When Will Israel Attack Iran?

Will Israel strike Iran between October 2 and November 8, 2012? Many in Israel think so, and they produce seemingly compelling evidence for this conclusion. Such an attack would have unthinkable consequences for the entire world. Would you be prepared for them?

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War with Iran coming Soon?

Is the US prepared to attack Iran militarily? Will Israel launch a preemptive strike? Would Iran and its allies be in a position to retaliate? Does the Bible tell us anything about a future war in the Middle East?

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No More Guns?

The mass murder in Colorado has shown again the incredible acts of senseless and demonic violence of which man is capable. Questions are asked as to whether gun control would have prevented a “mentally disturbed” man to carry out his horrendous crimes; and whether the increase in violence, especially in movies and video games, could be blamed for those actions. Our fascination with guns will not create a better world. What is needed is a change of mind and heart. “It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh” (General Douglas MacArthur in 1951).

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Enslaved to the Government?

Are we in danger of losing our individual liberties and freedoms? Are we becoming slaves of the government? As examples, consider the individual mandate in the new health care law; controversial executive orders pertaining to Immigration proposals bypassing Congress and the control of the Internet by Homeland Security; invoking the executive privilege to withhold documents from the House Committee in the Fast and Furious debacle; the use of drones throughout the US; and the reading of private emails by the government. It is high time to wake up.

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Religious Persecution

Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isaiah 5:20, God pronounces a curse on those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Satan the devil, the prince of darkness, transforms himself as an angel of light, putting darkness for light. In this program, we give numerous examples, showing what God condemns and our society upholds, and what God upholds and our society condemns. And yes, those who want to live godly will suffer persecution.

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The Heresy of Cain and Independence Day

One author wrote that when God approached Cain and asked him, Where is your brother Abel?, Cain committed a heresy, when he answered, I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? The author continued that to many Americans, Independence Day is a day to celebrate their liberation from having to be our fellow’s keeper, our independence from others. He said that the Cain Heresy is alive and well in our culture, threatening to totally devour the freedom it claims to defend. What about it? Does the Bible say that we are to be our brother’s keeper? And if so, how?

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Circumcision A Crime in Germany

A German Court of Appeals in Cologne ruled that religious circumcisions of young or infant boys are grievous bodily harm and thus a crime. This means that doctors can no longer claim that they do not know that they commit a crime, as the religious right of the parents to circumcise their children was held to be less important than the child’s fundamental right to bodily integrity. Jews and Muslims are outraged, but many Germans seem to agree with the scandalous court decision. The underlying thinking will have some impact for prophesied events in the future.

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2012 Big Scandal in the Vatican

One of the biggest scandals in the Vatican is widening. According to national and international press reports, it is a case of intrigue, betrayal and secret documents, uncovering alleged corruption, cronyism and mismanagement, and even an alleged murder plot against the pope, at the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. They purportedly show how the game of politics is played, with lies, intrigues and bitter feuds between rival parties. What is happening, and what does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

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Germany’s Beast on the Rise?

Does the Bible tell us what will happen in Germany and Europe? Do current developments show us the beginning of what the Scriptures prophesy? Will there arise a German populist? If so, will he be for or against Europe? Will he turn out to be the beast, as mentioned in Revelation? Will we soon experience an end of democracy in Europe, as we did in the 1930s? Will the euro crisis bring about a two-speed Europe? Will core European Eurozone nations be in charge for a while? Will they finally transfer all their authority and power to a charismatic European leader?

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Does Lincoln’s Ghost Haunt the White House?

Could we communicate with ghosts or the spirits of deceased or departed loved ones? Is it true that the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears in the White House, and that, in general, the White House is haunted? What is necromancy? And what does the Bible have to say about all of this?

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