Quench the Fiery Darts

Temptations and taunts are among the most effective tools that Satan uses to cause a Christian to fall away from the truth.  Faith is a tool that we can use to guard against any threat that might cause us to turn from God and follow the ways of the world.

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A New Creation

Christians stand out as different! We are unlike anyone else in the world, and it is because we have the TRUTH of God. Yet, the significance of becoming a Christian also has astounding meaning in the ultimate plan of God—few understand that God has already begun His process of making “all things new.”

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Past, Present, Future

The Bible shows us how the past, present and future all work together.  Through past examples for our own admonition, we can learn from them in our present lives by obeying God, so we can be counted worthy to make it in the future.

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Leaving the Church of God?

There have always been those who left the Church of God because of numerous reasons. Not everyone who attends Church services is part of the Church of God. Still, membership in the true Church of God is necessary for salvation. This sermon shows what is the Church of God; who leads and directs it; and why one must not forsake the Church of God, if one wants to inherit eternal life.

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You Are Here

The progression of a Christian’s calling is transformative. We begin a journey and take steps forward along the way. Whether our path leads us closer to God or further astray, we need to honestly evaluate where we are in our journey, make adjustments, and continue pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

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Appreciating Our Salvation

We have been given an opportunity very few on earth have ever received.  Do we show our gratefulness to God daily?  Are we willing to give up the desires of this world in order to fulfill the desires of God?

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The Sword of the Spirit

Paul admonishes us to take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. This is a vital part of the armor of God. Paul does not refer to a physical sword, and when we take the spiritual sword, we must know what God’s Word is; how God’s Spirit motivates us; and why we must speak and do the Word of God. Only then will we be able to conquer Satan and his servants.

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