The World Against Israel

President Obama endorses the Palestinians’ demand for their future state to be based on the 1967 borders and infuriates Israel, but the new US position is in line with EU policy. Haaretz writes that Israel is on a collision course with its allies and is liable to become a pariah state. And while the US and GB are facing economic turmoil, Germany is powering ahead and wants to pull its weight militarily abroad. What is going to happen next?

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Germany’s Trier Much Older Than Rome?

An old legend tells us that the biblical Assyrians under Prince Trebeta, son of King Ninus and stepson of Queen Semiramis, founded the German city of Trier. Could this be true? Personal investigations in that city brought astonishing results and open up an interesting picture of biblical prophecies for the immediate future.

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How Did Osama Bin Laden Really Die, If He Did?

Is was announced on May 1 that Osama bin Laden was killed by American intelligence operatives, but many haunting questions remain. Was it necessary to kill him? Was it even preferable or legal to do so? Was it in accordance with Islamic custom to bury him at sea? And, perhaps the most interesting question: How can we be so sure that it was bin Laden who was killed?

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The British Wedding-a Critical Look

Is the wedding of William and Kate an aberration of history and a sad spectacle, as Der Spiegel says? Are the royal families of the world a terrible example, as The Local postulates? Does the wedding detract from the fact that Great Britain is going down-partly because of family breakdown and a lack of commitment towards marriage, as the Daily Mail reports? God tells us clearly what is right and wrong, and the royals have not set a proper example in this regard.

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How did Christ Really Die?

Did Jesus die of a broken heart or exhaustion? Does the Bible explain HOW Christ died on the cross? The Holy Scriptures tell us that He died by shedding His blood, and that He was pierced through for our transgressions. HOW was He pierced through? The answer might surprise you.

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Could Jesus Return Tonight?

A strong minority of Americans believes that we are living in the End Times, while 52 percent disagree. Some believe and teach that Jesus could come back tonight, while others say that He won’t return at all. What does the Bible tell us?

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The Future of Libya

Why are we fighting against Libya? What do we hope to achieve? Who should lead? The USA does not want to, but it does not like France to lead, either. The Arab world and Turkey are opposed to air strikes; Germany won’t participate at all; NATO is taking a confusing position; and France’s role is becoming more and more problematic. In light of this confusion, what does the Bible say about the role that Libya will play in the not-too-distant future?

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Earthquakes in Prophecy, Part 1

The terrible earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunamis should remind us of Christ’s warning in the Olivet prophecy that great earthquakes will strike this earth prior to His return. But He also spoke of religious deception, wars, famines, disease epidemics, the Great Tribulation and the heavenly signs. It is important to know the prophesied sequence of these events, leading to His Second Coming.

Summary Terms:

Jerusalem sun moon armies abomination desolation Antiochus daily sacrifices idol Zeus Jupiter pestilences Daniel waves sea roaring Ogallala Aquifer grain corn Colorado River Leviticus space storm Katrina solar maximum beast false prophet king North man sin law abolished another Jesus Revelation Temple

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Earthquakes in Prophecy, Part 2

The Bible predicts that much greater earthquakes than the one in Japan will soon strike this earth. The books of Revelation and Isaiah give us many details as to what will happen, and why. Even Jerusalem will be hit by a huge earthquake, and so will be many other cities.

Summary Terms:

Stars heaven day wrath LORD Babylon island mountains hail anger drunkard Millennium change law Jesus return

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