What happened to the Separation of Church and State?

Another title for this program could be: “Don’t Mix Politics and Religion!” Every time we have done so, persecution of religious minorities has been the inevitable consequence. In this program, we address a frightening development in the USA, as correctly pointed out in a recent article by “Christianity Today,” focusing on the government and evangelicals; as well as the “blurred” separation between the State and the Catholic Church in Europe, especially Italy and other countries with Catholic majorities. The Bible contains many warnings about this development by describing the collaboration between Church and State in this day and age as the manifestation of the end-time Babylonian system.

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Will America Be Defeated Soon in WWIII?

Is it even conceivable that the USA, as well as the UK and Israel, could suffer outright military defeat in a coming war which has been described as the most devastating war ever? Some military experts believe so. Will WWIII be finally the war to end all wars? If so, then not in the way you and I would wish. Do end-time biblical prophecies provide us with a clear picture as to what is going to happen soon?

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Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?

Numerous significant earthquakes occurred this week all over the world, and many of these in countries which are part of the “Ring of Fire.” These tremors have raised concerns that California’s “Big One”—a destructive earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or greater—may be looming. How real is that danger? Scientists, history and biblical prophecy confirm that the distinct possibility of such a devastating earthquake is much more imminent than many may realize.

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Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children

This program gives you several abominable examples of the society’s attack on our children and encourages you to counter-act such vicious and immoral deceptions, from euthanasia of young children at any age, to late-term abortions in the name of science, to cancer-causing glyphosate in vaccines and children’s food, to harmful e-cigarettes, to promotion of transgender, to sexual child abuse by Catholic priests. None of these examples are in line with the biblical admonition to train up our children in the fear of God and allow them to come to Christ.

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Germany Goes Nuclear?

Deeply disturbing developments are being discussed by German politicians right now… from reinstating mandatory military service for men and women to creating a nuclear-armed Germany.  What was once taboo and unthinkable is now openly debated. The Bible has forewarned for a long time that a militaristic united Europe under German leadership WILL start a nuclear war against former allies.

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Do Banks and the Government Control You?

According to an article of the Kansas City Star, dated July 27, the “U.S. Department of the Treasury increasingly is urging financial institutions to collect as much information on customers as possible.” As a consequence, banks are asking intrusive and arguably unconstitutional questions of their customers, combined with the threat of freezing or even closing the accounts if those questions are not being answered. According to an article of The Guardian, dated July 19, “an alignment exists between government and financial institutions” with the goal of creating a “cashless society,” thereby adopting the Marxist philosophy of “total governmental control” (Bild Online, July 30). What do these developments mean for you, in the light of biblical prophecy?

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Ancient and Modern Beliefs in the Third Temple

A German Christian map from the 15th century was recently presented to the public by the National Library of Israel, picturing what appears to be the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem with Christian involvement. This year’s celebration of the Jewish festival of Tisha B’Av, commemorating the destruction of the two Holy Temples, prompted a strong reaction of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking for foreign powers to intervene. This program will show you how all of this is related and points at events prophesied in the Bible, and why they indicate the soon-coming return of Christ to establish God’s Government on earth.

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Could America Be Attacked Soon?

Preposterous? Unimaginable? Don’t dismiss this possibility out of hand, because the BIBLE tells you that it IS going to happen! Recent events give unmistakable signs for those who understand God’s Holy Word. Will you ignore them or even scoff at them, at your own peril? Will you belong to those who will be caught unawares, when the day of destruction overtakes the USA and other countries like a thief in the night?

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How God Views the 2018 NATO Summit

It started with a bang. President Trump voiced his strong objections to Germany’s plan to build a pipeline with Russia that would bring gas from Russia to Germany, thereby becoming dependent on and being held captive by Russia. Mr. Trump is not alone with his criticism of Germany. In addition, he chided NATO members, especially Germany, for not paying enough to NATO, comparing it with the huge amount which the USA provides. Disagreements exist as to what was really committed to during the summit. Fears have resurfaced that the USA may leave NATO and withdraw its troops from Europe, especially Germany. What DOES the Bible say about these developments?

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Europe’s Immigration Nightmare

Europe is involved in an unparalleled immigration scandal, showing complete disharmony, backstabbing, blackmail, compromise, selling out, a defeat of moderate voices and a victory of the far right. A European “deal” of establishing “screening centers” in African countries has been described as a “farce.” Germany’s Angela Merkel is fighting for her political survival and striking controversial and probably illegal deals with Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer regarding transit centers on European soil. Austria’s Sebastian Kurz is proposing more controversial ideas. Where will this all end?

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