Should Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy Concern You?

What is missing in the news media’s reporting on Bristol Palin’s pregnancy? Much debate revolves around the pro’s and con’s of abortion, the proper use of contraceptives, or even the question of statutory rape in Alaska. The undesired social phenomenon of unwanted teenage pregnancies has also been mentioned. But reference to the most important aspect has been overlooked or neglected.

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Is Global World War III Coming?

As the world again approaches depression, and as we look at our current trouble spots, involving Russia and Georgia; Iraq; Israel and Iran; Afghanistan; and Pakistan; we are seeing “alarming parallels with the 1930s,” according to an article in The Times, dated August 24, 2008. It continued that wars are the result of “weak, shortsighted leaders entrapped by a series of mistakes.” It concluded that “for the West’s leaders at present, mistake has become second nature.” Is therefore World War 3 inevitable?

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Russia’s Invasion of Georgia–Just the Beginning

Will Russia “nuke” Poland? Will it attack other European nations with nuclear weapons? What would happen if Israel were to attack Iran? Are we facing the prospects of another World War?

Georgia Burns, While the West Fiddles — StandingWatch #178

While our political leaders seem to be unwilling to respond in a meaningful way to the new-found imperialism of “Vladimir Bonaparte,” the Russian Bear, under Putin, continues with its aggressions. “Mother Russia” claims that Georgia has lost its territorial integrity, and threatens Poland with a nuclear attack. As Britain’s The Telegraph wrote on August 15, the West, collectively, including the EU and the USA, failed in this crisis. But very soon, according to the Bible, things WILL change.

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WHY Is Our Economy THAT Bad? — StandingWatch #177

The U.S. budget deficit will reach $500 billion in 2009. A new law raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued $5 trillion in debt. Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history. General Motors lost $15.5 billion in the second quarter. So far, seven banks have been shut by regulators in 2008, with many more to follow. 463,000 jobs were lost so far this year. An economic recovery is not expected any time soon, if at all. WHY should this happen to the greatest nation on earth? Is GOD really pleased with how we are living today?

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Obama and the Beast of Europe — StandingWatch #176

On Thursday, July 24, Senator Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin, Germany, but not all liked his demand for more European military involvement in Afghanistan. Would a military buildup in Europe be good for America and the rest of the world? And what role will religion play in all of this–given the fact that a separation between Church and State is unknown in Europe?

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America’s Financial Crisis — StandingWatch #175

Last Friday, the U.S. federal government took control of the Pasadena, California, based IndyMac Bank, signifying the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. The largest U.S. mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also in big financial trouble. The third largest U.S. investment bank Merrill Lynch is $10 billion in debt. More than 300 U.S. banks might fail over the next few years. The US. is facing a global crisis to fund its $700 billion (!) account deficit. Especially Europe is upset with America’s irresponsible financial dealings and is locking for alternatives. What DOES the future hold for all of us?

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“Spinning Out of Control” — StandingWatch #173

Midwestern floods; tornadoes and hurricanes; powerful earthquakes; skyrocketing gas prices; abysmal home values; increased air fares; unaffordable health care; endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; food shortages; depression on the horizon; voter frustration with Washington–is everything spinning out of control? Are we too proud and unwilling to follow Abraham Lincoln’s admonition to “humble ourselves before the offended Power”? Are politicians and religious leaders deceiving us when they proclaim that we don’t have to obey all of God’s laws? Will we perish soon in natural and man-made disasters, as the civilization at the time of Noah perished in the waves of a worldwide flood?

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Beware of Hate Crimes! — StandingWatch #171

Should the United States be concerned when Catholic and Protestant ministers and others are accused of committing a hate crime in Canada, Great Britain or Continental Europe, for expressing their religious beliefs? Why are so many willing to compromise their convictions, when faced with possible repercussions for their job, their status in society, or their religious or political career?

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Is There Life on Mars? — StandingWatch #170

With astonishing accuracy, the Phoenix Mars Lander reached the Red Planet on May 25, 2008–exactly as planned. The 422 million-mile journey, which began on August 4, 2007, costs us about 420 million dollars. Is this well-spent money? Scientists are hopeful to discover conditions favorable for life on Mars, either now or once upon a time. They would like to find some evidence for the evolution of life on Mars. But is there even evidence of evolution of life here on earth?

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