Why Catholic Sex Abuse?

The Roman Catholic Church is facing another widening sex abuse scandal of perhaps historical proportions, while trying to cope with the sex scandals in Ireland and other countries. For decades, the Church looked the other way, downplayed the problems or covered them up, while ignoring the victims and protecting the pedophile perpetrators. Is enforced celibacy one of the main reasons for these terrible sexual scandals within the Church?

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Encouragement in Economic Hardship

The Wall Street Journal wrote: “The U.S. government spends while it can”; and that “federal outlays will reach $3.72 trillion in 2010.” USA Today said that our planned deficit for 2010 of almost $1.6 trillion is “a recipe for financial disaster.” The A.P. reported that the “number of newly laid-off workers filing initial claims for jobless benefits rose unexpectedly” by the end of January. CNN Money revealed that “Social Security will be $28 billion in the hole” in 2010. But even though the U.S. economic outlook is devastating, we would like to give you hope and encouragement on this program.

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The State of the Union Address and No Solutions…

We do NOT experience a recovery of the U.S. economy. Sales of homes are down; unemployment is up; and the economic activity in 2009 showed the sharpest drop since 1946. USA Today commented: “The U.S. is broke.” Hope in U.S. leadership is at an all-time low, as the national and international reactions to the President’s State of the Union address demonstrated. Two quarters of Americans believe that their federal government is not working. The Telegraph wrote: “Barack Obama gets an F for world leadership.” Nobody seems to present workable solutions. Aren’t there any?

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Coming Up From the Abyss

Germany is destined to lead a mighty political, economic and military European power bloc. The Bible prophesied thousands of years ago that in these last days, Germany and Europe will ascend out of the bottomless pit or the “abyss,” while America’s leadership will continually diminish.

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Haiti–Where Was God?

Why do natural catastrophes happen–like the terrible earthquake in Haiti? Why does God not prevent them? Why does He allow man’s wars and the evil which he inflicts on his fellow-man? The Bible warns us that much more terrible times will come soon, and it tells us WHY!

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Never Spank Your Child?

The British paper, The Telegraph, reported on January 3, 2010, that occasional proper spanking of children up to the age of eleven has positive results, angering children’s right campaigners. What does the Bible say about proper child rearing and discipline?

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Payoffs for Senate’s Health Care Bill

Politics went into high gear this week when 60 necessary votes for the U.S. Senate’s health care bill were secured after granting special concessions and payoffs to certain states. Some senators defended these tactics, saying that “payoffs are nothing unusual”; and that this is “the nature of a democracy” and “part of the normal legislative process.” But what exactly were these payoffs, and how does God look at this kind of political maneuvering?

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Religious Persecution in Germany?

Surely, there could not be lack or violation of religious freedom in Germany! Don’t be too convinced! And what’s worse, the Bible prophesies that continental Europe will soon begin–as it did in the past–to inflict tremendous persecution on all those who don’t agree with the EU’s religious concepts of “Christianity.” Don’t be duped into thinking it could not happen.

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Coming–Worldwide Nuclear War?

The Pravda proposes that Europe must “get rid of America’s influence”; that the EU needs a powerful army; and that it should “join forces with Russia.” Time magazine claims that more than 200 thermonuclear bombs are stored in several European countries, and that “Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war.” Will those and other nuclear weapons be used soon?

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Lessons from the Afghan War

President Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan has been described as “dangerous.” It was pointed out that “parallels between Afghanistan and Vietnam are impossible to ignore.” The President’s speech has been labeled as “false,” and the war itself as unnecessary, unsuccessful and unsolvable. But the most important lessons from the war have been completely overlooked.

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