Earthquakes in Prophecy, Part 1

The terrible earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunamis should remind us of Christ’s warning in the Olivet prophecy that great earthquakes will strike this earth prior to His return. But He also spoke of religious deception, wars, famines, disease epidemics, the Great Tribulation and the heavenly signs. It is important to know the prophesied sequence of these events, leading to His Second Coming.

Summary Terms:

Jerusalem sun moon armies abomination desolation Antiochus daily sacrifices idol Zeus Jupiter pestilences Daniel waves sea roaring Ogallala Aquifer grain corn Colorado River Leviticus space storm Katrina solar maximum beast false prophet king North man sin law abolished another Jesus Revelation Temple

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Earthquakes in Prophecy, Part 2

The Bible predicts that much greater earthquakes than the one in Japan will soon strike this earth. The books of Revelation and Isaiah give us many details as to what will happen, and why. Even Jerusalem will be hit by a huge earthquake, and so will be many other cities.

Summary Terms:

Stars heaven day wrath LORD Babylon island mountains hail anger drunkard Millennium change law Jesus return

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When Will Russia Attack Israel?

Pat Robertson stated in an interview with Newsmax that, according to Ezekiel 38, a coalition of nations such as Russia and Iran will rise up against Israel in a final battle. But what DOES Ezekiel 38 prophesy? Who are those nations listed there which will try to war against “Israel”? When will this attack take place, and who, precisely, is “Israel”? Don’t be too sure that you know the answers!

Summary Terms:

Middle East Turkey Sudan Millennium sword gathered mountains safely gates bars USA Great Britain Canada New Zealand Australia house Judah Gentiles Gog Magog Rosh Meshech Tubal Persia Ethiopia Libya China Moscow Tobolsk India Sri Lanka Pakistan Bangladesh Mongolia Siberia Eurasia Shiva Ramah Europe EU Promised Land desolate slavery captivity Jesus Christ return great tribulation nuclear holocaust shortened fight peace iniquity obedience

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Libya in Prophecy

What is in store for Libya? How are we to evaluate the reaction-or lack thereof-of the Western powers, especially Europe and the USA? And why are some of the comments and suggestions in German papers truly amazing, in the light of biblical prophecy? What does the Bible say is soon going to happen in the Middle East?

Summary Terms:

Tunisia Egypt Bahrain Italy Britain Greece France Germany EU Ashton Westerwelle Sarkozy Berlusconi Rasmussen NATO Secretary General Security Council UN military intervention Sanctions Gadhafi freeze assets punitive Finland Scandinavia Arab League coalition Ethiopia Psalm Daniel king North Ezekiel Jeremiah confederation Revelation weekly Update Deutsche Welle Spiegel Welt Sueddeutsche Zeitung Fox Oliver North sacrifices Israel temple

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Where is your Hope?

Many in our Western World are looking for spiritual guidance by turning to eastern gods and goddesses. They feel disappointed by the confusing teachings of traditional orthodox Christianity, not realizing that according to the Bible, there is only one true hope for all of us. Do you know what that hope is?
Summary Terms:
Huffington Post goddess Durga Holy Mother Mary queen heaven Isaiah Day LORD eastern ways Revelation demons sorceries resurrection immortal soul death sleep Trinity crucifixion resurrection Father Son Holy Spirit Messiah Savior Tucson memorial service father sky mother earth antichrist flesh Jesus Christ name salvation eternal life

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Bible Prophecy in the News

While the focus on Egypt is continuing, other important events are occurring in Iran, the USA and Europe. All of these prophesied developments, taken together, signal the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
Summary Terms:
START Britain nuclear capacity sensitive Russia missile defense Merkel Sarkozy Eurozone economy bailout Van Rompuy NYSE merger Deutsche Boerse Haaretz Spiegel Wall Street Journal Telegraph missile Strait Hormuz Persian Gulf fusion reactor

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Egypt in Prophecy

The present turmoil in the Middle East and Egypt is not coincidental, but paves the way for monumental end-time events that have been prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago. While the USA is losing all influence in the Middle East, Egypt’s future hostile relationship with the state of Israel is also clearly described in Scripture.

Summary Terms:

Jimmy Carter Barack Obama Haaretz Iran Turkey Lebanon financial crisis war Jerusalem Post Deutsche Welle Bild theocracy WorldNetDaily Muslim Brotherhood Jordan Hamas al-Qaida Perino FOX News Reidel Spiegel peace treaty Mubarak Isaiah great trumpet Assyria Germany

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The Future of the Middle East

What is the meaning of the tumultuous developments in Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt? Where is it all heading? What will Europe and the USA attempt to do to solve the fragile situation in that part of the world? Does the Bible give us answers as to what the future holds?

Summary Terms:

Hezbollah New York Times Spiegel Israel Islamists MSNBC Biden Mubarak Christian Science Monitor Italy Frattini Psalm 83 Daniel 11 Ishmael Turkey confederacy alliance Germany Assyria Syria PLO Saudi Arabia Iran Jordan Jesus Christ armies Jerusalem escape Kingdom Millennium King of the North Beast

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Arizona’s Real Murderer!

Some on the political left were anxious to blame some on the right for the terrible mass shooting in Arizona. This absurd and baseless accusation negates the real causes for such horrendous crimes. But our sophisticated Western World is unwilling to consider the evil influence of the powers of darkness, while moving farther and farther away from the true God of the Bible.

Summary Terms:

Jared Loughner Tucson Gabrielle Giffords Tea Party Sarah Palin Olbermann Paul Krugman Spiegel USA Today Yahoo News Communist Manifesto Hitler Mein Kampf devil worship occult paranoid schizophrenic alcohol drug Franklin Graham Billy antichrist memorial service father sky mother earth persecution

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Birds and Fish Will Waste Away

What is the meaning of the worldwide deaths of thousands of birds and over 150,000 fish? What will happen next? Is the Great Tribulation about to begin? Will Christ the Messiah return soon? Will mankind rejoice when He appears?
Summary Terms:
Arkansas, blackbirds, poisoning, trauma, midair, collision, weather, lightning, hail, fireworks, Louisiana, Sweden, Texas, Maryland, Florida, Brazil, England, sardines, catfish, crabs, Hosea, Examiner, CNN, MSNBC, Haaretz, orthodox, Christianity, Jews, Israel, rabbis, antichrist, Satan, deceive

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