FOT 2018: The Tipping Point

Christians are tasked with achieving self-control in their pursuit of godliness. We have to be deliberate in achieving balance because it doesn’t come without effort. Small changes and adjustments to our daily routines will keep us focused and headed towards salvation.

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FOT 2018: Your Kingdom Come

In the model prayer in Matthew 6:10 we read the following admonition: “Your kingdom come….” These are the first three words in this verse and they are full of meaning. Do we pray for this on a regular basis? If not, we really ought to and, if not, we might want to rethink this. When we see the problems and suffering that there are today, we MUST SURELY PRAY MORE FERVENTLY – YOUR KINGDOM COME! It is a massive and sober reminder of what is to come when the great tribulation starts. What is happening today is just a taste of much worse things that lie ahead.

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FOT 2018: Final Victory

The victory of life over death will be the greatest triumph ever experienced. What are the circumstances that will lead up to that event? How will the victory be made? How will you be involved?

Am I Really Ready?

Just saying we are ready for the end does no necessarily mean we are ready in God’s eyes. We need to examine ourselves daily to ensure we are meeting the requirements that God sets out for us, to be ready in His eyes.

FOT 2018: Carelessness

God is very clear by saying we should keep all his commandments. We should do our utmost to keep the promise we gave him.  The consequences are clear when we handle our promise with carelessness.

FOT 2018: Standards

What are our personal standards? Having standards and sticking to them is a constant challenge that each of us must be doing. The chance to do this is now. The instruction is to be constantly ready and on guard.

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FOT 2018: Moving On

The phrase “moving on” can be an excuse to avoid further interrogation about wrong decisions or results; it can be an excuse to undermine – or even deride the Bible and it can be an excuse, or a reason given for abandoning truth that was understood for many years but is now a thing of the past as an easier path presented itself. All can be bracketed under the heading of “Moving On”. But this phrase can also be used legitimately in other areas which this sermon covers. And with our calling – and Christian way of life – yes, we have to move on by growing in grace and knowledge. That is the “moving on” that we should all be involved with!

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