The EU under German Leadership

“The euro will survive; the European Union will become a federal state; and Britain could end up outside it.” These are some of the interesting conclusions by financial historian Niall Ferguson, as published by the Sunday Times on May 20, 2012, under the headline, “One Nation (Under Germany).” Why did he state those opinions, even though he is not a federalist and does not like what he sees? And why are his ideas so compelling in light of biblical prophecy?

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Our Moral Decline

Germany has a new President. He is a pastor from East Germany who lives together with another woman, without being divorced from his wife. This kind of conduct is more and more accepted in our Western world. In American politics, compromise with God’s Word seems to be the norm. None of this will be allowed when Jesus returns. It is high time that we stand up for and choose right standards now, before it is too late.

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The Bible and the Mahdi

What do Muslims believe regarding a future Mahdi? Does the Bible teach the coming of such a Mahdi? How do the Koran and the Bible differ on the personages known as the beast and the false prophet, or the Masih al Dajal and the Sufyani? Do the Muslims believe in Jesus or Isa, and if so, in what way? Do Muslims believe that Jesus will die again after His return?

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Warnings of a Great Crash in 2012

In spite of optimistic viewpoints, some experts warn that a recession or a depression may be inevitable and could strike as early as by late summer of 2012. US government debt is worse than Greece, while Europeans pour bailout money into a bottomless barrel. Many Americans live far beyond their means and become vulnerable to financial catastrophe. Gas prices and water bills are on the rise, and a more than likely attack on Iran will make a bad economic situation more painful. The British Government has run out of money. Is there any hope for us in light of these grim realities?

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Religious and Scientific Deceptions

In a recent public debate on the origin of life between the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and the most famous atheist, Richard Dawkins, both gentlemen presented utterly false ideas. The wrong concept that man has evolved from non-humans, whether by accident or with godly involvement, rejects God’s Word and has contributed to a world without true moral and ethical standards.

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The Truth About Marriage

Can there be marriage between members of the same gender? Should people live together before they get married? Should one get married at all? If married, can they ever get a divorce? Did God establish marriage just for the purpose of procreation? Are contraceptives wrong? Did Mary remain a virgin until she died? Who told man that his natural state in marriage was sinful and dirty, and that Adam and Eve had to be ashamed of it?

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Foolish Science

God created man to cultivate and take care of the environment. But man disobeyed and rejected God, while deciding on his own how to live. Today, God-defying scientists create genetically modified mosquitoes, which pose a real threat to humans, and carnal minds manufacture the most deadly form of the bird flu, which is now able to jump from birds to humans. Thankfully, this crazy, Satan-inspired world will soon come to an end, and when man undergoes a total change of his thinking, he will experience soundness and peace after 6,000 years of sickness, hatred and war.

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The Predestined Future of Europe

Why did some proclaim correctly more than 80 years ago what is happening in Europe right now? Why did they understand the Bible, while others did not? Why is it that today some announce accurately the future of Europe, while most are oblivious as to its destiny? While speaking of the euro crisis or a socialist Europe, they are blind as to what the Bible says.

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Why Sanctions Against Iran Will Not Help

The West does not understand the goals of Iran’s religious and political leadership. While sanctions are being imposed, Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expect the appearance of the Mahdi as the Twelfth Imam, but not before this world has undergone a gigantic, cleansing upheaval and is in utter chaos. Iran’s nuclear program with the goal of developing and using the atomic bomb must be seen in this light.


Iran, Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, nuclear program, sanctions, Mahdi, Twelfth Imam, Islam, end time, Middle East, war, Israel, Bible

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Why Disasters and Catastrophes?

Disasters made 2011 the most expensive year ever. With the beginning of 2012, more birds die a mysterious death; devastating volcanic eruptions threaten Germany; and it is now 5 minutes to midnight on the Doomsday Clock, with midnight symbolizing humanity’s destruction. With all that bad news, it there any good news? Indeed, there is, but not in the way most people think.

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