Beware of Hate Crimes! — StandingWatch #171

Should the United States be concerned when Catholic and Protestant ministers and others are accused of committing a hate crime in Canada, Great Britain or Continental Europe, for expressing their religious beliefs? Why are so many willing to compromise their convictions, when faced with possible repercussions for their job, their status in society, or their religious or political career?

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Is There Life on Mars? — StandingWatch #170

With astonishing accuracy, the Phoenix Mars Lander reached the Red Planet on May 25, 2008–exactly as planned. The 422 million-mile journey, which began on August 4, 2007, costs us about 420 million dollars. Is this well-spent money? Scientists are hopeful to discover conditions favorable for life on Mars, either now or once upon a time. They would like to find some evidence for the evolution of life on Mars. But is there even evidence of evolution of life here on earth?

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Famine in the USA — StandingWatch #168

Don’t believe those who tell you that the food situation in the USA isn’t all that bad. It is much worse than you might imagine. Listen to some astonishing FACTS proving HOW BAD our food supply really is. And HOW terrible devastations–such as the recent cyclone in Burma or Myanmar–will affect ALL of us. But there are solutions, even though they are not that popular today.

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Why Unprecedented High Gas Prices in the USA? — StandingWatch #167

The President blames Congress, and Senators blame the President. Oil companies report all time profits, thanks to record high oil prices. Republicans and Democrats propose certain actions but tell us that even if they survive “election-year partisanship” and interest groups, they would not affect the gas prices in the short term. WHY is it that the most powerful nation on earth seems to be helpless to deal effectively with this situation?

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Food Shortage in the USA — StandingWatch #166

This week has begun to experience a once unthinkable phenomenon–food rationing in the USA. Many stores and retailers are limiting purchases of flour, rice, wheat, cooking oil, and other commodities. How did we get into this mess? And it’s not limited to the USA–we are also hearing of GLOBAL HUNGER and RIOTS because of lack of food and high food prices, including in countries such as Japan, Haiti, Indonesia, and several African nations. Has the biblical third horse of the Apocalypse–picturing worldwide famine–begun to ride?

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“Holy Father” and “Holy Mass”–But What Does the Bible Say? — StandingWatch #165

While visiting the USA, Pope Benedict XVI has been referred to repeatedly as the “Holy Father” or “Your Holiness.” But are these spiritual titles appropriate, according to Jesus’ words, as recorded in the Bible? Also, what do the Holy Scriptures say about the “Holy Mass,” the “Eucharist” or the “Communion”? Did Jesus command His disciples to partake of the bread and wine at any time of their choice? And did He teach that these symbols change into His literal body and blood? The Biblical answers might SHOCK you.

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Coming–The Great Depression? — StandingWatch #164

Most Americans are worried about the economy. Many financial analysts and commentators around the world have similar fears. What can YOU do in these times of recession and potential depression? How can you avoid going into debt, and how can you become debt-free? Does God, in His Word, the Bible, show you what you must do?

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Where Do Evil and Strife Come From? — StandingWatch #163

Why is it so difficult for man to live in peace with his neighbor? Why is there so much violence and war in the world? Did God create man with an evil human nature? Are we incapable of doing good and overcoming evil? The Bible gives us answers to all of these questions, but are we willing to believe God and do what He says?

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Is Homeschooling For You? — StandingWatch #162

In California, a legal battle has begun, due to a decision by the Court of Appeals, holding that parents who are not credentialed to teach, do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children. The Governor and others have declared that they will flight this decision or change the laws. But what about homeschooling? What are some of the potential pitfalls to be aware of? On the other hand, what is your responsibility as parents when you send your children to private or public schools? You need to know the answers to these all-important questions.

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