The Future of the Middle East

What is the meaning of the tumultuous developments in Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt? Where is it all heading? What will Europe and the USA attempt to do to solve the fragile situation in that part of the world? Does the Bible give us answers as to what the future holds?

Summary Terms:

Hezbollah New York Times Spiegel Israel Islamists MSNBC Biden Mubarak Christian Science Monitor Italy Frattini Psalm 83 Daniel 11 Ishmael Turkey confederacy alliance Germany Assyria Syria PLO Saudi Arabia Iran Jordan Jesus Christ armies Jerusalem escape Kingdom Millennium King of the North Beast

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Arizona’s Real Murderer!

Some on the political left were anxious to blame some on the right for the terrible mass shooting in Arizona. This absurd and baseless accusation negates the real causes for such horrendous crimes. But our sophisticated Western World is unwilling to consider the evil influence of the powers of darkness, while moving farther and farther away from the true God of the Bible.

Summary Terms:

Jared Loughner Tucson Gabrielle Giffords Tea Party Sarah Palin Olbermann Paul Krugman Spiegel USA Today Yahoo News Communist Manifesto Hitler Mein Kampf devil worship occult paranoid schizophrenic alcohol drug Franklin Graham Billy antichrist memorial service father sky mother earth persecution

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Birds and Fish Will Waste Away

What is the meaning of the worldwide deaths of thousands of birds and over 150,000 fish? What will happen next? Is the Great Tribulation about to begin? Will Christ the Messiah return soon? Will mankind rejoice when He appears?
Summary Terms:
Arkansas, blackbirds, poisoning, trauma, midair, collision, weather, lightning, hail, fireworks, Louisiana, Sweden, Texas, Maryland, Florida, Brazil, England, sardines, catfish, crabs, Hosea, Examiner, CNN, MSNBC, Haaretz, orthodox, Christianity, Jews, Israel, rabbis, antichrist, Satan, deceive

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The Origin of New Year’s Traditions

Why do we observe New Year’s Eve on December 31 and New Year’s Day on January 1? Why do we have fireworks, firecrackers, oracle traditions and party games? What is the origin of many of these and other customs? Should true Christians participate in such activities?Summary Terms:PM Wotan Wodan Odin wild hunt devils demons ghosts dead The Local Silvester Catholic church Christianity champagne firecrackers whip-cracking Teutons sun winter supernatural divined pagan ransom Bible verse Christmas Easter Halloween God Sabbath annual Holy Days

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Christmas Traditions and the Bible

What do we know about the “three wise kings from the East”? Were they magicians? How many were they, according to the Bible? When did they visit Christ? What do we know about the star leading them? When was Jesus born? Why do we celebrate His birth with a Christmas tree, and why do we exchange gifts? How did Christmas become one of the most important festivals in orthodox Christianity?

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U.S. Democracy in Danger?

The international media claims that the US government’s reaction to the release of documents by WikiLeaks is a greater threat to democracy than any information revealed. We hear of intolerable censorship and unconstitutional conduct. What is going on in America? Do we really have to fear for our individual liberties and freedom?

Summary Terms:

Spiegel Espionage Act 1917 The Local MasterCard PayPal Amazon journalism New York Times Wall Street Journal Air Force First Amendment free speech Constitution BP oil spill lawsuit Obama Prince William wedding Great Britain lovers allies Jeremiah Zechariah Bible God pride haughty low

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Today’s World News in Bible Prophecy

During a widely-published insightful interview, former influential German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt placed the world on notice as to what will transpire soon in important news developments. Amazingly, many of his predictions match biblical prophecy. But is the world listening?

Summary Terms:

European leader core Europe EU common foreign policy coalition Muslim states dependence America Israel Britain Germany Austria beast false prophet ten nations euro revival Roman Empire

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Trust in the USA Gone

The release of secret diplomatic memos by Wikileaks caused incalculable damage for the USA. Notwithstanding some nice lip services from embarrassed politicians, the overall consensus in the European media is that the revelations are a disaster for America, hugely damaging and a political meltdown for US foreign policy, and that they expose the superpower’s weaknesses and create a crisis for German-American relations with unpredictable consequences. One German paper wrote that Americas reserve of trust is empty and those documents are like a weapon of mass destruction on the last traces of trust. Why is all of this happening? The answer, even though VERY clear, might surprise you.

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Will the Euro Survive?

Some predict that the euro-zone will disintegrate and that the euro is finished. But what would be the practical consequences, if the euro-zone countries were to abandon the euro and replace it with national currencies? Why do some feel that such a scenario is “massively unlikely” and “unrealistic”? Why do they conclude that the euro will remain one of the “world’s most important currencies”?

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666-Number of the Beast’s Name

The Church of Greece insists that the number 666 must not appear on microchips, ID or citizen cards, bar codes on goods or electronic checks, as that number is “associated with antichrist” (AFP, November 17, 2010). But what is the truth regarding the number 666? What does the book of Revelation tell us about it?

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