarks angered him. A local pastor at Kingdom Ministries Worship Center, Mr. Whaley has spoken at county meetings against plans for the mosque and recreational facilities.

“Asked how the president’s comments might influence the local debate over the Islamic center, Mr. Whaley said Mr. Obama ‘didn’t help it any, that’s for sure.’ Mr. Whaley said he was concerned that ‘if Islam comes in with the Sharia law, there’s not going to be any such thing as religious freedom’…

“On the national political stage, Mr. Obama’s comments drew fire from Republicans… Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.)… said the president was ‘insensitive’ to what Americans feel on the issue… Mr. Berntsen, a former senior Central Intelligence Agency officer who served in Afghanistan, said a mosque near Ground Zero would become a national security risk. ‘He missed the point that people found this offensive because it’s very, very close to Ground Zero,’ he said. ‘That mosque will become a magnet for militants. They will be drawn there in large numbers, and they will seek to impose themselves on that mosque, regardless of who the leaders are.'”

Obama Divides the Nation

AFP wrote on August 13:

“US President Barack Obama’s endorsement of a controversial plan to build a mosque just blocks from Ground Zero poured fuel Saturday on a raging debate over religious freedom and sensitivities over the 9/11 attacks… On Saturday the group 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, which represents some relatives of attack victims, said it was ‘stunned’ by the president’s remarks. Obama ‘has abandoned America’… Building the mosque ‘is a deliberately provocative act that will precipitate more bloodshed in the name of Allah,’ the group claimed…

“A CNN/Opinion Research poll earlier this month showed that 68 percent of Americans opposed the Islamic center plans, while only 29 percent favored them… Self-described ‘liberal Muslim’ Farzana Hassan, a Canadian, told Fox News on Saturday that she believes the Islamic center’s location is ‘provocative. This is highly insensitive to the sentiments of the people who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks,’ said Hassan, who has written books on Islam.

“Obama said the Al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks do not represent Islam. ‘It is a gross distortion of Islam,’ the president said late Friday… The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a US advocacy group, said it welcomed Obama’s ‘strong support for Muslim religious rights’… One of those reacting Saturday was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. ‘I applaud President Obama’s clarion defense of the freedom of religion,’ Bloomberg said in a statement. The proposed site ‘is as important a test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetime,’ he said.

“Passions over the issue run high across the country. A Florida church has already said it will hold a ‘Koran-burning’ on September 11 — which this year coincides with Eid al-Fitr, the end-of-Ramadan holiday.”

“Muslim Power Over the West”

The British paper, Daily Express, published the following opinion by Leo McKinstry, August 16:

“The proposal is a deliberate act of provocation against America and Judaeo-Christian civilisation. The reason that the hijackers were determined to destroy the Twin Towers was because they were seen as a graphic symbol of American enterprise. Once the mosque is erected, it will become a symbol of Islamic triumphalism, an assertion of Muslim power over the West….

“Tolerance is a one-way street when it comes to Islam. Muslims constantly demand that our society respects their sensitivities… Yet, as the Ground Zero controversy shows, there is no reciprocal concern shown by Muslims for indigenous cultures.

“For all President Obama’s blather about bridge-building, the fact is Islam is an ideology that spells misery, oppression and misogyny wherever it gains power….

“The Ground Zero mosque is indicative of a climate of appeasement and self-loathing that has gripped the political class in the West. It is grotesque that, in the name of freedom, our leaders refuse to challenge a doctrine that would destroy our freedoms. Here in Britain, the supine state has allowed domestic terrorism, forced marriages, child sex trafficking, immigration abuses and honour killings to flourish for fear of being labelled ‘racist’.

“In America, the results have been just as deadly, as shown by the case of Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Despite his declared support for Islamic terrorism, US army top brass refused to act against him. Then, in November last year, he shot dead 13 of [his] colleagues. None of those men would have died if the destructive creed of multi-culturalism had not been so strong. Tolerance in the face of extremism is killing our society. The  9/11 attacks should have galvanised the west. Instead, 10 years later, it is looking like our death knell.”

Obama Hosts Ramadan Meal

The Hill reported on August 13:

“President Obama will host an iftar — the special evening meal observed during Ramadan — on Friday night in the White House dining room. Obama participated in a similar gathering last year.

“Celebrations like iftar dinners ‘remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings,’ Obama wrote in a statement Wednesday. ‘Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality … a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.'”

Ramadan–Peace and War

Foreign Policy wrote in its July/August 2010 edition:

“Although not quite the global consumer behemoth that is Christmas, Ramadan comes in a respectable second… Today, in Aceh, Indonesia, failure to observe Ramadan is punishable by flogging; in 2009, Egypt’s Interior Ministry began enforcing edicts that made daytime eating during the holy month a misdemeanor offense… The Prophet Mohammed waged the Battle of Badr, the very first Muslim war against Meccan ‘infidels,’ during Ramadan in 624. The 1973 conflict that Israelis call the Yom Kippur War is known to Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians — who launched their surprise attack while fasting — as the Ramadan War. More recently, in Iraq, the month of Ramadan has seen dramatic upticks in sectarian violence and attacks on U.S. troops, reaching a high of more than 1,400 incidents in 2007. But Ramadan has also complicated military maneuvers: During the battle of Tora Bora, some of the Afghan fighters closing in on Osama bin Laden insisted on going home at dusk to break the fast…

“Secular dictators have long used the holiday to shore up their sagging religious legitimacy. Turkmenbashi, the late neo-Stalinist ruler of Turkmenistan, pardoned 8,145 prisoners during Ramadan in 2005; autocrats from Damascus to Algiers have followed the same playbook. Saddam Hussein, who cynically tried to style himself an Islamist during his regime’s latter years, twice made Ramadan cease-fire offers to Tehran during the Iran-Iraq War. And in 2008, when U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Libya during Ramadan, Muammar al-Qaddafi refused to shake her hand, citing Muslim strictures against touching women while fasting — all the while surrounded by his cohort of amazonian female bodyguards. It highlighted, once again, how the Islamic holy month has always been a mix of the sacred and the profane.”

Obama’s Upbringing in Islam

The Drudge Report re-published on August 16 an interesting piece by the New York Times, dated March 6, 2007, focusing [supportively] on Mr. Obama’s upbringing and explaining, to an extent, his apparent fascination with and support of Islam.

The article stated:

“‘I was a little Jakarta street kid,’ [Obama] said… He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

“Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated… Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’

“Moreover, Mr. Obama’s own grandfather in Kenya was a Muslim. Mr. Obama never met his grandfather and says he isn’t sure if his grandfather’s two wives were simultaneous or consecutive, or even if he was Sunni or Shiite…”

Interestingly, it was just published by Time magazine that about 25% of Americans believe that Mr. Obama is a Muslim…

Muslim Watch?

AFP wrote on August 10:

“Muslims around the world could be setting their watches to a new time soon when the world’s largest clock begins ticking atop a soaring skyscraper in Islam’s holiest city of Mecca.

“Saudi Arabia hopes the four faces of the new clock, which will loom over Mecca’s Grand Mosque from what is expected to be the world’s second tallest building, will establish Mecca as an alternate time standard to the Greenwich median.”

Hispanics Feel Betrayed by Both Parties

Newsmax reported on August 15:

“Hispanic voters largely supported Barack Obama in the 2008 election after he vowed… that he would draft an immigration reform bill during his first year in office.

“More than a year has come and gone, no immigration bill has been forthcoming, and Obama is increasingly coming under criticism from Hispanic media figures…

“Members of the Obama administration ‘know they are in trouble with the Hispanic community, and the problem in November is the Hispanic vote may be up for grabs again,’ [Univision anchor Jorge] Ramos told Politico. ‘My fear is they might not vote. They don’t feel protected or supported by either party.’”

California–Only a Short Sigh of Relief?

The Associated Press reported on August 16:

“A federal appeals court put same-sex weddings in California on hold indefinitely Monday while it considers the constitutionality of the state’s gay marriage ban. The decision, issued by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, trumps a lower court judge’s order that would have allowed county clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Wednesday… The court plans to hear the case during the week of Dec. 6…

“A different three-judge panel than the one that issued Monday’s decision will be assigned to decide the constitutional question… Currently, same-sex couples can legally wed only in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, D.C.”

Euro vs. Dollar

Bloomberg reported on August 16:

“China, whose $2.45 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves are the world’s largest, is turning bullish on Europe and Japan at the expense of the U.S… The nation has been buying ‘quite a lot’ of European bonds… China’s position may make it harder for the greenback to rebound…

“Concern the U.S. economy is faltering was underscored by the Federal Reserve on Aug. 10…

“Asian central banks holding some 60 percent of the world’s foreign-exchange reserves are turning away from the dollar. Concerned about weakening U.S. growth and the Treasury’s record borrowing, they are switching toward euro assets to safeguard reserves…

“The Dollar Index’s 5.2 percent drop in July, the biggest decline in 14 months, failed to dissuade most foreign-exchange forecasters from predicting the greenback will strengthen against the euro and yen by December…

“‘China has confidence in Europe’s economy, in the euro, and the euro area,’ Yu said [Yu is a member of the state-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences].”

A Two-Speed Europe

The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 16:

“A two-speed Europe has always been unacceptable to advocates of the European project. Insistence on a one-speed Europe might, only might, prove to be a feasible political policy. But when it comes to economics, a two-speed Europe is here, and is here to stay for a long while.

“Germany is in the midst of an export-led boom that saw its economy grow at an annual rate of over 8% in the second quarter, the fastest pace since reunification in 1990. Profits are good and employers are hiring or adding hours to those working part time… Opponents of further fiscal and monetary stimulus are saying that Germany’s rather spectacular performance is due at least in part to the budget-balancing policies initiated by Chancellor Angela Merkel—no Obama-style borrow-and-spend for Europe’s new Iron Lady.

“But Germany is not euroland. It is easy to dismiss what we have come to call the periphery countries (Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal), but their combined GDP almost equals that of Germany. And they are in trouble. Greece is in recession: its economy contracted at a rate of 6% in the second quarter, while both Spain and Portugal grew at annual rates of less than 1%.”

International Business Times added on August 16:

“‘The recovery in core Europe [particularly Germany and France] is happening quickly and at a fast pace,’ Guillaume Menuet and Silvia Ardagna, European economists at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch… said. But they clarify that Germany and France did not experience recessions due to home-based problems nor did they experience a collapse of housing bubbles. ‘Recessions in these countries were triggered by the U.S. financial crisis,’ they stated.

“For example, Germany’s economy suffered directly from the collapse of global growth and trade. Then, as effective economic policies started having an effect on the economies across the globe, world demand and trade picked up and Germany was positioned to benefit from it. In addition, the depreciation of the euro further boosted German exports.

“The peripheral nations of Europe, which are in much worse shape than the ‘core’ countries of the euro zone, had a different path into and out of the recession. ‘Peripheral countries had their own domestic imbalances that were exacerbated by the global crisis,’ Menuet and Ardagna said. ‘So they have to work hard to solve their structural issues, and economic recovery will come later and at a slower pace.’”

For more information on Europe’s future, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

A Nation on the Way Out

On Friday 13, Pat Buchanan wrote on

“A nation whose national debt is approaching the size of its gross national product, that goes abroad to borrow money to keep non-essential workers on government payroll is a nation on the way down and out… As long as this Congress and White House remain in power, a U.S. default on its national debt is inevitable. The only question is when…

“We have a situation where private sector workers in Middle America are being taxed, their children being driven ever deeper into debt to China, so government employees who have greater job security than they do, and earn more in pay and benefits than they will ever earn, can stay in Fat City. And folks wonder why so many Americans detest government…

“U.S. government workers, who enjoy the greatest job security of any Americans, now earn twice as much in pay and benefits as the average American. This is not the D.C. some of us grew up in. Nor is this all Obama’s doing. For most of the fat years of the federal work force came while Washington was being run by a Congress of Big-Government Conservatives and a White House of Bush-Cheney Republicans. No wonder the tea party is targeting both parties.”

Afghanistan–and No End in Sight

Der Spiegel wrote on August 17:

“General David Petraeus… has suggested that Barack Obama was too optimistic in setting a 2011 withdrawal date. German commentators argue that Petraeus is simply being realistic… Observers have interpreted Petraeus’ remarks as something of a broadside aimed at Obama… In a further sign of what may turn into an intense political battle in the US over the future of the Afghanistan war, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the Los Angeles Times there was ‘no question in anybody’s mind’ that the US would begin reducing troop levels in 2011. Gates also suggested in a separate interview with the magazine Foreign Policy that he would leave office in 2011…

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘The White House is unlikely to find Petraeus’ comments amusing. The new commander in Afghanistan doubts whether the withdrawal can start next year. … The general has taken a stance in direct opposition to the president… In the struggle for power within the US administration, he will take advantage of the fact that Obama can not afford to lose another commander in Afghanistan — especially not one of Petraeus’ stature.’

“The conservative Die Welt writes: ‘The timeframe originally set by Obama was unrealistic and overly ambitious…’

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘Petraeus has his own interests which are totally reasonable. He does not want to leave Afghanistan as the commander of an unsuccessful force. He wants a military victory… But Petraeus will not succeed with his strategy. The withdrawal will begin, because the voters want it. That may be unwise, but it’s too late to change the general public’s opinion. Mistakes were made in Afghanistan over a period of years. It’s now time to pay the price.’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘… The war in Afghanistan doesn’t just reveal the impotence of the Americans — It also shows the impotence of President Obama.'”

For more information on the future of the USA, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Israel’s Attack on Iran Imminent?

Newsmax wrote on August 13:

“News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran’s Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively ‘immune’ to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton. Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, ‘it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf.’

“Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared in March that Russia would start the Bushehr reactor this summer. But the announcement from a spokesman for Russia’s state atomic agency to Reuters Friday sent international diplomats scrambling to head off a crisis. The story immediately became front-page news in Israel, which has laid precise plans to carry out an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities while going along with President Obama’s plans to use international sanctions and diplomatic persuasion to convince Iran’s clerics not to go nuclear…

“Bolton cited the 1981 Israeli attack on Saddam Hussein’s Osirak reactor outside Baghdad and the September 2007 Israeli attack on a North Korean reactor being built in Syria. Both of those strikes came before fuel rods were loaded into those reactors…According to Iran’s ISNA news agency, IAEA inspectors will be on hand to observe the fuel-rod loading process that is now scheduled to begin Aug. 21.”

The Jerusalem Post added on August 17:

“Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said he didn’t see ‘any signs whatsoever that President Obama would make the necessary decision’ to strike Iran’s nuclear reactor, speaking in an interview with Israel Radio Tuesday. Bolton claimed Israel has only three days to strike before Russia ‘begins the fueling process for the Bushehr reactor this Friday,’ after which any attack would cause radioactive fallout that could reach as far as the waters of the Persian Gulf.”

The German magazine, Focus, wrote on August 17 that Bolton said he was very skeptical that Israel would indeed attack Iran within the next few days. He was fearful that the opportunity to do so had already passed.

Will Israel Attack Iran Without a Green Light from USA?

Haaretz reported on August 10:

“Israel might attack Iranian nuclear sites within a year, if Iran stays the current course and the U.S. administration doesn’t succeed in persuading Israel’s leadership that U.S. President Barack Obama is ready to stop Iran by force if necessary, so argues Jeffrey Goldberg in Atlantic magazine’s September cover story, obtained by Haaretz ahead of publication.

“Based on dozens of interviews the Atlantic correspondent conducted in recent months with Israeli, American and Arab officials, Goldberg came to the conclusion that the likelihood of an Israeli strike has crossed the 50 percent mark. And Israel might not even ask for the famous ‘green light’ from the U.S. – or even give couple of false pre-attack alerts, so that Washington won’t try to stop the unilateral operation…

“The repercussions of such a strike, which could include the bombing of the Iranian facilities in Natanz, Qom, Esfahan, and maybe even the Russian-built reactor in Bushehr, are less than clear… The results might be dire: It’s likely that the Israeli air force won’t have much time to waste in Iran, as Hezbollah will probably retaliate against Israel in the North and the fighter jets will be needed there. The unilateral operation might throw relations between Jerusalem and Washington into an unprecedented crisis, and might even unleash full-scale regional war with possible economic repercussions for the whole world, not to mention the cost of human lives.

“According to Goldberg, for Israel the red lines are clear. The end of December is Netanyahu’s deadline to estimate the success of ‘non-military methods to stop Iran’…  For Netanyahu, it’s clear the bomb will not only strengthen Iran’s proxies, but will undermine Israel’s status as a safe haven for Jews, embolden terrorists all over the word, and make the Arab countries more reluctant to make peace with Israel.”

For more information on the future of the state of Israel, please read our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!”

Iraq’s Uncertain Future

Deutsche Welle reported on August 19:

“Iraqis have been looking forward to the day when United States forces pack up and go home ever since the 2003 invasion led to 150,000 US soldiers being deployed in their country. They’ve been living with an occupying army for over seven years. Even after sovereignty and the responsibility of governance were returned to Baghdad, US forces remained. Many Iraqis who were happy to have seen the dictator Saddam Hussein removed by the Americans soon came to resent the continued US presence. Many blamed them for the instability which followed Saddam’s demise. To this day, most hold Washington largely responsible for the lack of basic services and the insecurity that continues to make everyday life in Iraq a dangerous struggle.

“Strangely enough there is a growing chorus of voices being raised in concern now that the Americans are actually leaving. The United States has been slowly withdrawing its forces from Iraq for months as part of President Obama’s commitment to bring US combat troops home by 2011. With the last combat brigades crossing into Kuwait on Thursday, 50,000 troops will remain behind in 94 bases. With just a third of the invasion force left and with only a year to go before the US ‘status of forces’ agreement with Iraq runs out, Iraqis should be planning their street parties. And yet, there is a growing air of trepidation as the troops leave and an even more concerned eye looking toward the final pullout date in 2011.

“With the political situation in Iraq still unresolved some six months after disputed presidential elections paralyzed the country’s government and with terrorist and insurgent attacks making the July 2010 death toll of 525 the highest in two years, the thought of a dramatic reduction in US personnel is making some Iraqis nervous.

“‘US combat troops leave Iraq in a state of political paralysis following the March 2010 parliamentary elections, and a precarious and fragile ‘stability’ predicated more on an uneasy maintenance of a status quo than on any durable or sustainable gains in security,’ Dr. Kristian Ulrichsen, an Iraq expert at the London School of Economics and Political Science, told Deutsche Welle.

“‘In this sense both the political and security situations are extremely fragile and could be reversed by any number of issues which remain unresolved…’

“Nadim Shehadi, an Iraq expert at the Middle East programme at Chatham House, believes the US withdrawal may create a new power struggle in Iraq… ‘There is only one thing worse than having the US as your enemy and that is to have the US as your friend – this will be the scenario when the US withdraws’…

“Even the country’s military leaders are concerned that the 2011 end date is coming too fast for Iraq’s security forces. Lieutenant General Babaker Zebari, Iraq’s most senior military commander, has even mooted the possibility of US forces staying on until 2020, a date when Iraqi forces are expected to be fully ready.

”The main calls for continued US troop deployment in Iraq have come from Kurdish officials such as Zebari who have many reasons for wanting the US military to remain in position,’ Ulrichsen said. ‘Regular clashes between Kurdish Peshmerga militia and the Iraqi military have occurred. In almost every instance, the US has sided with the Kurdish Regional Government in political and military affairs, and Kurdish leaders fear that the loss of their powerful external protector will leave them alone to face the Iraqi central government which may attempt to reassert centralized political and military control throughout all Iraqi territorial boundaries. That could threaten civil war.’

“‘There’s a risk of fighting between Shia and Sunni factions restarting when the US leaves but probably the single biggest concern is violence between the Arabs and the Kurds,’ Richard Gowan, an Iraq expert with the European Council for Foreign Affairs, told Deutsche Welle… ‘The most worrying scenario is that rising violence could lead Turkey to intervene militarily, given its own concerns over Kurdish separatism.’

“US commanders and strategists have also privately considered the possibility of staying on in Iraq, especially when the Iraqi Army is so obviously incapable of repelling an external attack, battling the Kurds in the north or keeping al Qaeda or other militant groups from taking advantage of sectarian rivalries and over-running the country.

“Despite this, it is unlikely President Obama will sanction any extension to the deployment of US troops in Iraq. There is far too much at stake politically for the US president to renege on one of his strongest promises. Obama’s credibility is at stake not only over the assurances he made to US citizens to bring the troops home but also to the agreement he made with the people of Iraq… However, by committing to his own deadlines and fulfilling his promises, some experts say Obama is cutting out of Iraq with the job unfinished and that the US is leaving Iraq in such a parlous situation that the country could destabilize the wider region, making it a state of concern much like in the days of Saddam Hussein…

“‘The US has been unable to resolve deep political tensions inside Iraq. In part that reflects the very naive and ill-informed attitude to Iraq adopted by the Bush administration, which thought expelling Saddam was 90 percent of the job,’ [Gowan said].” 

Self-Inflicted Worldwide Sickness?

NewsDaily wrote on August 11:

“A new superbug from India could spread around the world — in part because of medical tourism — and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it.

“Researchers said on Wednesday they had found a new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1, in patients in South Asia and in Britain… who received recent medical care in India, a country where people often travel in search of affordable healthcare.

“NDM-1 makes bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems. Experts say there are no new drugs on the horizon to tackle it… ‘India also provides cosmetic surgery for… Europeans and Americans, and it is likely NDM-1 will spread worldwide,’ the scientists wrote in the study.”

Wildfires–Russia’s Cover Up

Der Spiegel Online reported on August 16:

“As the Russian wildfires continue to burn, the Kremlin’s spin machine is in high gear, as the government attempts to cover up the true scale of the disaster. The country’s leadership duo, Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, have been using the same PR stunts and propaganda gimmicks they have relied on in the past…

“A total of 505 existing wildfire hotspots were still blazing on Friday. While the Emergency Situations Ministry was already announcing that the fires were being brought under control, the heat had sparked new fires at 245 new locations. To make matters worse, it is primarily in areas contaminated with radioactivity that firefighters still have to battle the flames.

“It was only last week that the government admitted that fires have been burning since mid-June in the very districts that were contaminated with radionuclides following the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986.

“…the lies, cover-ups and manipulation will continue in Moscow. Nobody actually knows how many victims have succumbed to the fires and the smog over the past weeks. Hospital physicians have been banned from diagnosing ‘heatstroke’ as a cause of death…

“Russia is burning… it appears that Russia, which is supposedly becoming strong once again, has no firetrucks, no firefighting aircraft, no forestry workers and no geographical maps to locate the areas that require extinguishing. These are essentially consequences of Putin’s policies. It was the former KGB colonel who… abolished governor elections.

“Since 2004, in order to ‘more effectively’ deal with emergency situations, the governors have all been handpicked. The most important thing is that they should be loyal and do what Moscow says… Russian governors are not primarily concerned about their subjects, because the people don’t elect them and, of course, cannot remove them from office. Instead, the governors’ main objective is to make a good impression with the Kremlin.”

Pakistan–Unprecedented Disaster

The Los Angeles Times reported on August 16:

“U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Sunday that the floods ravaging Pakistan are the worst disaster he has witnessed… The Pakistani government and international relief organizations have been overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster, which has killed more than 1,600 people and damaged or destroyed more than 722,000 houses…

“The United Nations has said that $460 million is needed to supply displaced Pakistanis with shelter, clean drinking water and emergency healthcare, but only $93 million has been raised so far. According to the U.N., as many as 6 million flood victims have yet to get access to food and drinking water.

“Ban surveyed flood-damaged regions of the country Sunday, and afterward said the destruction he saw eclipsed the scale of ruin he witnessed in natural disasters with far higher death tolls: the Asian tsunami of 2004, the 2008 earthquake in China and the earthquake in Haiti in January…

“Prime Minister Yusaf Raza Gilani said this weekend that as many as 20 million people have been left homeless by the floods, regarded by Pakistani leaders as the worst disaster to strike the country…

“Fueled by record-breaking monsoon rainfall, the floods washed away homes, roads, bridges, hospitals and schools in the northwestern province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, then moved south into Punjab and Sindh provinces, destroying millions of acres of farmland and wiping out entire villages. Over the weekend in Sindh province, officials evacuated 300,000 people from the city of Jacobabad, about 60 miles west of the Indus River.

“The government has been harshly criticized for what many flood victims say has been a sluggish response.

“With the disaster now in its third week, the threat of waterborne disease has become a major concern. U.N. officials on Sunday said Pakistan’s Health Ministry has yet to confirm any cases of cholera, backtracking from statements Saturday that one cholera case had been confirmed in the northwest. Left untreated, cholera can lead to severe dehydration and death.

“However, outbreaks of cholera are common in large floods. Guido Sabatinelli, the World Health Organization’s representative in Pakistan, said the massive scale of the disaster makes it possible that health workers could encounter thousands of cases. ‘We could have up to 140,000 cases of cholera,’ Sabatinelli said. ‘We are preparing ourselves for that.'”

The Bible prophesies the increase of worldwide disasters. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Germany’s Poor State of Moral Affairs

On August 13, Der Spiegel Online published the following commentary, giving testimony to the lack of upholding Christian standards within large portions of Germany’s population:

“Germans have many things they can be proud of. One is the fact that the mayor of Berlin is openly gay. And so is the current foreign minister.

“Anyone who remembers… the words the conservative Bavarian politician Franz-Josef Strauss uttered in 1970, when he said ‘I’d rather be a cold warrior than a warm brother’ (in German, the term ‘warm brother’ is slang for ‘gay man’), knows that a society’s stance toward homosexuals is a measure of how civilized it is…

“Most Germans couldn’t care less whether a politician is gay, straight, a vegetarian or an avid cyclist. Guido Westerwelle, the leader of the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), wasn’t voted into office and appointed as the country’s foreign minister because he’s gay, nor is he in his current position despite his homosexuality. Voters simply didn’t care about his sexual preference one way or another. And that — one would hope — won’t change until the day he is voted out of office again…

“But now Westerwelle has outed himself, not as a gay man, but as a diplomat. He has announced that he will not take his partner with him on trips to countries where homosexuality is a crime. Why? Because ‘we want to promote the concept of tolerance in the world. But we also don’t want to achieve the opposite by behaving imprudently’…

“Westerwelle’s words are an example of moral hara-kiri in slow motion, and they’re a disgrace for Germany. Homosexuality is a statutory offence in at least 75 countries, but the penalties for being gay run the gamut from the mild to the severe. The love between two men is punishable by death in Iran, Sudan, Yemen, Mauritania, Somalia, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia…”

On August 18, Der Spiegel Online reported the following, quoting just one sensible voice (of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) within the midst of confusing nonsense:

“Germany’s highest court has ruled that gay couples in civil partnerships are entitled to the same inheritance tax rights as married couples. Most of the German press welcomes the ruling, with many editorials arguing that the next step is full income tax equality…

“The conservative daily Die Welt writes: ‘… Rather, reforms like this are a way of implementing the equality principle in our constitution, which forbids treating people worse because of their sexual orientation. It is good when people are there for each other. When homosexuals do this in committed partnerships, they should be treated as married partners and have the same right to benefit from the assets of the deceased in cases of death.’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘… There is no reason why lesbians and gay men should not be taxed together with their partners just like heterosexual married couples, instead of being treated as single people… Regardless of whether one considers the institution of marriage to be modern or outmoded, as long as there are marriages, then there should be no difference made between homosexuals and heterosexuals.’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘The convictions of the majority are decisive in a democracy — except when the Constitutional Court speaks. It has now decided that homosexual partnerships should have the same inheritance rights as marriages. It was particularly easy for the court to brush aside a constitutional principle that for decades had privileged marriage… It looks like marriage will gradually really need that “particular protection of the state”‘…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… The lawmakers have to differentiate between couples with and without children. Not, however, whether the couple is made up of a man and a woman, a woman and a woman or a man and a man.'”

The Bible is clear: The Christian marriage between a man and a woman is sanctified in God’s eyes, and every other sexual relationship is not. The Bible speaks with godly authority. You can prove that the Bible is God’s Word, which is in force and effect for you. Please read our newest free booklet, “The Authority of the Bible.”

Current Events

Euro On the Rise… Again

Deutsche Welle reported on August 6:

“Positive economic data from both Spain and Greece, a dollar weakened by disappointing economic progress in the United States and indicators of substantial economic growth in Germany have led to losses for negative euro speculators. Rolf Schneider, an economist with the Allianz Group and Dresdner Bank, described the euro as a stable currency. ‘Anyone who was betting on the collapse of the euro… definitely bet on the wrong horse,’ he told Deutsche Welle…

“The horror scenarios which were imaginable in the eurozone at the beginning of the year did not come to pass, according to Jochen Mobert, an analyst with Deutsche Bank Research. ‘… maybe some people bet a bit too short on the euro.'”

Germany Europe’s Locomotive wrote on August 3:

“‘The strong rise in the business climate in July confirms that the current upwards trend remains intact,’ KfW chief economist Norbert Irsch said. ‘Looking at the entire year, Germany will be the growth locomotive in Europe.'”

“Core Europe Led By Germany”

The New York Times used some interesting terminology in an article, dated August 9. Even though the author warns against “premature optimism,” his choice of words is nevertheless telling:

“I counted two headlines reading ‘Crisis? What Crisis?’ in first-rate German publications last week… German economics minister, Rainer Brüderle… said the country was experiencing ‘a little job miracle,’ with full employment a reasonable perspective.
“France was not to be outdone. On Saturday, the lead story in the daily Le Figaro proclaimed ‘Profits and Confidence Return,’ accompanied by an it’s-great-to-be-rich explanation that [for] over a year the market value of the 40 leading firms on the Paris Bourse was up €20 billion, or $26.6 billion.

“This week, a feel-good coda should arrive on the media schedule via gross domestic product figures probably showing that much of CORE EUROPE, LED BY GERMANY, had a very strong second quarter.”

The Bible prophesies that Germany will be leading the last revival of the ancient Roman Empire. This tenth resurrection will be composed of ten nations or groups of nations that will ultimately transfer their power and authority for a short time to a charismatic political and military leader–referred to as the “beast” in the book of Revelation. The next article reports on Germany’s “miraculous” rebirth after World War II–which was necessary to bring about the above-mentioned end-time prophecies.

Germany’s Rebirth–“a Miracle”

On August 10, Der Spiegel Online wrote an article with the following headline:

“Out of the Ashes–A New Look at Germany’s Postwar Reconstruction.”

The article went on to say:

“Germany’s rebirth following the annihilation of World War II is nothing short of a miracle…

“During World War II, carpet-bombing by Allied forces leveled up to 80 percent of the historic buildings in Germany’s main cities in an unprecedented wave of destruction prompted by the no less unprecedented barbarity of the Nazis. In a seemingly endless catalogue of annihilation, Berlin, Cologne, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck, Münster, Munich, Frankfurt, Würzburg, Mainz, Nuremberg, Xanten, Worms, Brunswick, Hanover, Freiburg and Dresden were all devastated.

“Never before had so much been lost — and, yet, never before were there so many new beginnings. Never before had an entire country been rebuilt. Indeed, the lion’s share of buildings standing in Germany today was erected after 1948.

“In West Germany alone, some 400 million cubic meters (14 billion cubic feet) of rubble was piled up after the war — enough to build a wall two meters thick and seven meters high all the way around the western half of the divided country. From an architectural and urban-planning point of view, Germany’s phoenix-like resurrection from the inferno resembled a continuation of the wartime destruction by other means: Another 30 percent of the country’s historic buildings were simply wiped off the map to make way for the new…

“Plans to redesign the country had been hatched even earlier. Already in 1940, Hitler had forged his visions for reshaping Germany’s cities. Konstanty Gutschow, an architect based in Hamburg… dreamt of the ‘structured and dispersed urban landscape’ favored by Nazi planners in the hope that it would make Germany’s cities less susceptible to bomb damage… Operation Gomorrah, the week-long Allied bombing campaign that leveled Hamburg in July 1943, served Gutschow’s purposes. ‘This act of destruction will be a blessing,’ the architect said of the horrific fate which had befallen Hamburg and its residents. ‘The Führer’s prophesy that the ruined cities will rise again more resplendent than ever applies doubly to Hamburg,’ he said, adding: ‘We won’t shed any tears for the vast majority of the destroyed buildings.’

“After the war, Gutschow’s involvement with the Nazis prevented him from being eligible for any public contracts. His contacts, however, quickly ensured that he had work. It was the same story elsewhere in Germany, particularly in Düsseldorf. Nazi-era architects helped each other land jobs and projects while keeping them out of the hands of former Nazi opponents.

“These architects were quick to pretend that they had absolutely [nothing] to do with the bombastic architecture of the Nazis and their megalomaniacal ideology. After the war, Speer’s architects hid behind Bauhaus, the modernist style initially developed by Walter Gropius and others before 1933. Because the Nazis had persecuted its followers, being associated with Bauhaus was good for one’s career after the war…”

The next article proves that God is in control of world events, in light of His prophetic time table. If East Germany had actually carried out an attack against West Berlin, the situation in Europe might look quite differently today.

East Germany Had Planned to Attack West Berlin

Deutsche Welle reported on August 12:

“Through the decades of Berlin’s division, many West Berliners had an inkling that East Germany (GDR) that surrounded their part of the city would at some stage be seeking to conquer it. A TV documentary, ‘Der Fall X’ (The Case of X), shown by Germany’s public broadcaster RBB finally proved them right.

“In the most comprehensive footage on East Germany’s conquest plans so far, two filmmakers, supported by military experts, tell a fascinating story about how the defunct state planned to overrun West Berlin in only three days. ‘As far as we can tell, the planning was quite serious,’ German military historian Winfried Heinemann told Deutsche Welle…

“A detailed map available to the filmmakers showed the most important installations and infrastructure compounds in West Berlin, which would have been targeted first. Among them were strategically important bridges that the French, British and US allies used to move around as well as airports and train stations.

“A second phase of the operation would have included the imprisonment of leading West Berlin politicians, policemen, public servants and journalists. A corresponding list of names was updated by the GDR leadership several times until the collapse of the regime in 1989…

“East Germany’s National People’s Army (NVA) carried out military maneuvers as late as 1988 to train for the take-over of West Berlin… One year later, the Berlin Wall fell, and East German intelligence managed to destroy most of the documents regarding the GDR’s hostile intentions toward West Berlin.”

Germany Shuts Down Mosque

Deutsche Welle reported on August 9:

“Hamburg police early Monday morning raided a mosque with a known history of breeding jihadists, city authorities reported. At 6 a.m. Monday morning 20 police officers reportedly entered the mosque searching for evidence of Islamist radicalization. Hamburg’s interior minister, Christoph Ahlhaus, deemed the group’s Islamist ideology reason enough to close the center for good…

“The Taiba Mosque in Hamburg’s St. Georg neighborhood received international attention under its former name, Al Quds, when it became known that the September 11 suicide pilot Mohammed Attah had used his contacts there to forge a terrorist cell…

“Yet, after a decade of suspicion against the mosque, the timing of the raid has come under question, especially considering the proximity to Hamburg’s August 25 mayoral election, in which Ahlhaus is a prime candidate to win the office. Aiman Mazyek, secretary general of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, told Deutsche Welle he also found it ‘regretful that this [raid and ban] had to take place just before Ramadan. Politicians should want to get peaceful Muslims on their side … Maybe they should have tried to do this at a different date, not just before Ramadan – and an election,’ Mazyek added.

“Mazyek, whose organization represents nearly 2,600 Muslim communities, also fears that the pursuit of Islamists will have a negative impact on peaceful Muslims living in Germany. He said studies had proven that the ‘war on terror’ had increased extremist violence against Muslims and mosques…

“Rolf Tophoven of the Institute for Terrorism Research and Security Policy… said there were centers of radicalization all over Germany and Europe, but that most – working under the guise of mosques and Koran schools – were focused on indoctrination rather than militant training… ‘If you have a young Muslim student, who is not centralized in his family, who is looking for orientation, and this man falls in the hands of a radical imam or scholar, then often he will leave his family and look for jihad training in Afghanistan, and especially on the Afghan-Pakistani border on the Pakistani side,’ Tophoven said… ‘They know how to recruit perpetrators. The ideological framework is the credo of Osama bin Laden: every good Muslim has the duty to fight the so-called non-Muslim community.'”

Die Tageszeitung added on August 10:

“What Germany lacks is a comprehensive deradicalization strategy that doesn’t confine itself to banning individual meeting places like the Taiba mosque.”

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote on August 10:

“What do violent Islamists have to do in this country to arouse enough suspicion to have their activities banned? A lot had to happen in Hamburg before the mosque where the Hamburg cell of the 9/11 suicide pilots drew their ideological weaponry was finally shut down. The imam at whose feet Mohammed Atta and his comrades once sat was still delivering his hate sermons here. The mosque, despite its name change, was still known as a main meeting point for jihadists and all other Muslim communities in Hamburg had distanced themselves from this society. A whole year had to pass for authorities to react to the fact that a group from the Taiba mosque left for the holy land of jihadists, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, to learn the terrorist trade.”

Die Welt wrote on August 10: “… in the final analysis, the last few years have been a symbol of Germany’s weakness in the fight against terrorism.”

Due to pressure and provocation from radical Islam, Germany will become more involved in the fight of the Christian world against radical Islam and other (perceived) non-Christian groups and societies. This confrontation and development will have serious consequences, leading to a time of war, when peace will be taken away from the earth.


Turkey’s Mean War Against the Kurds

“German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using such weapons against Kurdish rebels…

“It would be difficult to exceed the horror shown in the photos, which feature burned, maimed and scorched body parts. The victims are scarcely even recognizable as human beings…

“Did the Turkish army in fact use chemical weapons and, by doing so, violate the Chemical Weapons Convention it had ratified?… German politicians and human rights experts are now demanding an investigation into the incident…

“Ruprecht Polenz, a member of the German parliament with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Union and the chairman of the Bundestag’s Foreign Relations Committee, [stated:] ‘Turkey needs to urgently look into these accusations…’ adding that an international investigation would be the best approach… In Turkey, human rights advocates have long demanded an investigation. The army, however, has refused to comment on the issue. Similarly, the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been stubbornly silent or tried to portray the accusations of war crimes as ‘PKK propaganda.

“… the Berlin daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, which reported on the case Thursday… also reports that it has obtained additional, shocking pictures in the meantime, supposedly autopsy photographs of six other killed Kurds…”

German Military Goes on Offensive in Afghanistan

The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 10:

“The German military, long criticized by its allies as too passive in the face of a growing insurgency, plans to go on the offensive in Taliban strongholds in northern Afghanistan—despite the risk of a political backlash back home. Acting on instructions from Berlin, senior officers have ordered two 600-man German battalions to team up with Afghan soldiers in the coming months and clear Taliban fighters from districts the insurgents now dominate.”

Heavy Floods in Central Europe

Der Spiegel wrote on August 9:

“It was water level that had never been seen before. The Neisse River on the German-Polish border hit 7.07 meters (23 feet) on Sunday morning in the town of Görlitz, the highest level ever recorded since systematic measurements began almost a century ago. Normal level for the river is a mere 1.7 meters.

“And Görlitz was not alone. High waters and flash floods hit large parts of western Czech Republic and Poland along with swaths of eastern Germany over the weekend, killing 11 people and resulted in the collapse of several houses. An additional four people were killed in Lithuania as a result of heavy storms…

“Extremely heavy rains late last week and into the weekend are to blame for the sudden rise in Central European river levels, though the situation was worsened considerably when a dam on the Witka River near the Polish town of Radomierzyce failed, sending a huge flood surge downriver… The Polish town of Bogatynia was particularly hard hit over the weekend, with a bridge having been washed out and both electricity and running water cut off. The high water marks the third time Poland has been hit by severe flooding this year. Meteorologists warn that further heavy rain showers are to be expected in the coming days…”

Russia’s Wildfires

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 6:

“On Friday morning, Muscovites woke up to another day of acrid smog as fires continued to burn near the Russian capital. The wildfires that have torn through forests, peat bogs and villages across the country over the past two weeks have killed 50 people and destroyed thousands of homes.

“Officials at the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Moscow have stated that 500 separate blazes, mainly across western Russia, are still burning. With the forecast for the week ahead showing that temperatures could approach 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), officials are struggling to ensure that the blazes do not reach explosives in military facilities or an area contaminated with radioactivity from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster… Meanwhile, a military garrison 70 kilometers outside Moscow has moved all its rockets and artillery to a safer location as wildfires advance in the region…

“Prime Minister Vladmir Putin, who has made a point of visiting many of the affected areas, on Thursday announced that wheat exports would be halted until the end of the year. Russia, one of the world’s biggest exporters of grain, will ban the exports from Aug. 15 to Dec. 31, with the possibility of extending the prohibition into the following year. Last week, Russian officials stated that 20 percent of its wheat crop this year had been destroyed by drought and wildfires…”

Deutsche Welle reported on August 11:

“Wildfires covering hundreds of hectares were recorded in Russia’s Bryansk region near the border to Belarus and Ukraine throughout the past week… ‘According to data from August 6, in the Bryansk region alone 28 fires covering an area of 269 hectares (664 acres) were recorded on these radioactive lands,’ an official told Russia’s Interfax news agency. ‘There are maps of the [radioactive] contamination, and there are maps of the fires. Anyone can put the two together. Why deny this information?’ the official added.

“Earlier this week, officials from the Russian emergency ministry denied there had been wildfires in the Bryansk region, after concern had been raised over blazes reaching the highly contaminated areas resulting in nuclear particles being lifted out of the soil and into the atmosphere…

“Environmental group Greenpeace, meanwhile, has reiterated warnings of the danger of the fires in the contaminated areas. Vladimir Chuprov, the head of Greenpeace Russia’s energy unit, told Deutsche Welle that the Russian government was attempting to ‘hide the real danger’ of the wildfires. ‘This is in many ways a repeating of Chernobyl, of the mistakes made by the government in 1986 when they failed to release any information on the risks and the danger of the reactor explosion.’…

“Officials in Germany, meanwhile, have not dismissed the possibility of danger for Western Europe as a result of the wildfires in Bryansk. Professor Edmund Lengfelder, chairman of the German Society for Radiation Protection, told German public radio on Wednesday that the chance of radioactive particles entering the atmosphere was ‘very large’ and that these could travel up to thousands of kilometers depending on wind conditions.

“‘Nobody can be sure about the distance these particles could travel in the wind. For this reason, it is necessary for the safety of the German people that the radiation authorities keep an eye on the air activity in Russia and to inform the German people in case any danger arises,’ Lengfelder said.”

Pakistan’s Disaster

CNN reported on August 11:

“The start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan coincided in Pakistan on Wednesday with the nation’s worst natural disaster, the staggering scope of human suffering revealing itself in wretched ways.

“From the Swat Valley in the north to Sindh province in the south, as many as 15 million Pakistanis have been affected by torrential monsoon rains that have washed away villages and bloated rivers, authorities said Wednesday.

“Pakistan’s representative to the United Nations said many people have not yet grasped the massive scale of Pakistan’s suffering and warned it could still get worse because of ongoing rain.

“The Pakistan Disaster Authority confirmed 1,313 deaths Wednesday. It said 1,588 people have been injured and 352,291 people have been rescued. More than 722,000 houses have been damaged. Many Pakistanis now face severe food shortages, and aid agencies stepped up appeals for global assistance. The United Nations launched a flash appeal for $460 million in humanitarian assistance, and the United States pledged another $20 million on top of the $35 million already pledged…

“Also Wednesday, Germany said it was increasing aid for flood victims to about $12.8 million. In total, about $600 million in aid is heading to Pakistan — the equivalent of about $40 for each of the nation’s 15 million residents. Islamic militants, however, called on the Pakistani government to reject any aid provided by the United States for flood relief.”

In addition to the floods in Pakistan and India, the Washington Post reported about flooding in China this past weekend which caused major mudslides and killed dozens of people. More than 2,000 people are missing or unaccounted for. Also, there were several floods and tornadoes in the USA, causing lots of damage with winds up to 90 mph.

This kind of worldwide devastation was predicted to occur a long time ago, to wake up people and lead them to repentance.

In fact, these types of disasters will become much much worse, as time goes on. Sadly, most people do not and will not heed God’s warning. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Schwarzenegger and Brown in Support of Same-Sex Marriages

The Associated Press reported on August 6:

“Lawyers for gay couples, California Gov. Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown filed legal motions Friday telling a federal judge that allowing same-sex marriages to resume immediately in the state was the right thing to do… On Friday, Schwarzenegger and Brown were the first to urge an immediate resumption of gay marriage, which was legal in the state for more than four months before voters amended the California Constitution to outlaw it in November 2008…

“The governor and attorney general almost always defend state laws when they are challenged. But in this case, both refused to participate in fighting the lawsuit aimed at overturning the ban.

“Brown is the Democratic nominee for governor on the November ballot and he previously called the ban unconstitutional. Schwarzenegger has been more circumspect… and his motion to immediately resume gay marriage was his boldest pronouncement on the issue.

“‘The administration believes the public interest is best served by permitting the court’s judgment to go into effect, thereby restoring the right of same-sex couples to marry in California,’ lawyers for Schwarzenegger said in the legal filing. ‘Doing so is consistent with California’s long history of treating all people and their relationships with equal dignity and respect.’ Brown also said it’s time for gays to begin marrying again.”

CNN reported on August 12:

“Gay and lesbian couples in California who were breathlessly poised to get married this morning had their hopes dashed when the federal judge who struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage lifted his stay on those nuptials – but simultaneously ruled that his order not take effect for six more days.

“Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker invalidated Proposition 8 last week, saying the ban was discriminatory and unconstitutional. At the time, he put a temporary stay on his ruling, meaning it could not be enforced. He lifted that stay today… However, Walker said in today’s order that the stay will not be canceled until 5 p.m. on Aug. 18.

“That gives proponents of Prop. 8 time to ask the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for another stay.”

In spite of all concocted legalese and rhetoric, the Bible is very clear that marriage is between a man and a woman, and the framers of the U.S. Constitution had the same identical understanding. To say that their intent was to allow same-sex marriages is absolutely ludicrous.

While the U.S. Economy Looks Bleaker and Bleaker…

The Associated Press wrote on August 12:

“The economy is looking bleaker as new applications for jobless benefits rose last week to the highest level in almost six months… First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000… Analysts had expected claims to fall…

“The report ‘represents a very adverse turn in the labor market, threatening income growth and consumer spending,’ Pierre Ellis, an economist at Decision Economics, wrote in a note to clients. Even the lowest mortgage rates in decades is a gloomy sign for the economy… the drop suggests investors are losing confidence in the recovery…

“The stock market has been falling since the Fed’s more pessimistic outlook. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 37 points in midday trading Thursday, and is down more than 300 points for the week.”

The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 11:

“The U.S. government spent itself deeper into the red last month, paying nearly $20 billion in interest on debt and an additional $9.8 billion to help unemployed Americans… The $165.04 billion deficit… was the second highest for the month on record. The highest was $180.68 billion in July 2009…

“So far in fiscal 2010, the government spent $1.169 trillion more than it made… For all of fiscal 2009, the U.S. ran a record $1.42 trillion deficit. Fiscal 2010 might run a little higher—the Obama administration sees $1.47 trillion.”

… Michelle Obama’s Extravagance Is Costing US Taxpayers

The Daily Mail wrote on August 6:

“Michelle Obama today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends which has cost U.S. taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds. The First Lady has been lambasted for her extravagance at a time when the economy is still struggling. One blogger went so far as to brand her a modern-day Marie Antoinette…

“The cost of accommodating the secret service team runs at around £172 each a day which amounts to nearly £60,000 for the length of the summer break. Use of Air Force Two, the Air Force version of a 757, comes in at £91,900 for the round trip. This does not include time on the ground… A conservative estimate puts the total amount at around £150,000.

“Back in the U.S., anger was mounting – especially as it has emerged the First Lady will have enjoyed eight holidays by the end of the summer.”

Please watch our latest StandingWatch program, titled, “US Leadership–Out of Touch With Reality”

Current Events

Chelsea Clinton’s Interfaith Wedding

USA Today wrote on August 2:

“Chelsea Clinton, a Methodist, and Marc Mezvinsky, a Conservative Jew, had their very private wedding on Saturday… Like it or not, the famous bride and groom will continue to be the focus of scrutiny for their religiously mixed marriage — a category that’s growing rapidly among U.S. couples.

“Two decades ago, 25% of U.S. couples didn’t share the same faith. That was up to 31% by 2006-08, according to the General Social Survey by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. The number was even higher, 37%, in the 2008 U.S. Religious Landscape Survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Both surveys included people who crossed major traditions, such as Jewish-Protestant, believers married to the unaffiliated, and Protestants of different denominations, such as former president Bill Clinton, a Baptist, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Methodist.

“For those of nominal faith, this is no big deal… But for those who hold deep but different faiths, life-cycle decisions will loom, from baptism… to burial… Every rite of passage, sacred ritual and major holy day will require negotiation: First Communion? Bar or bat mitzvah? Passover Seder, Easter vigil or Eid Al-Fitr feast to break Islam’s Ramadan fast?…

“Gerald Harris, a retired Southern Baptist pastor… objects most strongly when teachings or traditions are blended like a margarita or simply forsaken. Harris, editor of a century-old magazine, The Christian Index, defines ‘interfaith’ unions very sharply: Believers who have accepted Jesus as their personal savior and anyone — Christian or any other religion — who has not. As a pastor he declined to wed Christians to unbelievers…

“The intermarriage trend is probably here to stay… 20% of Protestants have married outside their tradition… the intermarriage rate was 39% for Muslims, 27% for Jews, 23% for Catholics and 12% for Mormons. A growing number of Catholics are skipping church weddings no matter whom they marry… The [Catholic] church requires that a Catholic promise to rear any children as Catholics, ‘to the best of his or her ability’…”

The Bible is very clear that a Christian is not to marry someone who is not a Christian. 1 Corinthians 7:39 states that a Christian woman is “at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” The Living Bible gives the following rendering, thereby setting forth correctly the intended meaning: “she may marry… only… a Christian.” At the same time, if an interfaith marriage exists, then the Christian must not divorce himself or herself from his or her spouse, as long as the spouse is willing to live with the Christian (compare 1 Corinthians 7:12-15).

Germany’s “Gay Games”

Deutsche Welle reported on July 31:

“The 8th quadrennial Gay Games kicks off in Cologne on Saturday with an opening ceremony attended by openly-gay German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. The games are a week-long celebration with 35 different sporting events, ranging from track and field or swimming to chess and bridge. The event is expected to draw some 10,000 participants this year, from more than 70 different countries…

“A common question people associated with the Gay Games often have to answer is why gay and lesbian athletes need their own, separate event when they are not specifically excluded from the Olympics, or other sporting events. Matthew Mitcham, an openly gay Olympic-gold medalist in diving from Australia, said many young gays and lesbians might feel like there is no place for them in the sporting world… John Amaechi, a retired professional basketball player for the American NBA and official ambassador for this year’s games, added that the assumption that gays and lesbians are not excluded from sports is entirely false…

“While the Gay Games are primarily an event for the athletes, Kelly Stevens [officer of communications for the parent group Federation of Gay Games] said some of the people who are most changed by participating in the events are actually the officials. ‘For many of them, it will be the first time they officiate an all-gay, lesbian sport event,’ he said. ‘And they gain respect for all of the athletes and participants…'”

Gay Parade March in Jerusalem

Haaretz reported on July 29:

“Thousands of Israelis marched in Jerusalem’s longest gay pride parade despite opposition from anti-gay demonstrators. The subdued march from Jerusalem city center to the parliament building Thursday contrasted with flamboyant pride parades elsewhere in the world. Organizers said they were adjusting to the city’s religious character and using it to push their political agenda.

“Carrying rainbow banners, several thousand demonstrators walked along the 1.5 mile (2.5 kilometer) route. A few dozen protesters at the beginning and end of the route held signs denouncing homosexuals. Many ultra-Orthodox Jews consider homosexuality to be an abomination.”

The Bible does not teach that a homosexual lifestyle is pleasing in God’s eyes. We read in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that, among others, “homosexuals and sodomites” will not inherit the kingdom of God. The margin of the New King James Bible explains that the Greek word for “homosexuals,” means, “those submitting to homosexuals,” while the Greek word for “sodomites” describes “male homosexuals.” It is interesting that the Bible refers to end-time Jerusalem as “Sodom” (compare Revelation 11:8), and it also speaks of the modern houses of Israel and Judah as “Sodom and Gomorrah” (Isaiah 1:10). For more information on the identify of those nations, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Federal Judge Overturns California Ban on Gay Marriage

The Associated Press reported on August 4:

“A federal judge overturned California’s same-sex marriage ban Wednesday in a landmark case that could eventually land before the U.S. Supreme Court to decide if gays have a constitutional right to marry in America. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker made his ruling in a lawsuit two gay couples filed, arguing that… the the voter-approved ban violated their civil rights. Supporters of the ban countered that it was necessary to safeguard the traditional understanding of marriage and to encourage responsible childbearing…

“The verdict was the second in a federal gay marriage case to come down in recent weeks. A federal judge in Massachusetts decided last month the state’s legally married gay couples had been wrongly denied the federal financial benefits of marriage because of a law preventing the U.S. government from recognizing same-sex unions…

“Former U.S. Justice Department lawyer Charles Cooper, who represented the religious and conservative groups that sponsored the ban, said cultures around the world, previous courts and Congress all accepted the ‘common sense belief that children do best when they are raised by their own mother and father.’

“In an unusual move, the original defendants, California Attorney General Jerry Brown and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, refused to support Proposition 8 in court. That left the work of defending the law to Protect Marriage, the group that successfully sponsored the ballot measure that passed with 52 percent of the vote after the most expensive political campaign on a social issue in U.S. history.

“At this time, same-sex couples can wed legally only in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Washington, D.C.”

On August 4, The Los Angeles Times added the following revealing facts:

“The ruling was the first in the country to strike down a marriage ban on federal constitutional grounds. Previous cases have cited state constitutions… Walker said the ban violated the federal constitutional guarantees of equal protection and of due process… The jurist, a Republican appointee WHO IS GAY, cited extensive evidence from the trial to support his finding that there was not a rational basis for excluding gays and lesbians from marriage.”

“Obama Out of Touch with Reality”

The Financial Times wrote on July 28:

“Mr Obama’s administration, facing dismal marks even from friendly pollsters, is making a new push to talk to Middle America, trying to recapture some of his old campaign magic before November’s midterm Congressional elections… Certainly, the president needs all the positive exposure he can get.

“Polls regularly put his approval rating below 50 per cent, and a new Quinnipiac University survey found that US voters thought – by a margin of 48 to 40 per cent – that he did not deserve to be re-elected in 2012. This makes alarming reading in Mr Obama’s Washington, where Democrats could lose control of the House and even the Senate. If the president thinks it’s tough to get legislation passed now, just imagine how difficult life will be in a Republican-dominated Congress.

“… his recent attempts to connect with the public have simply served to underscore the extent to which the shine has come off Mr Obama’s halo. His first Oval Office address, made during the height of the BP oil spill, fell flat, offering no new plans to deal with the disaster. He urged Americans to holiday in Florida, then promptly took his family to leafy Maine…

“The public image of the president is now of someone who strikes long after the iron has cooled and who is out of touch with the grim reality on the ground. The president’s advisers are mistaken if they think that flattering media appearances designed to remind the public why they first fell for Mr Obama will lead to a bounce in the polls, with a knock-on effect in November. Ordinary Americans care most about the lethargic economy and the millions of people still out of work…”

USA Today added on August 3:

“Public support for President Obama’s Afghanistan war policy has plummeted amid a rising U.S. death toll and the unauthorized release of classified military documents, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows. Support for Obama’s management of the war fell to 36%, down from 48% in a February poll. Now, a record 43% also say it was a mistake to go to war there after the terrorist attacks in 2001.

“The decline in support contributed to the lowest approval ratings of Obama’s presidency. Amid a lengthy recession, more Americans support his handling of the economy (39%) than the war. Even Obama’s handling of the war in Iraq received record-low approval… Only 41% of those surveyed Tuesday through Sunday approved of the way Obama is handling his job, his lowest rating in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll since he took office in January 2009. In Gallup’s separate daily tracking poll, his approval was at 45% Monday.”

New Health Care Law Under Scrutiny–Missouri Voters Reject Mandatory Health Care

The Associated Press wrote on August 4:

“Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a key provision of President Barack Obama’s health care law, sending a clear message of discontent to Washington and Democrats less than 100 days before the midterm elections. About 71 percent of Missouri voters backed a ballot measure, Proposition C, that would prohibit the government from requiring people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for not having it. The Missouri law conflicts with a federal requirement that most people have health insurance or face penalties starting in 2014.
“Tuesday’s vote was seen as largely symbolic because federal law generally trumps state law. But it was also seen as a sign of growing voter disillusionment with federal policies and a show of strength by conservatives and the tea party movement.”

Bloomberg reported on August 1:

“One of the more illuminating remarks during the health-care debate in Congress came when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told an audience that Democrats would ‘pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it, away from the fog of controversy.’ That remark captured the truth that, while many Americans have a vague sense that something bad is happening to their health care, few if any understand exactly what the law does.

“To fill this vacuum, Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, asked his staff to prepare a study of the law, including a flow chart that illustrates how the major provisions will work. The result, made public July 28, provides citizens with a preview of the impact the health-care overhaul will have on their lives. It’s a terrifying road map that shows Democrats have launched America on the most reckless policy experiment in its history, the economic equivalent of the Bay of Pigs invasion…

“Based on the administration’s own numbers, as many as 117 million people might have to change their health plans by 2013 as their employer-provided coverage loses its grandfathered status and becomes subject to the new Obamacare mandates. Those mandates also might make your health care more expensive. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that premiums for a small number of families who buy their insurance privately will rise by as much as $2,100…

“For all this supposed reform, you, the American taxpayer, can expect a bill to the tune of $569 billion.”

Rise in U.S. Food Stamp Recipients

Bloomberg reported on August 5:

“The number of Americans who are receiving food stamps rose to a record 40.8 million in May as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high, the government reported yesterday… [This is] more than an eighth of the population… The figure is projected to rise to 43.3 million in 2011.”

Oil Spill Damage Not So Bad?

The Daily Mail wrote on August 5:

“After months of finger-wagging at BP, the White House has admitted the Gulf of Mexico oil spill isn’t causing the environmental devastation it first feared. In a humiliating climbdown, the Obama administration conceded the ‘vast majority’ of the oil that gushed into the ocean from the ruptured well has already gone. The rest, it says, is probably so diluted, it doesn’t appear to pose much of a threat…

“The extraordinary change of tune came after government scientists concluded, much to President Obama’s embarrassment, that three-quarters of the leaked oil has evaporated, dispersed, been burned off or been contained…

“The findings raise serious questions over the American government’s torrid attacks on BP in the aftermath of the April 20 rig explosion that killed 11 workers and spilled millions of gallons of crude into the ocean. Mr Obama has already been accused of targeting the British oil giant to avert fears the spill was becoming a political liability for his Democrat Party in the run-up to the November mid-term elections.”

However, the Obama administration’s report is highly disputed. USA Today reported on August 5:

“Scientists are questioning an Obama administration report that some three-quarters of the oil from the BP spill is gone from the Gulf of Mexico. ‘Independent scientists scoffed at the report’s findings,’ reported the St. Petersburg Times in Florida. One of its experts said pungently,’these are just what we call WAGs — wild-a-guesses.’

“The administration report says most of the oil has been captured, skimmed, or dispersed naturally or by chemicals, and that only about 26 percent of the oil spill is unaccounted for. Ian MacDonald, a professor of biological oceanography at Florida State University, told the Washington Post that there are a lot of ‘smoke and mirrors in this report … It seems very reassuring, but the data aren’t there to actually bear out the assurances that were made.’

“And so the mystery of the missing oil goes on. The St. Petersburg Times also reported: ‘Several (experts) pointed out that the report estimates that a quarter of the oil is still floating in the gulf or contaminating beaches and marshes, while another quarter was dispersed, either with chemicals or naturally. In other words, half of it, or about 2.5 million barrels, is still unrecovered. ‘I don’t think that’s real good news,’ said James ‘Rip’ Kirby, a University of South Florida coastal geologist who has been studying the spill’s effects on Panhandle beaches…”

USA Has a Plan To Attack Iran

The Associated Press reported on August 1:

“The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff says the U.S. military has a plan to attack Iran, although he thinks a strike is probably a bad idea.

“Adm. Mike Mullen, the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, has often warned that a military strike on Iran would have serious and unpredictable ripple effects around the Middle East. At the same time, he says the risk of Iran developing a nuclear weapon is unacceptable.”

USA vs. German Companies

Deutsche Welle reported on August 4:

“The United States has announced it will sanction 13 European firms it suspects of being controlled by the Iranian government. The US Treasury Department froze all assets the companies have under US jurisdiction and forbid American companies or individuals from doing business with them. Nine of the firms are registered in Germany, two in Belarus, and one each in Luxembourg and Italy.

“The companies include insurance, investment, mining and engineering firms. Seven of the German firms, including IFIC Holding and Ascotec Holding, are based in the western city of Dusseldorf. The others are located in Hamburg and Nettetal.”

The Unwinnable War in Afghanistan

The Associated Press reported on July 30:

“Three more U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan, bringing the U.S. death toll for July to at least 66 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the nearly 9-year-war… [Before July,] June had been the deadliest month for the U.S. with 60 deaths.”

On August 4, USA Today published an editorial by Ronald Goldfarb, a Washington, D.C., attorney and author who served in the Kennedy Justice Department. He supported Barack Obama in 2008 and wrote the following:

“That the U.S. should have pursued 9/11 terrorists into Afghanistan in 2001 is not a reason to be there 10 years later…

“Newly elected presidents, especially Democrats, fear being portrayed as weak, and thus get rolled by the military into fighting unnecessary wars. John Kennedy learned the lesson fast, after our fiasco in Cuba. Lyndon Johnson lost his presidency over his capitulation to military advisers. LBJ knew we couldn’t ‘win’ in Vietnam, but he was afraid to end the war and be seen as a president who gave up. In worrying about losing his second term, he lost it.

“Obama has allowed himself to be talked into making the protracted Afghan war his… In doing so, he has repeated LBJ’s critical mistake… Last year, the perceptive critic Garry Wills urged Obama to be a one-term president rather than prolonging an unwinnable war…

“Woodrow Wilson once said: ‘If my re-election as president depends upon my getting into war, I don’t want to be president.’ He soon was dragged into World War I, despite his fearing a useless slaughter to control the actions of others, according to his recent biographer, John Milton Cooper Jr…

“Ironically, in turning over the war in Afghanistan to Gen. David Petraeus, President Obama may have anointed the one man who could beat him in the 2012 election. From George Washington to Ulysses Grant to Dwight Eisenhower, this country respects powerful generals and turns to them politically in times of national stress. If the Afghanistan war proves successful (by what standard, one might ask), Gen. Petraeus comes home a hero; if it fails, he can complain that the commander in chief didn’t let him do what he needed to do to win…

“Our financial bankruptcy after years of this Afghan indulgence will set the scene for an impatient and fractious country to look for new leadership… One term or two, the president needs to get us out of unnecessary wars…”

Cameron Causes Furor in Pakistan

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 29:

“British Prime Minister David Cameron has caused a furor in Pakistan by claiming it supports terrorists. Islamabad vehemently rejects the charge and accuses the West of blindly believing the WikiLeaks war logs.

“British Prime Minister David Cameron has not been afraid to say what he thinks during a string of recent foreign trips, including calling Gaza a ‘prison camp’ during a visit to Turkey. Now, his latest bit of plain speaking has sparked something of a diplomatic spat with Pakistan. He offended Islamabad with comments made on Wednesday in, of all places, Pakistan’s archenemy India. Speaking to an audience in the city of Bangalore, Cameron said: ‘We cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country is … able, in any way, to promote the export of terror whether to India, whether to Afghanistan or to anywhere else in the world’…

“His words have not gone down well in Pakistan, a country that is officially Britain’s ally in the war on terror. Cameron was speaking just days after the publication of leaked US military documents relating to the war in Afghanistan on the Internet platform WikiLeaks and in three media outlets, including SPIEGEL. According to the so-called war logs, the US suspects that Pakistan is providing terrorists with a haven and that the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI is training insurgents and supplying them with weapons. According to one memo, the ISI was even involved in a plot to assassinate the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai…

“Western diplomats, including ones from Britain, have often broached their concerns that Pakistan is playing a double game: on the one side backing the West, and on the other supporting the terrorists. But for a British prime minister to openly state such a concern is highly unusual. And his words will have delighted India, which has long accused Pakistan of exporting terror, including the attacks on Mumbai in November 2008…

“Pakistan’s ambassador to London, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, has accused Cameron of damaging the prospects of regional peace with his remarks… Afghanistan, meanwhile, has reached its own conclusions from the WikiLeaks documents. On Thursday, President Karzai asked at a press conference why the allies had done so little against the terrorists in Pakistan. This was, after all, the source of the financing and training of the Taliban, he said, adding that the Western troops should once and for all attack the extremists’ positions in Pakistan.”

Worst Flood in Pakistani History

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 2:

“As floodwaters recede in northwestern Pakistan and officials begin assessing the extent of destruction caused by last week’s record-breaking monsoon rains, which killed hundreds of people, frustration among the region’s survivors is growing over what they say is a plodding, disorganized relief effort.

“The International Committee of the Red Cross estimates that at least 2.5 million Pakistanis have been affected by the floods, the worst in the country’s history. Estimates of people killed in drownings, landslides and building collapses have varied from the government’s official tally of 773 to the Red Cross’ figure of 1,100… [According to other estimates, the death toll could exceed 3,000.]

“With the destruction caused by last week’s floods, dozens of bridges, roads and hospitals, as well as the region’s communication networks, will have to be rebuilt… The province’s chief minister, Amir Haider Khan Hoti, said the floods ‘pushed the province almost 50 years back’…

“The U.S. has pledged $10 million in aid and supplied rescue helicopters, inflatable boats, water filtration units and 12 prefabricated steel bridges as temporary replacements for destroyed highway spans. Pakistan’s army has assigned at least 30,000 troops to help rescue stranded villagers and assist in relief efforts.

“Since Thursday, when most of the destruction caused by the floods occurred, Pakistani military helicopters and rescue boats have evacuated more than 20,000 people, many of whom were stranded on rooftops for days. The government has also begun setting up relief camps where flood victims can get shelter, food and clean drinking water.

“Frustration over the government’s handling of the crisis, however, is growing. Political opponents of President Asif Ali Zardari criticized the Pakistani leader for going ahead with a planned visit to Europe this week while many families struggle to find food.”

Russia in the News

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 3:

“From the smoke of the wildfires engulfing the Moscow region and the embarrassment of this summer’s spy scandal, Vladimir Putin is reemerging as Russia’s most powerful man and, experts say, a candidate to reclaim the presidency a little more than a year and a half from now.

“For more than two years since term limits forced him to give up office and take the prime minister’s job instead, Putin and his protege, President Dmitry Medvedev, have seemed to be in lockstep… many analysts long have predicted that one of the two eventually would elbow the other aside. And in the last month, the situation has changed.

“While Medvedev appears mostly confined to his Kremlin office, Putin is rushing around the country with the news media in tow. He comforts fire victims, upbraids local officials — and publicly dictates to the president what should be done about the fires that have killed 40 people and ravaged more than 1.2 million acres.”

Developments in Russia are of great importance, as a military confrontation between Russia and its allies and Europe is prophesied to occur in a very few years from now.

Deutsche Welle reported on August 5:

“[Russian President Dmitry] Medvedev signed the bill to expand the FSB’s powers last week after it passed unhindered through the lower and upper houses of Russia’s parliament, the Duma, with 354 votes in favor, mostly from the president’s ruling United Russia party. The new law will provide the FSB, the successor to the Soviet Union’s KGB security service, with the power to detain citizens it suspects of wrongdoing even if it has no evidence against them.”

Worldwide Wheat Shortages

The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 3:

“Wheat prices have staged the most drastic rise in more than 50 years, as a drought in Russia fuels growing worries that it could lead to a global shortage of the grain. Harsh heat and a lack of rain in Russia have killed half of the crop in some hard-hit areas. The slump in production in one of the world’s most fertile breadbaskets has pushed prices up 62% since early June, and last month saw the biggest and fastest increase since 1959. Wheat prices, which briefly rose above $7 a bushel on Monday, are at their highest level since September.”

The Wall Street Journal added on August 4:

“The scorching temperatures and dry skies threatening Russia’s wheat harvests have also been beating down on Western Europe, which is forecasting lower output of crops from French wheat to Italian tomatoes.”

CNBC wrote on August 3:

“The July rise in wheat prices, the fastest in 51 years, indicates that shortages in agriculture are coming… Wheat prices in Europe hit their highest level in two years, rising almost 50 percent since late June as Russia’s wheat crop was affected by drought.

“‘That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back,’ [Jim] Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, who has been warning about shortages coming in the agriculture sector for a while, said in a telephone interview… Shortages in agriculture are likely to add to problems created by governments who printed money to spend their way out of the financial crisis, according to Rogers. ‘It’s all happening at a time when governments are printing more money… it’s a very dangerous situation,’ he said.”

The Euro on the Rise

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 30:

“The euro rose above $1.31 to the highest point in 11 weeks as improving euro-zone economic data helped the common currency extend a rally during which it has strengthened more than 10% since early June.

“The euro has been perhaps the most visible beneficiary of easing concerns about the European sovereign debt crisis. After hitting a four-year low of $1.1876 on June 7, the currency has steadily advanced amid confidence that policy makers have forestalled a European sovereign-debt default.”

The Netherlands Move to the Right

The EUObserver wrote on August 2:

“One of the most conservative Dutch governments ever was in the offing Sunday, with the conservative-liberal election winners of the VVD party agreeing on a minority coalition with the centre-right Christian Democrats and backed on a case-by-case basis by the far-right anti-Islam Freedom Party of Geert Wilders… In return for the support of the Geert Wilders on the key demand of the VVD, the other two parties agreed to support additional immigration controls and a law-and-order agenda.

“Crucially, the agreement will let Mr Wilders speak his mind as far as Islam and immigration are concerned. Mr Wilders, who is the only member of his political party, wants to see a ban on the construction of mosques, a tax imposed on people who wear the veil and the expulsion of millions of muslims from Europe.”

Deutsche Welle added on August 2:

“Seven weeks after the Dutch parliamentary elections, Geert Wilders, the leader of the anti-Islam, anti-immigrant Freedom Party (PPV), is poised to become a key voice in what could be the most conservative Dutch government in history… Mark Rutte, the leader of the VVD party and likely to be the next prime minister, said he sees enough similarities for cooperation…

“Wilders has compared the Koran to ‘Mein Kampf’ and blamed Islamic texts for inciting the September 11 terrorist attacks. He calls Islam a ‘political ideology’…”

“Why the World Needs the Bundeswehr”

On July 27, Der Spiegel Online published an editorial by Volker Rühe, former German defense minister from 1992 to 1998, and retired Vice Admiral Ulrich Weisser, who was head of the policy and planning staff within the Defense Ministry from 1992 to 1998. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“After Germany’s overwhelming military had terrified our neighbors in the last century, we then switched to being a freeloader within the framework of European security. A fundamental restructuring of the Bundeswehr is not something that Germany can pursue alone. We must remain capable of fulfilling our obligations as part of the NATO alliance and the European Union.

“Germany, the most populous and prosperous country in Europe, must play an appropriate role in guaranteeing European security within NATO and the EU. It cannot assume that the French, British, Poles and Italians will make up for what Germany no longer wants to do. Why should European countries with less economic power than Germany do more for Europe’s security in the long run than we do?…

“The Middle East remains a threat to world peace and, therefore, to us. It cannot be ruled out that NATO will be called upon to intervene there in a peacekeeping capacity on behalf of the United Nations. Besides, we must ensure that weapons of mass destruction do not fall into the wrong hands. Fundamentalist terrorism and ethnic and religious wars, as well as global crime and piracy that threatens our maritime trade routes, shape our security policy to a much greater extent than in the past…

“Germany, like its European allies, must have troops at its disposal that can be deployed quickly across great distances, prevail in battle against any enemy and at any level of intensity, and be superior within an alliance with others. The small, professionally equipped and trained intervention force being considered, which could be deployed in all parts of the world, is in keeping with neither the intent of the constitution nor the will of German citizens. Being capable of projecting power when the alliance as a whole faces challenges is a different matter altogether…

“In essence, German defense policy today faces, for the third time, a historic change of course and must therefore address several tasks… The restrictions placed on the German armed forces’ deployments in Afghanistan and in the Horn of Africa have had a devastating effect on our reputation within the alliance and in Europe… The Bundeswehr must rid itself of its fixation on Afghanistan… Germany’s Basic Law stipulates that the federal government ‘shall establish armed forces for purposes of defense.’ We cannot allow this constitutional imperative to be forgotten because of Afghanistan.”

On July 29, Der Spiegel Online added the following comments:

“CDU/CSU floor leader Volker Kauder has a book by the Berlin political scientist Herfried Münkler on his bookshelf. Its title is ‘Die Deutschen und ihre Mythen’ (‘The Germans and their Myths’). For Kauder, compulsory military service is one of those myths that shape German identity and also forms part of the CDU/CSU’s core identity. It is something he is unwilling to give up.

“Kauder still remembers clearly how Merkel praised conscription, exactly a year ago in July 2009, when she attended a public swearing-in ceremony for recruits in Berlin. ‘I support compulsory military service,’ she said at the time. ‘Conscription has become a trademark of our armed forces, for which we are envied internationally.’

“Kauder is determined to fight for compulsory military service. He will have his chance at the CDU convention in the southwestern city of Karlsruhe in mid-November, when the party intends to reach a definitive position on the issue. However, a preliminary decision will be made earlier. Because the subject is so contentious, Merkel and Seehofer plan to hold a joint meeting of the leaders of the CDU and CSU in the fall…

“Unlike Guttenberg, Kauder is no solo performer. In fact, an entire choir of conservative politicians on both the federal and state level has been singing the praises of conscription. ‘Compulsory military service should remain in place, also for reasons of social policy,’ said Wolfgang Bosbach, a member of parliament for the CDU. ‘As a result of conscription, many millions of young men have gotten to know and respect the Bundeswehr. It is the fundamental idea of the citizen in uniform.’

“‘Our Bundeswehr is an army of sons and daughters. The fact that it is firmly anchored within the population is a great blessing,’ commented Christine Lieberknecht, the governor of the eastern state of Thuringia. ‘That’s why I support retaining compulsory military service.’ ‘Conscription is part of the identity of the CDU/CSU,’ Governor Peter Müller of the western state of Saarland said. ‘Anyone who wants to call it into question needs a very good reason.’

“And Peter Hauk, the head of the CDU parliamentary group in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, said: ‘We are fundamentally in favor of retaining compulsory military service…’ The Bavarian interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, added his voice to the debate when he said: ‘Despite the difficult budget situation and the need to restructure the Bundeswehr, we should keep compulsory military service.'”

Germany is destined to fulfill a most important leading role in economic, political, military and even religious affairs, which we will observe in the months and years ahead of us. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

Plant Plankton in Decline

The Associated Press reported on July 28:

“Despite their tiny size, plant plankton found in the world’s oceans are crucial to much of life on Earth. They are the foundation of the bountiful marine food web, produce half the world’s oxygen and suck up harmful carbon dioxide. And they are declining sharply.

“Worldwide phytoplankton levels are down 40% since the 1950s… When plant plankton plummet… sea birds and marine mammals starve and die in huge numbers…”

A passage in Hosea 4:1-3 may be of interest in this context.

Current Events

“Afghan War Will Get Worse”

Reuters reported on July 25:

“More NATO troops will die in Afghanistan as violence mounts over the summer… The remarks by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, on a visit to the country, came as the Taliban said they were holding captive one of two U.S. servicemen who strayed into insurgent territory, and that the other had been killed. It also comes less than a week since a major international conference in Kabul agreed that the Afghan government should aim to take responsibility for security in all parts of the country by 2014…

“Violence in Afghanistan is at its highest of the 9-year war as thousands of extra U.S. troops, dispatched by President Barack Obama in December, step up their campaign to drive insurgents out of their traditional heartland in the south. Last month was the deadliest for foreign troops since 2001, with more than 100 killed, and civilian deaths have also risen as ordinary Afghans are increasingly caught in the crossfire…”

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 25:

“In an unprecedented development, close to 92,000 classified documents pertaining to the war in Afghanistan have been leaked. Spiegel, the New York Times and the Guardian have analyzed the raft of mostly classified documents. The war logs expose the true scale of the Western military deployment…

“The documents’ release comes at a time when calls for a withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan are growing — even in America… Nearly nine years after the start of the war, they [the documents] paint a gloomy picture. They portray Afghan security forces as the hapless victims of Taliban attacks. They also offer a conflicting impression of the deployment of drones, noting that America’s miracle weapons are also entirely vulnerable.

“And they show that the war in northern Afghanistan, where German troops are stationed, is becoming increasingly perilous. The number of warnings about possible Taliban attacks in the region — fuelled by support from Pakistan — has increased dramatically in the past year…

“The newly emerged documents… convey an image of Germany’s armed forces, the Bundeswehr, that is still devastating because they depict a German military that stumbled into the conflict with great naiveté…

“The US Department of Defense accident reports show that system failures, computer glitches and human errors are common occurrences during drone missions. It seems that serious problems were ignored…

“The documents clearly show that the Pakistani intelligence agency is the most important accomplice the Taliban has outside of Afghanistan. The war against the Afghan security forces, the Americans and their ISAF allies is still being conducted from Pakistan. The country is an important safe haven for enemy forces — and serves as a base for issuing their deployment. New recruits to the Taliban stream across the Pakistan-Afghan border, including feared foreign fighters — among them Arabs, Chechnyans, Uzbekis, Uighurs and even European Islamists…

“One thing… is certain. These thousands of secret documents indicate that, after almost nine years of war, a victory in Hindu Kush looks farther away than ever.”

Der Spiegel added on July 28:

“The publication of the Afghanistan war logs by WikiLeaks has sparked a new debate about Germany’s involvement in the conflict. The Social Democrats are threatening to withhold support for an extension of the German mission’s mandate if the government does not provide answers about alleged wrongdoings revealed in the secret reports…

“Within the military… the war logs appear to be controversial. High-ranking former Bundeswehr officers… were divided over the wisdom of publishing the documents, with some praising the act and others warning of the threat to the current mission…

“Former Brigadier General Klaus Reinhardt did not see the documents as endangering troops, as the reports only go up until 2009… Nevertheless he called the publication of the reports ‘irresponsible.’ The individuals who placed the documents on the Internet ‘want to influence the opinion of the general public,’ he said. It is unclear that there is a need for such an effort in Germany: Surveys show that a majority of Germans oppose the mission in Afghanistan.”

Military Action Against Iran “More Likely”?

The Associated Press reported on July 25:

“A former CIA director says military action against Iran now seems more likely because no matter what the U.S. does diplomatically, Tehran keeps pushing ahead with its suspected nuclear program. Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush… tells CNN’s State of the Union that such action now ‘seems inexorable’… Hayden also called homegrown terrorism ‘a devil of a problem’ and the most serious threat facing American citizens… Hayden said that the next step the intelligence community would take to combat homegrown terrorists would inevitably begin to infringe on the privacy of Americans, and that was still too steep of a price to pay…

“On Saturday, several key Iranian officials estimated that the United States and Israel would not dare attempt a military strike of Iran’s nuclear sites, adding that they were confident that Iranian forces would easily repel such an attempt, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported… Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that Israel and the United States would never strike Iran…

“Also Saturday, a former naval chief in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said his country has set aside 100 military vessels to confront each U.S. warship that poses a threat. General Morteza Saffari is quoted by the conservative weekly Panjereh Saturday as saying that troops aboard U.S. warships ‘are morsels for Iran to target in the event of any American threat against Iran.'”

Will Israel Attack Lebanon?

A-7 News reported on July 27:

“Israel will consider Lebanese government buildings and bases a target if Hizbullah starts up another war against Israel, Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Monday… In a wide-ranging interview with the Washington Post… Barak added, ‘… We’ll see the government of Lebanon responsible for what happens, and for what happens within its government, its body politic, and its arsenal of munitions. And we will see it as… legitimate to hit any target that belongs to the Lebanese state, not just to the Hizbullah.’

“Barak also warned the United States ‘that the walls between the Lebanese armed forces and Hizbullah—it’s quite porous. And whatever you give the Lebanese armed forces might end up in the hands of Hizbullah, be it technology or weapons or whatever.’ The Obama administration recently announced it giving the Beirut government $100 million in military aid.”

France and Germany Patch Up Disagreements

The EUObserver wrote on July 22:

“France and Germany have put forward a proposal that would enable greater political sanctions to be imposed on states that repeatedly break the EU’s budgetary rules, but without the need for an immediate EU treaty change… Wednesday’s letter (21 July) came after Wolfgang Schaeuble became the first German finance minister in recent times to attend a French cabinet meeting, a further sign that the two sides are keen to patch up their recent disagreements on how best to tackle Greece’s debt crisis and the ensuing loss of confidence in the eurozone as a whole.”

Britain “Alienates France and Germany” Over Turkey

Deutsche Welle reported on July 28:

“Large, poor and mysterious: Turkey is viewed with a certain amount of skepticism by many within the European Union. Turkey has a greater land mass than France, a population as large as Germany and is as poor as Romania. Yet it is the third point, the idea of Turkey being different or alien, that sticks. The unspoken sentiment is that Turkey is just not like the rest of the European club… the German government does not support Turkey becoming a full member of the EU and instead promotes the idea of a ‘privileged partnership’… Merkel’s counterpart in France, President Nicolas Sarkozy has been more direct in his approach. ‘I don’t think that Turkey has a place in the EU. On this question, my opinion has not changed,’ he said…

“The negative views from France and Germany contrast strongly with the impassioned rhetoric of British Prime Minister David Cameron during his recent trip to Ankara. He dubbed himself Turkey’s ‘strongest possible advocate for EU membership’ and said he was ‘angry’ at the slow pace of the accession talks… Whatever Cameron’s motivation, his words in Turkey look unlikely to move the accession negotiations along much faster. Turkey still has a long way to go before its laws and values fit in with the European standard. In fact things are moving so slowly, Turkey’s bid is likely to be overtaken by those of Croatia and Iceland…”

“Europe’s Prospects Brighten as U.S. Fades”

Reuters reported on July 25:

“German business confidence is soaring while U.S. consumer sentiment sinks. Britain’s second-quarter economic growth was almost twice as fast as expected, the strongest in four years. Meanwhile, economists have steadily marked down forecasts for Friday’s U.S. gross domestic product report… The same day Britain released its robust growth reading, the Ifo economic think tank reported German business sentiment jumped by a record margin in July to reach its highest level in three years… In contrast, U.S. consumer confidence fell sharply in July…

“The European strength has added a new wrinkle to the transatlantic debate over whether governments ought to rein in spending now or wait until the recovery is more firmly established… In the United States, the second half of the year looks weaker because government spending programs are winding down, businesses have already replenished inventories and a tax credit that boosted housing demand expired.”

Good Prospects for Ireland

Sky News reported on July 24:

“The outlook for Ireland is markedly brighter than for Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain – the heavily-indebted countries which, with Ireland, are collectively nicknamed PIIGS.

“Ernst & Young’s quarterly eurozone forecast says Ireland will have the greatest recovery rate next year of the 16 countries which use the European single currency.

“The report says Ireland will jump from its current 15th to second position in terms of GDP growth in 2011 at 2.8%.”

Germany Pushes Ahead…

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 28:

“Germany’s export surge has placed it to the fore of the euro-zone’s recovery… The Berlin-based DIW economic research institute estimated Wednesday that Germany has posted the highest growth in the second quarter in the 16-member euro zone, powering ahead by 1.1% from the previous quarter.”

Coming–a Two-Speed Europe?

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 28:

“When it comes to trouncing market expectations, Europe has the U.S. well beaten at the moment…  it’s little short of astonishing in Europe, 2010. After all, not so long ago the… end of the single currency was openly discussed, and not only by those who’d always hated the very idea of the euro. Naturally the ‘told you sos’ from veteran euro skeptics were deafening. Now we can contrast this run of pleasant surprises with the U.S., where downside economic shocks have been more common over the same period…

“The recent upward surprises in economic surveys were mainly observed in ‘core’ euro-zone countries. For example, as BNP said, the rise in the euro-zone ‘flash’ manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index in July was led by Germany. The expectation-busting services survey was also driven by strong data for Germany and France.

“’This supports our long-held view that we will continue to see a two-speed euro area, with notable outperformance by countries like Germany, which continues to benefit from the strength of its manufacturing sector,’ said BNP.

“The euro zone may have been stabilized, but the question of how we will ever see a ‘one speed euro area’ under current currency arrangement remains unanswered. Too much supposedly ‘euro-zone’ success is really down to German manufacturing and exporting, which is doing the bloc’s heavy lifting both literally and figuratively.”

For more information on what is prophesied in this regard, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

US Bail Out Went to Foreign Banks

The Des Moines Register and USA Today reported on July 26:

“Goldman Sachs sent $4.3 billion in federal tax money to 32 entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions, according to information made public Friday night… Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Ia… said, ‘I hope it’s as simple as taxpayers deserve to know what happened to their money… We thought originally we were bailing out AIG. Then later on … we learned that the money flowed through AIG to a few big banks, and now we know that the money went from these few big banks to dozens of financial institutions all around the world… Goldman Sachs received $5.55 billion from the government in [the] fall of 2008 as payment for then-worthless securities it held in AIG…

“Overall, Goldman Sachs received a $12.9 billion payout from the government’s bailout of AIG, which was at one time the world’s largest insurance company. Goldman Sachs also revealed to the Senate Finance Committee that it would have received $2.3 billion if AIG had gone under. Other large financial institutions, such as Citibank, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, sold Goldman Sachs protection in the case of AIG’s collapse. Those institutions did not have to pay Goldman Sachs after the government stepped in with tax money…

“AIG received the bailout of $85 billion at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which was led at the time by Timothy Geithner. He now is U.S. treasury secretary. ‘I think it proves that he knew a lot more at the time than he told,’ Grassley said. ‘And he surely knew where this money was going to go. If he didn’t, he should have known before they let the money out of their bank up there.'”

US Idle “Attempts” in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Associated Press reported on July 27:

“A U.S. audit has found that the Pentagon cannot account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraq reconstruction money, spotlighting Iraqi complaints that there is little to show for the massive funds pumped into their cash-strapped, war-ravaged nation.

“The $8.7 billion in question was Iraqi money managed by the Pentagon, not part of the $53 billion that Congress has allocated for rebuilding. It’s cash that Iraq, which relies on volatile oil revenues to fuel its spending, can ill afford to lose… The report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction accused the Defense Department of lax oversight and weak controls, though not fraud… The Pentagon has repeatedly come under fire for apparent mismanagement of the reconstruction effort — as have Iraqi officials themselves.

“Seven years after the U.S.-led invasion, electricity service is spotty, with generation capacity falling far short of demand. Fuel shortages are common and unemployment remains high, a testament to the country’s inability to create new jobs or attract foreign investors.

“Complaints surfaced from the start of the war in 2003, when soldiers failed to secure banks, armories and other facilities against looters. Since then the allegations have only multiplied, including investigations of fraud, awarding of contracts without the required government bidding process and allowing contractors to charge exorbitant fees with little oversight, or oversight that came too late…

“The failure to properly manage billions in reconstruction funds has also hobbled the troubled U.S.-led effort to rebuild Afghanistan. About $60 billion have poured into Afghanistan since 2001 in hopes of bringing electricity, clean water, jobs, roads and education to the crippled country.

“The U.S. alone has committed $51 billion to the project since 2001, and plans to raise the stakes to $71 billion over the next year — more than it has spent on reconstruction in Iraq since 2003.

“An Associated Press investigation showed that the results so far — or lack of them — threaten to do more harm than good. The number of Afghans with access to electricity has increased from 6 percent in 2001 to only about 10 percent now, far short of the goal of providing power to 65 percent of urban and 25 percent of rural households by the end of this year.

“As an example of the problems, a $100 million diesel-fueled power plant was built with the goal of delivering electricity to more than 500,000 residents of the capital, Kabul. The plant’s costs tripled to $305 million as construction lagged a year behind schedule. The plant now often sits idle because the Afghans were able to import cheaper power from neighboring Uzbekistan before the plant came online.”

America–The Land of the Free

The Washington Post wrote on July 26:

“Courts have long ruled that the First Amendment protects the right of citizens to take photographs in public places. Even after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, law enforcement agencies have reiterated that right in official policies.

“But in practice, those rules don’t always filter down to police officers and security guards who continue to restrict photographers, often citing authority they don’t have. Almost nine years after the terrorist attacks, which ratcheted up security at government properties and transportation hubs, anyone photographing federal buildings, bridges, trains or airports runs the risk of being seen as a potential terrorist…

“In the past month… a retired oceanographer said he was threatened with arrest for snapping pictures of a federal courthouse in Silver Spring, and an Alexandria man was briefly detained for photographing police making a traffic stop in Georgetown…

“Erin McCann of the District elicited laughter at a congressional hearing last fall when she described an encounter with an FPS officer at the Transportation Department headquarters in Southeast. The officer told her it was illegal to photograph federal buildings. When McCann asked what law stated that, the officer cited Title 18 of the U.S. Code. Title 18 is the name of the entire body of U.S. criminal law.”

Death at Germany’s “Love Parade”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 26:

“The deaths of 19 people at the Love Parade in Duisburg on Saturday was an accident waiting to happen, German newspaper commentators wrote on Monday. They ask why there was only one entrance — via a railway tunnel — for the mass event, and say the festival area was far too small for the estimated 1.4 million people crammed into it on Saturday.

“German prosecutors have opened an investigation into the tragedy. As well as the deaths, a total of 342 people were injured. The dead, aged between 20 and 40, included six foreigners, from Spain, Bosnia, the Netherlands, Australia, Italy and China. They were killed when panic broke out as thousands of people were pushing through a tunnel that led onto a ramp into the techno festival grounds… the site was only approved for a maximum of 250,000 revelers, a far lower figure than the 1.4 million people that organizers reported… Newspapers were full of chilling eyewitness accounts of the panic and the horror of seeing friends trampled and crushed to death…

“Commenting on the tragedy on Saturday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, ‘The young people came to celebrate and instead there are dead and injured. I am horrified by the suffering and the pain.’ Pope Benedict XVI also expressed his sadness over the deaths. The event’s organizers announced on Sunday that there would be no future Love Parade events.

“While some media commentators say there should be no premature verdicts on who should be held responsible, many editorials in Monday’s newspapers say the organizers made fatal errors that could have been avoided…

“The mass-circulation tabloid Bild writes: ‘After a catastrophe like the one in Duisburg, one question is always asked: Could this have been prevented? And often the answer is: No, the organizers could never have foreseen this. But in Duisburg the situation is completely different. Seldom have so many experts warned so clearly of the risks of holding such a mass event on a site that was completely unsuitable. Why didn’t someone do something? Because those responsible in the cash-strapped industrial city of Duisburg thought that a couple of positive headlines were more important than the safety of the participants?…’

“The conservative Die Welt writes: ‘The organizers’ decision never to hold a Love Parade again is the only right one…'”

Eva Herrman Says It As It Is

Former announcer of the first German public TV station ARD, Eva Herrmann, wrote an editorial which was circulated on the Internet by the publishing house, Kopp. Her editorial was met with a condemnatory outcry and a nearly universal rejection. Herrmann wrote, according to newsblitz and Bild Online, dated July 25:

“‘This “peaceful feast of happy young people” is in reality a gigantic drug-, alcohol- and sex orgy, which was organized, permitted and in part financed by the city of Duisburg… When one looks at pictures of the Love Parade from previous years, one may think of witnessing the production of a movie about the last days, as they are described in the Bible.’ She continued that the Love Parade had become like Sodom and Gomorrah, with catastrophic consequences. Eventually, ‘other powers had again intervened to bring an end to this shameless conduct.'”

Bild Online wrote that Hermann clarified that she did not want to condemn the victims who died in the tragedy. She explained that her statements were directed at the Love Parade in general.

New Catholic Sex Scandal in Italy

Daily Mail reported on July 23:

“A gay priest sex scandal has rocked the Catholic Church in Italy today after a weekly news magazine released details of a shock investigation it had carried out. Using hidden cameras, a journalist from Panorama magazine – owned by Italian Prime Minister and media baron Silvio Berlusconi – filmed three priests as they attended gay nightspots and had casual sex… The article describes how the reporter was assisted by a gay ‘accomplice’ as they ‘gate-crashed the wild nights of a number of priests in Rome who live a surprising double-life…'”

“Vatican Puts its Euro Coins into Circulation”

The EUObserver wrote on July 23:

“After years of serving as items for collectors, the euro coins issued by the Holy See will now be used on the streets of the Vatican City. The first is a 50-cent coin bearing the image of Pope Benedict XVI. The Vatican adopted the currency of the eurozone in 2002, but its coins could rarely be found in the free circulation. The initial series of the coins with a value amount of €310,400, which featured Pope John Paul II, were issued only in collector sets… coins were [now] being given out two at a time as change at the Vatican grocery store, post office and gas station…

“Under the monetary agreement between the EU and the Vatican reached in December 2009, the Holy See had to increase the number of its own coins in the circulation. The Vatican City must circulate at least 51 percent of its currency at face value and it was allowed to more than double the amount of euro coins it can issue to €2.3 million annually.

“According to the previous agreement between the Vatican City State and Italy from December 2000, the Vatican could issue coins with a maximum annual face value of a total of €670,000, and additional coins to the tune of €201,000 if the Holy See were vacant.”

Lutherans and Mennonites (Anabaptists) Reconcile

Deutsche Welle reported on July 27:

“Lutherans reconcile with Mennonites 500 years after bloody persecution… The bloody oppression of the Mennonite Free Church in the 16th century is one of the darkest chapters in European history. This past week, Lutherans issued an official apology for the cruel persecution of the Anabaptists – and both parties celebrated their reconciliation in a very moving ceremony… The Mennonite Free Church is the main branch of the descendants of the Christian Baptist movement. Mennonites are known as Anabaptists because they only baptise adults and not underage children.

“For church reformer Martin Luther, Mennonites were schismatic heretics who denied children access to the Christian community. Luther expressed his rejection of the Anabaptists in a letter of denomination which was published in the southern German city of Augsburg, and is known as the Augsburg Confession of 1530. Even today, Lutheran pastors are ordained using parts of this text.

“The Baptists, who advocated church reforms even more radical than those proposed by Martin Luther or Ulrich Zwingli, were persecuted by both the Catholics and the Protestants and had to flee for their lives. Nevertheless, thousands were killed. Today, the Free Church has more than one million members all over the world, mostly in the United States and Canada. About 60,000 members live in Europe. The Mennonites disapprove of ecclesiastic hierarchies and their local churches are rather autonomous.

“Early on, they decided to raise their voice against every act of war and violence and live according to a ‘total renunciation of force.’ They are regarded as one of the historical peace churches… In the reconciliation ceremony during the 11th Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Stuttgart this past week, representatives of the Lutheran church explicitly asked ‘God and our Mennonite sisters and brothers for forgiveness for the harm that our ancestors have brought upon the Anabaptists.'”

First Mel Gibson–Now Oliver Stone reported on July 25:

“Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America’s focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the ‘Jewish domination of the media.’ The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the ‘powerful lobby’ of Jews in America… ‘Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein. German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support,’ Stone told [Sunday Times] reporter Camilla Long…”

Stone spoke also about the “Jewish domination of the media,” stating: “‘There’s a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has [destroyed] United States foreign policy for years’… While Stone has not been as blunt about his views on Jews and the Holocaust in the past, he has been outspoken in his fondness for Chavez and his disagreements with the U.S.’s policy on Iran.

“On ABC’s Good Morning America… the director told anchor George Stephanopoulos that he ‘absolutely’ believes Chavez is a good person, and claimed that there was… ‘no pattern of censorship in this country [Venezuela].’ Stone also said that if the U.S. pursued sanctions against Iran, ‘it’s going to be like North Vietnam again.'”

Newsmax added on July 26:

“Director Oliver Stone declared in an interview that America’s focus on the Holocaust is due to ‘Jewish domination of the media,’ and said Jews are ‘the most powerful lobby in Washington’… Britain’s Telegraph newspaper called [the interview] ‘poisonous rubbish,’ pointing out: ‘Far more Russians died in World War II than people from any other nation, but no individual group was targeted specifically for destruction like the Jews, and no group suffered as much proportionally to their size.’

“Earlier this year, Stone told a panel of TV critics that Hitler ‘is an easy scapegoat throughout history and it’s been used cheaply… He also praised ruthless Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, saying ‘he fought the German war machine more than any person.’”

It is indeed shocking to read some of Oliver Stone’s comments, especially regarding Iran, Chavez and the Holocaust. On the other hand, it IS true that Hitler DID have a lot of support from some German, American and British industrialists, including initially from some Jewish bankers, as well as from the Catholic Church.

“World’s Record Hailstone”

Keloland reported on July 27:

“It was Friday afternoon when a line of thunderstorms fired up in central South Dakota. High winds, heavy rains and even a possible tornado rolled through the town of Vivian. But now days later, a hailstone picked up just moments after the storm is getting worldwide attention.

“The damage is proof that it wasn’t a typical South Dakota thunderstorm. Holes were punched through the top of buildings, and Les Scott will never forget what it sounded like… the hailstone weighed in at 1.9375 pounds. ‘Officially, where records have been kept, this will be the U.S. record and world record for weight…,’ Mike Fowle of the National Weather Service said… [it] was [also] measured just a few days ago at 18 and a half inches. That is another world record number…

“As impressive as the size and weight are, it may have topped two pounds when it fell from the sky…it likely melted a bit…”

Current Events

Merkel in China

Deutsche Welle reported on July 16:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said the EU is not yet ready to recognize China as a fully fledged market economy after a meeting with Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in Beijing on Friday… Wen said China would continue to invest in the euro as part of its currency reserves… Merkel described China’s commitment to the currency as a ‘very important signal.’

“‘We support the fact that the EU and the IMF have taken collective measures to ensure the stability of the eurozone,’ Wen said in their joint press conference…

“After spending two days in Russia overseeing major business deals between Russia and Germany, Merkel is in China on the second stop of her five-day trip… ‘The relations between China and Germany haven’t been that stable in the last two years,’ said Adrienne Woltersdorf, head of Deutsche Welle’s Chinese service. ‘I think Angela Merkel is mainly there to stress the economic aspect of the two countries’ relations…’, she adds.

“A delegation of 25 top-ranking German business leaders is accompanying Merkel on her trade-focused trip. Daimler, one of the firms represented on the trip, has signed a joint enterprise deal with China’s Beiqi Foton, allowing the German auto giant a foothold in the growing Chinese heavy goods vehicle market… Engineering company Siemens has also sealed a deal with the Shanghai Electric Power Generation Equipment Company – founding a joint venture to manufacture steam and gas turbines, and also involving cooperation in the renewable energies sector.

“A German tech company is also looking to work together with a Chinese company to produce a GPS system for monitoring CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

“Meanwhile, the governments in Berlin and Beijing are signing a host of bilateral deals to cooperate in areas ranging from plant safety and chemicals management to preserving water resources, energy-saving, electric mobility, and renewable energies.

“While business deals shall remain in focus during Merkel’s talks with Chinese leaders, the environment, the Korean peninsula, Iran and Afghanistan are also said to be on the agenda… China is Germany’s largest trading partner in Asia, and Germany is the biggest European trading partner for China. Bilateral trade was valued at 82 billion euros ($105.7 billion) last year, accounting for more than a quarter of the total trade between China and the EU…”

“Germany’s New Economic Miracle”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 19:

“During the worst of the global financial meltdown, Berlin pumped tens of billions of euros into the economy and spent hundreds of billions propping up German banks. Now, the country is reaping the benefits as Germany is once again Europe’s economic motor…

“Peter Löscher, the CEO of electronics giant Siemens, was sitting on a throne-like chair in the governor’s palace in the central Russian city of Yekaterinburg… Siemens had secured Russian orders worth about €4 billion ($5.2 billion)…

“The German economy has indeed come roaring back to life this summer. Two years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the auto industry is adding extra shifts once again. The machine building, electronics and chemical industries are all reporting a rapidly growing number of orders. Total unemployment is expected to drop below the 2.8 million mark this fall, the lowest level since 1991.

“For the first time in decades, the former ‘sick man of Europe’ is back to being an engine for economic growth. According to an internal government assessment, the country’s gross domestic product increased by more than 1.5 percent in the second quarter of this year… If the trend continues, say the experts, the German economy will grow by well over 2 percent this year, or almost twice as much as in most neighboring countries. Economists are already proclaiming a second economic miracle, while a former French foreign minister is complaining that Germany is ‘number one in Europe’ once again.”

Merkel in Isolation

Deutsche Welle reported on July 18:

“The popular 55-year-old mayor of Germany’s second largest city, a state in its own right, is… the latest in a line of leading members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party (CDU) to throw in the towel…

“Merkel’s popularity has sunk to its lowest level since she was elected chancellor in 2005, and an exodus of senior CDU politicians has hardly helped steady the ship as she walks the tightrope of trying to cement Germany’s economic recovery while simultaneously cutting national public spending.

“Von Beust is the sixth Christian Democrat state premier to leave his post in the last 10 months. Although Christian Wulff quit his job in Lower Saxony to be promoted to the role of German president, he was replacing perhaps the highest profile CDU-affiliated deserter of all, former President Horst Koehler…”

Deutsche Welle added on July 19:

“Von Beust claims his resignation was motivated only by personal reasons, but it came on the same day as his Hamburg government – a rare coalition between Christian Democrats and Greens – was defeated in a high-profile school reform referendum… In truth, the political fallout from von Beust’s resignation is difficult to measure as yet… ]Merkel] hardly has any real deputies left…”

Der Spiegel Online added on July 19:

“The resignation of Hamburg Mayor Ole von Beust has dealt German Chancellor Angela Merkel yet another blow… German commentators on Monday wonder what the future holds…

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘… The CDU is threatened with the kind of erosion within the party base that plagued the Social Democrats in the last decade. … Beust’s departure has sweeping ramifications for the chancellor. It shows that it is not just the party base that is crumbling, but also the perspectives for Merkel’s style of politics. No other politician better embodies the idea of a modern conservative who can be attractive to urban voters than prudent Beust…'”

The Comeback of the Euro

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 16 that the confidence in the euro was returning that it was celebrating a “resurrection” or a “revival.” The magazine continued that even though the danger was “not totally averted,” the euro was at times higher than 1.30 dollars. It also wrote that the recovery happened “surprisingly quick,” since “experts” had prognosticated a grim future for the euro.

According to the Financial Forecast Center, dated July 22, the value of the euro is perceived to steadily increase in comparison with the US dollar, from, on an average, 1.27 in July to 1.3 in September; 1.32 in October; and 1.37 in January.

Europe Has Their Say

Haaretz reported on July 16:

“Israel should ease its Gaza blockade further and allow Palestinians to resume exports from the territory, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said on Sunday during a visit to the Hamas-controlled enclave.

“‘The position of the EU is very clear: We want the opportunity for people to be able to move around freely or to see goods not only coming into Gaza but exports coming out of Gaza,’ Catherine Ashton told a news conference… The EU plans to offer 22 million euros in grants to some 900 Gaza businesses to help them start up again.”

Europe a Force for Peace in the Middle East?

On July 22, Deutsche Welle published an interview with “Veteran German politician Hans-Gert Poettering,” who is “currently in charge of the European Parliament’s working group for the Middle East.” We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“‘In politics more generally, and especially in the Middle East, we can never abandon hope of an eventual solution. To give an example: The European Union recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration from May 9, 1950. This sparked the process of reconciliation in Europe. At the time it seemed unthinkable that the peoples of Europe – and especially the French and German populations – could put their differences behind them and build a united Europe, but the process turned out to be very successful. If there is the necessary goodwill, something similar could be achieved in the Middle East.

“The European Union in particular must be a strong motor driving towards this goal… a two-state solution is possible… And we can never cease in our efforts to achieve this, the EU must do its part along with the US, Russia and the UN… we can’t give Hamas the cold-shoulder. That’s why other bodies – albeit not the European Union – are negotiating with Hamas, with Israel’s support. Egypt is an important actor in this process… The EU already provides a lot of money for both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. However, we need to go beyond humanitarian aid… There must be possibilities for development in Gaza once again. And if that can be achieved, it will also improve the prospects for peace in the region.”

“Mr. Cameron, Don’t Follow Mr. Obama”

On July 16, in light of British Prime Minister Cameron’s visit this week to the USA, The Telegraph published the following editorial by Peggy Noonan, a columnist for the ‘Wall Street Journal’ and speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan:

“Dear Mr Cameron… Do not imitate Mr Obama. He has been a disappointment; learn from his mistakes… In Mr Obama’s poll numbers this week, CBS News reports 13 per cent of the people think his economic leadership has bettered their lives. That means 87 per cent do not – that is rather a lot. The Rasmussen Reports’ daily tracking poll yesterday showed 43 per cent strongly disapprove of his leadership and 26 strongly approve. This is low…

“Here are the things he got wrong. In the middle of an economic crash, and in the middle of record-breaking federal budgets and budget deficits, Mr Obama started a new entitlement. This struck people, by which I mean almost everyone, as off-point. We are in a crisis, part of the crisis involves spending money we don’t have, and our answer is to spend more? It wasn’t a policy, it was a non sequitur.

“Moreover, the President’s decision to focus his entire first year on health care, when the voters were focused on the economy, on unemployment, on deficits, demonstrated, in the end unhappily for him and frustratingly for his fellow citizens, that he simply wasn’t thinking about what they were thinking about…

“To make it all worse, just before he went down the health care pass, he put forward, and saw passed, a stimulus Bill that shockingly – I am not being ironic – could not draw the support of a single Republican congressman. Not one… Finally, he confused business with Wall Street…

“Advice on your visit? Love America. It not only deserves it, at the moment it needs it. Our morale is low… speak of your love for this great nation. We don’t, not in a deep way and not enough. Even our President doesn’t. He tries, but he can’t get it right because it’s all so abstract to him. He associates patriotism with nationalism. But patriotism springs from legitimate love and gratitude, nationalism from shallow aggression and conceit. Obama confuses the two, can’t get them straight in his head…”

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is very well put. While the one is right and Godly, the other one is wrong and Satanic.

US-GB Relationship No Longer that Special

USA Today published the following opinion on July 21:

“As British Prime Minister David Cameron set off for his visit to the USA this week, he said Britain was not dependent upon America and did not owe it ‘blind loyalty.’ This comes, of course, in the wake of months of President Obama’s tongue-lashing of ‘British Petroleum’ — a name BP had not used for many years. The British people took the president’s words very much amiss, suspicious that he was unfairly singling out BP for blame as a proxy for bashing Britain itself.

“The British public sourly noted that the role of the two U.S. firms involved in the managing of the Deepwater Horizon rig was ignored, as was the fact that 39% of BP is owned by Americans. The president’s aggressive rhetoric… was blamed for wiping billions of pounds off the company’s value. This directly threatened British pension funds, which are heavily reliant on the company’s dividend payments.

“But there was also something rather deeper and more atavistic in the British response. Obama’s aggression seemed to bring to the fore a British resentment of the U.S. that is never far from the surface. This comprises a toxic mixture of intellectual snobbery; a historic fury at America’s late entry into World War II, after which it was perceived to lay claim to the glory; and perhaps most important of all, a DEEP ENVY of American wealth and power by a country that decades ago lost not only its empire but also its cultural way and sense of purpose.

“Nevertheless, Britain has some cause for complaint from the disdain that Obama has displayed well before the Gulf oil spill. First, he pointedly returned to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that a previous government had bequeathed to the White House as a gift; then he sided with Argentina in its calls for U.N.-brokered negotiations with Britain over the Falkland Islands.

“His perceived scapegoating of BP blew the cap off this deep well of bubbling British national affront. A YouGov poll conducted in June found that only 54% of British respondents said they felt favorably toward the United States — down from 66% one month previously. When asked specifically about how Obama’s handling of the BP oil spill had affected the relationship between Britain and the U.S., 64% said it had weakened it. And 45% said they thought that the relationship has gotten worse since Obama took office in November 2008 — a dramatic increase from the 25% who responded this way the previous month.

“As a result, Cameron was criticized for backing the president in his attack on BP for failing to stem the flow of oil, saying he understood Obama’s ‘frustration.’ This was almost certainly because, although he is a Conservative leader, Cameron has taken his party to the left by adopting a green and anti-Big Business agenda.

“With feeling in Britain running so high, however, eventually Cameron did publicly warn that BP’s survival was important, and he was credited here with getting the U.S. president to agree that the oil giant must not go under. Even though the sound and fury over the disaster has calmed, however, the ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the United States has not returned to normal. Something has changed. And the situation is replete with irony.

“When President Obama was elected, the British were delighted. They believed he would usher in a repudiation of the George W. Bush years and end what they saw as America’s tendency to throw its weight around the world… Yet even though they have become disillusioned with Obama, the agenda with which they associate him — to end American exceptionalism — is gathering steam in the U.K. It is hard to overestimate the poisonous belief that Britain was dragged on America’s coattails into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that were against its national interest…

“In part, the Cameron/Liberal Democrat coalition government is reacting to the public’s anti-Americanism. But it also seems to have concluded that Obama is a weak president who has proved indecisive against his country’s enemies while lashing out at its allies.”

ObamaCare–Lost in Taxation

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 17:

“National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson, who operates inside the IRS, highlighted the agency’s new mission in her annual report to Congress last week… with ObamaCare, the agency is now responsible for ‘the most extensive social benefit program the IRS has been asked to implement in recent history.’ And without ‘sufficient funding’ it won’t be able to discharge these new duties.

“That wouldn’t be tragic, given that those new duties include audits to determine who has the insurance ‘as required by law’ and collecting penalties from Americans who don’t. Companies that don’t sponsor health plans will also be punished. This crackdown will ‘involve nearly every division and function of the IRS,’ Ms. Olson reports…

“Republicans argued during the health debate that the IRS would have to hire hundreds of new agents and staff to enforce ObamaCare. They were brushed off by Democrats and the press corps as if they believed the President was born on the moon. The IRS says it hasn’t figured out how much extra money and manpower it will need but admits that both numbers are greater than zero.

“Ms. Olson also exposed a damaging provision that she estimates will hit some 30 million sole proprietorships and subchapter S corporations, two million farms and one million charities and other tax-exempt organizations. Prior to ObamaCare, businesses only had to tell the IRS the value of services they purchase. But starting in 2013 they will also have to report the value of goods they buy from a single vendor that total more than $600 annually—including office supplies and the like… Ms. Olson says that the tracking costs for small businesses will be ‘disproportionate as compared with any resulting improvement in tax compliance’…

“In a Monday letter, even Democratic Senators Mark Begich (Alaska), Ben Nelson (Nebraska), Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire) and Evan Bayh (Indiana) denounce this new ‘burden’ on small businesses and insist that the IRS use its discretion to find ‘better ways to structure this reporting requirement.’ In other words, they want regulators to fix one problem among many that all four Senators created by voting for ObamaCare.

“We never thought anyone would be nostalgic for the tax system of a few months ago, but post-ObamaCare, here we are.”

Unless repealed, ObamaCare will prove to become a nightmare for this country, and it will greatly contribute to its economic downfall.

BP Successful?—Not So Fast!

Reuters reported on July 19:

“Engineers monitoring BP’s damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico detected seepage on the ocean floor that could mean problems with the cap that has stopped oil from gushing into the water… The worst oil spill in U.S. history has caused an economic and environmental disaster in five states along the Gulf Coast, hurt President Barack Obama’s approval ratings and complicated traditionally close ties with Britain.”

Bild Online added on July 19:

“There are fresh problems for BP in the fight against the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster: The US government has said there might be a new leak in the vicinity of the capped well. Engineers have reportedly discovered seepage on the sea floor, and there are also ‘undetermined anomalies’ at the top of the leak source. Latest results from recordings indicated an increase in hydrocarbons rising from the seabed, according to US officials. Since hydrocarbons occur in crude oil, this has sparked fears of a possible leak…

“Experts had previously been surprised by the test results because the pressure at which the oil gushes from the spring was lower than expected. This may indicate a previously unknown leak, or it could be a sign that even more oil has flowed into the sea than previously feared… Since the accident on the ‘Deepwater Horizon’ drilling rig on April 20, up to 8,200 tonnes of crude oil flowed into the sea every day. It is the worst oil spill in US history.”

These articles show again man’s inability to deal with his Frankenstein monster. Man’s pride, vanity and greed would ultimately cause the utter destruction of this planet, unless God would intervene in time to prevent the unthinkable to occur.

Top Secret America

The Washington Post wrote on July 19:

“The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.

“The investigation’s other findings include:

“Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States. An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances. In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space.

“Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks. Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year – a volume so large that many are routinely ignored…

“In the Department of Defense, where more than two-thirds of the intelligence programs reside, only a handful of senior officials – called Super Users – have the ability to even know about all the department’s activities. But as two of the Super Users indicated in interviews, there is simply no way they can keep up with the nation’s most sensitive work…

“The U.S. intelligence budget is vast, publicly announced last year as $75 billion, 21/2 times the size it was on Sept. 10, 2001. But the figure doesn’t include many military activities or domestic counterterrorism programs.

“At least 20 percent of the government organizations that exist to fend off terrorist threats were established or refashioned in the wake of 9/11. Many that existed before the attacks grew to historic proportions as the Bush administration and Congress gave agencies more money than they were capable of responsibly spending.”

This is a frightening report. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing… and the public most certainly has no clue what their government is up to. Based on the history and “accomplishments” of our past and current governments, this is indeed terribly unsettling. As God says: Trust no man–and don’t have any trust or confidence in your political leaders!

The Vatican’s Mixed Signals

Reuters reported on July 15:

“The Vatican on Friday denied accusations that it viewed the ordination of women as priests and the sexual abuse of minors by clerics as equally criminal.

“On Thursday, the Vatican issued a document making sweeping revisions to its laws on sexual abuse, extending the period in which charges can be filed against priests in church courts and broadening the use of fast-track procedures to defrock them. But while it dealt mostly with pedophilia, it also codified the ‘attempted ordination of a woman’ to the priesthood as one of the most serious crimes against Church law…

“But Monsignor Charles Scicluna, an official in the Vatican’s doctrinal department, said there was no attempt to make women’s ordination and pedophilia comparable crimes under canon (Church) law… They are in the same document but this does not put them on the same level or assign them the same gravity,’ said Scicluna, who helped formulate the revisions…

“While sexual abuse was a ‘crime against morality,’ the attempt to ordain a woman was a ‘crime against a sacrament,’ he said, referring to Holy Orders (the priesthood). The revisions also updated crimes against the faith such as heresy. ‘This should not be interpreted as considering all these crimes to be equal,’ he said. ‘They are crimes of a different nature’…

“Jon O’Brien, president of the U.S.-based group Catholics for Choice, said the Vatican ‘feels threatened’ by a growing movement in the Church that is in favor of a female priesthood… ‘If there is an opportunity for authorities in the Vatican to shoot themselves in the foot, they do so in both feet,’ O’Brien told Reuters.”

However, the Vatican seemed to have said the exact opposite in a prior press release. USA Today had reported on July 14:

“The Vatican issued a revised set of in-house rules Thursday to respond to clerical sex abuse, targeting priests who molest the mentally disabled as well as children and priests who use child pornography, but making few substantive changes to existing practice… One new element included lists the attempted ordination of women as a ‘grave crime’ subject to the same set of procedures and punishments meted out for sex abuse… despite arguments that grouping the two in the same document would imply equating them…

“Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have said the question of ordaining women priests… is not up for discussion. The Vatican in 2007 issued a decree saying the attempted ordination of women would result in automatic excommunication for the woman and the priest who tries to ordain her. That is repeated in the new document, adding that the priest can also be punished by being defrocked.

“At a briefing Thursday, Scicluna defended the inclusion of both sex abuse and ordination of women in the same document as a way of codifying two of the most serious canonical crimes against sacraments and morals that the congregation deals with. ‘They are grave, but on different levels,’ he said, and noted that the document also lists crimes against the sacraments including apostasy, heresy and schism for the first time.”

Sexual Abuse in the Lutheran Church

The Local reported on July 16:

“The world’s first female Lutheran bishop resigned Friday after abuse accusations in her diocese of Hamburg, the latest casualty of a scandal to have rocked Christian churches in Germany. Maria Jepsen, 65, came under fire for bungling the case of a pastor accused of abusing young boys and girls in the 1970s and 1980s.

“She reportedly knew for several years about the case but failed to act… In 1992, Jepsen became the first woman to be appointed as a Lutheran bishop and was subsequently elected to a second 10-year term in 2002.”

The Bible predicts that the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church will ultimately reunite. It is interesting to see that they are already “united” in their history of sexual child abuse through their priests or pastors, and in their unwillingness to deal with the problem.

What’s Wrong with the Sabbath?

The New York Times wrote on July 16:

“There are people for whom the Sabbath never went away — Seventh-day Adventists, Hutterites, Jews whose fathers and mothers never stopped walking in the ways of their fathers and mothers. And then there are the rest of us. The Sabbath, Jewish or Christian, is a distant memory for many Americans, the recollection of a quaintly tranquil day when stores were closed, streets were quiet and festive dinners were had. The Sabbath would seem to have no place in our busy, beeping world. The very word tastes musty in the mouth, as if it were a relic from another place and time.

“But what if you wanted to revive something like the Sabbath today? What if you coveted some of that sweetness and slowness and went looking for ways to get it? What would you do? Would you commit yourself to the Sabbath’s rituals and laws? Would you transform yourself into an Orthodox Jew or latter-day Puritan? How much would you be willing to change?…”

Sadly, the author is confused regarding “the Jewish Sabbath” and “the Christian Sabbath.” The true Sabbath is God’s Sabbath, which is to be kept from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. It was made for man, not only for the Jew and not only for the Christian. For more information, please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

Situation Deteriorating in Afghanistan

Bild Online wrote on July 16:

“Germany’s Defence Minister was at the centre of a scare after heavy fighting in Afghanistan forced a trip to visit troops to be aborted – after his helicopter had taken off!… Guttenberg said: ‘This shows how unpredictable the situation here is at the moment.’ Landing in the disputed area would have been life threatening. The incident involved some of the heaviest fighting between Germans and the Taliban in recent weeks. And it was further proof that the situation in Kunduz and in the Baghlan region has been sharply deteriorating since the beginning of the year…

“Guttenberg will not shy away from the visit in Afghanistan, however. He has been to the war zone several times since he took office to show the fighting troops his solidarity. More often than any Defence Minister before him! He also wouldn’t shrink back from being deployed to Afghanistan… Guttenberg served his military service with the Gebirgsjäger (Mountain Huntsmen) in Mittenwald, Bavaria. He is currently a reserve sergeant.”

It will have to be seen how long the German government will support its war in Afghanistan, given the overwhelming disapproval of the German people.

The “Afghanistan Conference”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 21:

“The last few months have been the most violent in the nine-year-old war against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Karzai has proven unable to gain the upper hand against corruption despite repeated pledges to fight the scourge. Tuesday’s conference seemed to reflect such doubts, with NATO allies declining to subscribe to a strict timeline for withdrawal and likewise remaining vague about the much-touted handover of security responsibility. Indeed, the only solid commitment made was that of adjusting how foreign aid gets distributed to Afghanistan. Fifty percent of funding from abroad will now be funnelled through the state budget rather than being sent directly to Kabul ministries, as has been the practice thus far.

“Still, there is a growing domestic pressure for countries involved in Afghanistan to begin withdrawing their troops. US President Barack Obama pledged last year that he would begin looking for ways to reduce the US presence in Afghanistan. And pressure for withdrawal is becoming difficult to ignore in a number of European capitals as well…

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘The conference in Kabul was said to stand for transition. It refers to the Afghan government’s aim to take over control of the country’s security and reconstruction step by step — once foreign troops begin departing the country next year. Tuesday’s conference named 2014 as the end point of that transition. That, though, is likely to remain in the realm of fantasy… Corruption in Afghanistan is endemic…’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘… Afghanistan’s military and police forces are far, far away from being able to stand on their own two feet. It is unclear just what the military support, promised by NATO, is to look like. And nobody believes that the omnipresent corruption will disappear by 2014.’

“Conservative Die Welt writes: ‘The specification of 2014 as the date by which Afghanistan will take over responsibility for its own security was first and foremost an effort to mollify the Western public who have become increasingly tired of the war. It has little to do with a realistic assessment of the situation in Afghanistan… For the Taliban, there is little motivation to lay down their weapons and become a constructive partner for peace as envisioned by the West. On the contrary, they see victory — both ideologically and militarily — as being increasingly within their grasp.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… In Germany, the US and elsewhere, voters are tired of the war in Afghanistan… The security situation in Afghanistan… is so [unstable] that a few years will likely not be enough to build up the Afghan military and police forces to the strength necessary.'”

Conscientious Objectors in the Military

The New York Times wrote on July 16:

” Answering the G.I. Rights Hotline for the last 11 years, J. E. McNeil has counseled thousands of soldiers who want to become conscientious objectors and get out of the service. But when the House of Representatives voted May 27 to allow the repeal of the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, paving the way for gay men and lesbians in the military to be open about their sexual orientation, Ms. McNeil got a hot-line call that raised a new issue: the caller said he considered homosexuality an abomination and wanted to be a conscientious objector because he could not serve in the military alongside gay soldiers… 

“For Ms. McNeil, a Quaker lawyer committed to helping anyone with valid legal grounds get out of the military, the call presented a legal and personal conundrum… Ms. McNeil concluded that there was no legal basis for a conscientious objector claim. The legal standard, she said, is that the person must be conscientiously opposed to participating in war in any form, based on a sincerely held religious, moral or ethical belief. And the person must have had a change of heart since joining the military, when the person signed a form saying he or she was not a conscientious objector and did not intend to become one.”

This is correct, based on the legal, and more importantly, on the godly standpoint. As true Christians, we must be conscientiously opposed to any of this world’s war which are fought by human beings, however “just” and “necessary” they might appear to the human mind. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Should You Fight in War?”

Current Events

Gulf Oil Spill Spells Disaster for Great Britain

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 13:

“With the oil continuing to flow into the Gulf of Mexico, BP is facing ever greater challenges. Already, the company has lost half its market value. Should it be unable to cap the leaking well soon, the British oil giant may be forced to sell [off] assets. That could spell disaster for Great Britain.

“Such a crash has never before been seen. Fewer than 12 weeks ago, the multinational oil giant BP still held an uncontested fourth place on the list of the world’s largest companies. Its impressive balance sheet boasted annual sales of roughly $246 billion (€195 billion), a market value of more than $190 billion and after-tax profits of almost $17 billion. Indeed, insurance companies, retirement funds and pension funds worldwide viewed BP as a safe haven, an almost risk-free investment in an otherwise turbulent market. The company, many believed, would have no trouble weathering even the severest of crises. BP’s global earnings appeared safe, its cash and petroleum reserves seemed impervious.

“But April 20, the day that the company’s Deepwater Horizon oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, marked an end to the once unshakable faith the financial markets had in the oil giant. The company has made several attempts to staunch the ensuing leak, all of which have failed… Few are holding their breaths. Experts estimate that more than 60,000 barrels of crude oil are surging out of the well and into the Gulf of Mexico each day. Already, the accident is one of the largest environmental catastrophes in US history — one that will have immeasurable effects on wildlife, eco-systems and the economy. Experts have estimated that it will cost more than €60 billion to repair the damages.

“With every extra day that goes by without a solution to the gushing oil, the threat facing the environment, and BP itself, increases. Bankruptcy is no longer seen as an impossibility… For Great Britain, the crash of its largest company has been a disaster, particularly given the timing — concurrent with Prime Minister David Cameron’s deep spending cuts in an effort to bring down the country’s substantial budget deficit and sovereign debt… The 10,000 British jobs BP provides isn’t the only issue. BP pays out nearly €7 billion each year in taxes and fees to the British state. Likewise, the company owns large segments of the country’s energy infrastructure…

“Even more ominous, however, is the fact that a significant chunk of British pensions depend on BP’s well-being. Whether directly or via large private-equity funds, many Britons own a piece of the company. Their pension funds have taken a serious hit from the company’s precipitous drop in value and missed dividend payments. London Mayor Boris Johnson has warned that the oil giant’s financial problems have become an issue of ‘national concern’…

“Just how far BP’s reputation has fallen among Americans can be seen from a recent survey jointly conducted by the Wall Street Journal and the television broadcaster NBC. BP landed just three percentages points higher than ex-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on a scale measuring public approval. The reasons for BP’s unpopularity are not difficult to find: disregard of safety measures mandated for deep-sea drilling; insufficient emergency response plans; and repeatedly unfulfilled promises by Tony Hayward that the leak would be rapidly staunched…

“The company estimates the oil will be stopped by late July or, at the latest, early August… Chances are, however, that the [new] effort [the so-called complicated “bottom-kill” method] won’t succeed on the first try — and the operation could also fail completely. That, of course, would be the worst-possible scenario for the environment. It would also mean that BP would likely be forced to sell off lucrative oil fields and gas station chains, such as Aral, at discount prices. Such a scenario may also include a bankruptcy declaration for the company’s US subsidiary or even a partial nationalization in Great Britain.”

The Associated Press reported on July 15:

“The oil has stopped. For now. After 85 days and up to 184 million gallons, BP finally gained control over one of America’s biggest environmental catastrophes Thursday by placing a carefully fitted cap over a runaway geyser that has been gushing crude into the Gulf of Mexico since early spring.

“Though a temporary fix, the accomplishment was greeted with hope, high expectations — and, in many cases along the beleaguered coastline, disbelief…

“If the cap holds, if the sea floor doesn’t crack and if the relief wells being prepared are completed successfully, this could be the beginning of the end for the spill. But that’s a lot of ifs, and no one was declaring any sort of victory beyond the moment…”

The Bible prophesies that the USA and Britain will fall together. Please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Church of England Faces Turmoil

BBC wrote on July 12:

“The Church of England’s ruling body [the General Synod] has decided that women bishops should be allowed, but there are further steps to take before they can be ordained… The law must now receive approval from a majority of the Church’s 44 diocesan synods, before returning to the General Synod. It must then receive a two-thirds majority at the General Synod before receiving parliamentary approval and the Royal Assent… Although the proposal gained a majority of votes in the synod as a whole, it failed because clergy – who vote separately from lay people and bishops – defeated it by just five votes…

“Campaigner Christina Rees, a member of the General Synod and chairwoman of Women in the Church, told the Press Association the synod’s decision on Monday was ‘a wonderful outcome’… But traditionalists have warned that the decision could result in many of them leaving the Church of England… David Houlding, a leading member of the Catholic Group on the General Synod, said he was concerned and he felt as if traditionalists were running out of options… ‘The scope for remaining in the Church of England is getting more and more narrow and the options are rapidly closing.'”

CNN added on July 12:

“The Church of England first began ordaining women as priests in 1994 and has been debating whether they should become bishops since 2005. But the issue, along with the debate over the ordination of gay priests, has put a serious strain on the 77-million-member Anglican Communion worldwide.

“The Catholic Church has reached out to disaffected Anglicans, raising the possibility that conservatives could leave en masse. The General Synod rejected a compromise backed by the nominal head of the church, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, over the weekend, with priests rejecting the measure despite the support of bishops and lay leaders.”

More and more of the clergy of the Church of England will migrate to and be embraced by the Roman Catholic Church. Recently, a married Protestant pastor with children converted to Catholicism and was permitted by the Catholic Church in Germany to continue in his office as (now) Catholic pastor, without having to separate from his wife and family.

“Monk Did Nothing Wrong…”

The Local wrote on July 13:

“A German Benedictine Abbot who resigned in February amid the Catholic child abuse scandal for failing to properly report abuse accusations is already set to return to his former post… Barnabas Bögle, 53, has been elected by the 45 voting monks of the Ettal Abbey in Bavaria, which was rocked by allegations of abuse, to return… The decision must still be approved by the Vatican.

“In recent weeks, Church authorities in Rome decreed there was no reason not to hold a re-election for Bögle, as well as for the head of the Ettal school and priory, Maurus Kraß, who also resigned in February. A Vatican committee had come to the conclusion that the former leaders of the abbey had done nothing wrong in their statements regarding the abuse scandal, the paper reported.

“The abbey is seeking approval from the Bavarian Education Ministry to have Kraß reinstated as head of the school. The two men resigned under pressure from the Archbishop of Munich and Freising after it emerged that there had been sexual, physical and psychological abuse happening at the abbey’s boarding school for decades. At the time, both admitted that regulations on reporting accusations of abuse had not been followed. At least 20 former and current students at Ettal made accusations of abuse.”

Even though they admitted to wrongdoing, the Vatican concluded that they did nothing wrong.

New Catholic Church Law Does “Not Go Far Enough”

The New York Times reported on July 15:

“In its most significant revision to church law since a sex abuse crisis hit the United States a decade ago and roared back from remission in Europe this spring, the Vatican on Thursday issued new internal rules making it easier to discipline priests who have sexually abused minors. But in a move that infuriated victims’ groups and put United States bishops on the defensive, it also codified ‘the attempted ordination of women’ to the priesthood as one of the church’s most grave crimes, along with heresy, schism and pedophilia.

“In its revision, the Vatican doubled the statute of limitations in abuse cases from 10 to 20 years from the victim’s 18th birthday and added possession of child pornography and the sexual abuse of mentally disabled adults to the list of crimes handled by the Vatican’s doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith… But the revision fell short of the hopes of many advocates for victims of priestly abuse: It does not contain measures to hold bishops accountable for abuse by priests on their watch, nor does it require mandatory reporting of sex abuse to civil authorities even in countries where it is not required by civil law…

“Critics immediately said the revisions announced on Thursday did not go far enough. ‘History has shown that church abuse policies are rarely followed. But even if these new guidelines are obeyed, their impact on the ongoing crisis is likely to be insignificant. Defrocking a predator, by definition, is too late,’ SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said in a statement.

“, which tracks cases of sex abuse by priests cases worldwide, said the changes ‘amount to administrative tinkering of a secretive internal process. Given his authority, Benedict could implement meaningful change,’ the group said in a statement.

“‘He could direct bishops to report every allegation of child sexual abuse to the police, regardless of whether civil law requires them to do so. He could threaten punishment of any bishop or church official who enables or fails to stop a child-molesting priest.’ It added, ‘It’s disturbing that the new rules merely will extend the statutes of limitations rather than eliminate them altogether.’”

Argentina Legalizes Same-Sex Marriages

The Los Angeles Times reported on July 15:

“Argentina legalized same-sex marriage Thursday, becoming the first country in Latin America to declare that gays and lesbians have all the legal rights, responsibilities and protections that marriage brings to heterosexual couples… The law is sure to bring a wave of marriages by gays and lesbians who have found Buenos Aires to be a welcoming place to live…

“The approval came despite a concerted campaign by the Roman Catholic Church and evangelical groups, which drew 60,000 people to march on Congress and urged parents in churches and schools to work against passage…

“Same-sex civil unions have been legalized in Uruguay and some states in Mexico and Brazil. Colombia’s Constitutional Court granted same-sex couples inheritance rights and allowed them to add their partners to health insurance plans. Mexico City went further, legalizing gay marriage and launching tourism campaigns to encourage foreigners to come and wed.

“Argentina now becomes the first country in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, granting gays and lesbians all the same rights and responsibilities that heterosexuals have. These include many more rights than civil unions, including adopting children and inheriting wealth.

“Gay rights advocates said Argentina’s historic step adds momentum to similar efforts around the world… But many Argentines remain firmly opposed to the idea of gay marriage…

“The president, who helped the law’s chances by bringing two senators opposed to gay marriage with her on a state visit to China, spoke out from there against the Catholic Church’s campaign and the tone she said some religious groups have taken. ‘It’s very worrisome to hear words like “God’s war” or “the devil’s project,” things that recall the times of the Inquisition,’ she said…”

US Debt–“Cancer Which Destroys from Within”…

The Associated Press reported on July 12:

“The heads of President Barack Obama’s national debt commission painted a gloomy picture as the United States struggles to get its spending under control… The nation’s total federal debt next year is expected to exceed $14 trillion — about $47,000 for every U.S. resident.

“‘This debt is like a cancer,’ Bowles [Democrat Erskine Bowles, former White House chief of staff under Bill Clinton] said Sunday in a sober presentation… ‘It is truly going to destroy the country from within.’

“Simpson [former Republican Senator from Wyoming, Alan Simpson] said the entirety of the nation’s current discretionary spending is consumed by the Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs. ‘The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, you name it, veterans, the whole rest of the discretionary budget, is being financed by China and other countries,’ said Simpson. China alone currently holds $920 billion in U.S. IOUs.

“Bowles said if the U.S. makes no changes it will be spending $2 trillion by 2020 just for interest on the national debt.”

The Silent Doctors…

NPR wrote on July 14:

“If a doctor consistently prescribes the wrong meds or arrives drunk to work, you’d hope that his peers would pipe up… But the responses of nearly 2,000 doctors to a recent national survey show the professional watchdog system is nowhere near perfect. More than a third of docs don’t think they’re responsible for reporting those who aren’t fit to practice… And only 69 percent of the docs who knew about an impaired or incompetent colleague reported them…

“What holds doctors back? The most common reason — given 19 percent of the time by doctors who said they were aware of a problem doctor — is that they thought someone else was on top of it. After that 15 percent of the respondents figured nothing would happen anyway. Fear of retribution was also a factor, cited by 12 percent of these doctors…

“In smaller practices, doctors are very dependent on referrals, so they may worry that if they report a colleague they’ll face some kind of retribution. Their number of referrals or professional reputation might suffer… states vary widely on how they deal with incompetent physicians. Only some states mandate reporting requirements.”

Lame Excuse–NASA Spokesman Must Have “Misspoken”

Fox News reported on July 12:

“White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that NASA Administrator Charles Bolden must have misspoken when he told Al Jazeera last month that one of his top priorities is to reach out to Muslim countries. ‘That was not his task and that’s not the task of NASA,’ Gibbs said. Bolden, though, said last month in the interview that it was President Obama who gave him that task. He made a similar claim in February.

“The White House also backed up Bolden last week when his remarks first stirred controversy. A White House spokesman last Tuesday said Obama wants NASA to engage with the world’s best scientists and that to meet that challenge, NASA must ‘partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries’…

“The Muslim comments were met with a wall of criticism last week from conservatives and former NASA officials who said that while Muslim-nation outreach is laudable, it should not be a NASA priority.”

Robert Gibb’s statements sound rather hollow in light of Charles Bolden’s repeated assertions to the contrary…

France’s Fight Against Burqa

USA Today reported on July 13:

“France’s lower house of parliament has approved a ban on burqa-like Islamic veils, a move that is popular among French voters despite serious concerns from Muslim groups and human rights advocates. There were 336 votes for the bill and just one against at the National Assembly. Most members of the main opposition group, the Socialist Party, refused to participate in the vote.

“Following Tuesday’s vote, the ban on face-covering veils will go in September to the Senate, where it also is likely to pass. Its biggest hurdle will likely come after that, when France’s constitutional watchdog scrutinizes it…

“The issue is potent in Europe: Several other countries have similar proposals in the works, including Belgium and Spain, and they are closely watching the bill’s progress in France. France has Europe’s largest Muslim population, estimated to be about 5 million of the country’s 64 million people…

“The legislation would forbid face-covering Muslim veils in all public places in France — even in the street. It calls for —150 ($185) fines or citizenship classes, or both. The bill is also aimed at husbands and fathers — anyone convicted of forcing someone else to wear the garb risks a year of prison and a —30,000 ($38,000) fine, with both penalties doubled if the victim is a minor.”

A clash between Europe and the Muslim world is slowly developing, which is prophesied to occur and which will end up in war, in accordance with Daniel 11:42-43.

Polanski Free–Obama Has Egg on His Face

BBC News reported on July 12:

“Authorities in Switzerland have decided not to extradite film director Roman Polanski to the US to face sentencing for a case dating back to 1977. Polanski, aged 76, has been under house arrest in his Swiss chalet since December 2009 pending the decision. The filmmaker is wanted in California over a conviction for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl. The US was ‘deeply disappointed’ with the decision, a senior justice department official said… The justice ministry said that the US authorities had failed to provide confidential testimony about Polanski’s original sentencing procedure…

“In 1978, he pleaded guilty to unlawful sex following a plea bargain. He served 42 days in a US prison. He has always maintained he was promised a short sentence, but he fled the US after hearing rumours that the judge was about to re-sentence him for a much longer term. He has never returned to the US… The [Swiss] justice ministry added that… national interests were taken into consideration in the decision. A Swiss official said the US cannot appeal the decision…

“Polanski’s wife, French actress Emmanuelle Seigner, said she was overjoyed at the decision. She said: ‘It is with great pleasure that I have just learned of my husband’s release. For me and for my children it is the end of a nightmare that has lasted more than nine months…’

“Polanski’s release was also welcomed by French politicians and artists. ‘The great Franco-Polish director will from now on be able to rejoin his friends and family and work fully on his artistic projects,’ French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said. The Polish foreign ministry also welcomed the Swiss decision.”

German Reaction to Polanski’s Freedom

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 13:

“Should the Swiss have freed famed director Roman Polanski from house arrest and denied a US extradition request? Many in the US are outraged by Monday’s decision. But some German commentators think it was the right thing to do… The surprise Swiss decision has left US officials fuming…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘The Swiss… were under enormous pressure. The US insisted on co-operation — they had another fight with Bern too: A tax evasion dispute involving Swiss banking giant UBS, and they could apply the thumbscrews if need be. Meanwhile France, the chosen home of the director, has always asked why the Swiss were the executors of American justice…

“‘The Swiss had been searching for some judicial lever in the conflict that would allow them to reject the extradition order. They found it in the form of documents that had not been turned over by the US. Also contributing to the decision was the length of time Polanski had already been in custody, both now and when he was originally arrested, as well as doubts about the correctness of the original US trial. And last but not least, there was the question of whom the resurrection of the 33-year-old criminal procedure would really benefit’…

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘The situation with Polanski is more than just awkward. It is tragic. … The fact remains that Roman Polanski sexually abused a 13-year-old girl in Los Angeles in 1977 and escaped punishment by fleeing to Europe. Therefore he is an offender — even if he is an offender that the victim has long since, publicly, forgiven. But Polanski is also a victim. He only escaped the Nazi persecution of the Jews because he went into hiding: His mother died in Auschwitz. In the US in 1969, his pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered by followers of Charles Manson’s cult.”

“‘Racism will only be overcome when one’s ethnic origins no longer play a part. But that will never happen. So in order to assess any situation we must also consider biographical information in context. Yesterday the Swiss decided to release Polanski from house arrest and not to extradite him to the US. A good decision — particularly when one considers how many Jews fleeing from the Nazis were turned away at the Swiss borders and how many Jewish assets were never revealed because of Swiss banking secrecy…'”

The most interesting aspect of this tragedy is that Europe is willing to stand up to America, and America must grudgingly concede defeat…

EU-USA Disagreements

Fox News reported on July 15:

“Europe’s disappointment with President Barack Obama’s presidency was laid bare Thursday as the EU’s most senior figure called for a dramatic effort to revive transatlantic relations. The President of the European Commission said the new era at the White House was in danger of becoming a ‘missed opportunity’ for Europe. José Manuel Barroso said the EU-U.S. relationship was not living up to its potential. The criticism follows a series of fundamental disagreements on how to deal with the economic crisis, climate change and trad reform.

“The feelings of a deepening rift are mutual. Senior U.S. figures said Obama could never live up to Europe’s sky-high expectations. Barroso revealed his frustrations with Washington during a wideranging interview in which he also admitted that the euro had acted like a ‘sleeping pill,’ luring some countries to the edge of economic disaster with an ‘illusion of prosperity.’ It has been a fractious few months for EU-U.S. relations, culminating in a fundamental clash of ideas at the G20 summit between Europe’s austerity strategy for ending the economic crisis and Obama’s call to maintain fiscal stimulus…

“The U.S. defended itself forcefully against claims that it had neglected Europe… The view from Washington is that communication with Europe on a range of crucial issues is difficult because the EU still lacks ‘a clear foreign policy apparatus.’”

Soon, the USA might not have that kind of an excuse again for its deteriorating relationship with the EU, as the next article shows.

Soon–EU’s New Powers at the UN

The EUObserrver reported on July 15:

“European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will in future be able to address the UN chamber no differently from US President Barack Obama or Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmedinejad under draft reforms agreed by member states… An EU diplomat said the idea behind the changes is to boost the profile of the EU as an entity in itself at the international level…

“Britain’s EU minister, David Lidington, in the UK ministerial letter said however that the move should not be interpreted as undermining Britain’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council… The new rights flow from changes established by the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force last December. ‘The Lisbon Treaty established new structures for the management of the EU’s external relations,’ Mr Lidington explained.”

Gaza Raid–Israel Partially to Be Blamed

BBC reported on July 13:

“An Israeli military inquiry into the naval raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla says commandos were under-prepared and mistakes were made at a senior level. The report says the operation suffered from flawed intelligence-gathering and inadequate planning. But it also praised the commandos involved and found the use of force had been the only way to stop the flotilla. Eight Turks and one Turkish-American died in the naval raid in international waters, which provoked a major outcry.

“The report criticised the operation’s planners for not having a back-up plan in the event of violence. But it also said the mission had not been a failure and did not recommend any dismissals. It said there had been a lack of co-ordination between military and intelligence bodies, and preparations for the 31 May takeover of the ships had been inadequate… its findings that serious mistakes were made confirm that questions also need to be asked of Israel’s political leaders, who approved the operation…

“The operation prompted an international backlash and has severely strained Israel’s relations with its once-close Muslim ally Turkey. Amid the criticism, Israel eased its land blockade on the Gaza Strip, allowing most civilian goods through. The naval blockade remains in place. Israel says it is necessary to keep weapons from reaching the Islamist Hamas movement, which controls Gaza.”

Bomb Attack Directed Against Ethiopia

BBC reported on July 12:

“The Somali Islamist group al-Shabab has said it was behind twin blasts which hit the Ugandan capital Kampala on Sunday, killing 74 people. In a statement in Mogadishu, spokesman for the group Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage threatened more attacks. Police said the bombings targeted football fans watching the World Cup final…

“The explosions, which also injured about 70 people, ripped through a rugby club and an Ethiopian restaurant… at least 60 Ugandans were killed in the explosions… an Irish woman was among those who died at the restaurant. California-based aid group Invisible Children, which helps child soldiers, said one of its workers, Nate Henn, 25, was among those killed at the rugby club. Officials said the dead and wounded also included Ethiopian, Eritrean, Indian and Congolese nationals…

“The attack on the Ethiopian restaurant also fits in with al-Shabab’s regional policy. Addis Ababa backs Somalia’s government against the rebels. And Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia in 2006 to oust an Islamist movement, stoking an insurgency that still rages. BBC East Africa correspondent Peter Greste says security services across the region will now be reassessing how they can protect themselves from a force that has proven itself willing and capable of striking outside Somalia’s borders.

“Many – if not most – of those killed and injured in the Kampala blasts were foreign nationals… At least three Americans, members of a Church group from Pennsylvania, were wounded at the Ethiopian restaurant… US President Barack Obama said the explosions were ‘deplorable and cowardly’. The African Union has said the attacks will not affect its summit, which is due to be held in Kampala later this month.”

Again and again, Ethiopia is somehow making the news. And as it is being pushed, it might very well react by pushing…

What the “Smartest Man on Earth” Thinks…

On July 13, Bild Online reported the following:

“They hunt using poisonous stings, make their own light through bioluminescence and can transform lightning into energy for their bodies: This is what astrophysicist Stephen Hawking (68), the smartest man in the world, thinks aliens would look like! He developed the research for a documentary film for the Discovery Channel… Hawking determined shape and behaviour of the theoretically possible creatures by combining conditions on different planets, including their geology, climates and atmosphere…

Alien creature with huge trunk by Stephen Hawking

“This creature uses its massive trunk to cling to steep rock faces while it eats moss and grass.

Bioluminescent octo alien

“This bioluminescent ‘octo alien’ would be capable of living in a salt sea on Jupiter.

Predator aliens with poisonous stings

“These small predators leap from rocks and numb their prey with their poisonous stings… An extendable skin fold allows them to sail through the air towards their victims.”

This is of course all based on the ungodly theory of the evolution idea. What does the Bible say? “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

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