Jesus Christ is Our Atonement

Events on the Day of Atonement foreshadow future occurrences while commemorating things already done. The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the great lesson of this Holy Day, and true Christians observe this time just as God has commanded!

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All In

Answering the call to become a Christian involves unwavering commitment. Going “all in” is an expression that indicates the complete dedication which is necessary to fully invest ourselves in following God. When we prepare our offerings, they should reflect the same level of commitment we are willing to make to obey God.

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The Power and Might of God

Do we truly realise and understand the power and might of God?     This sermon reviews a number of areas that we can read, but not fully grasp, and shows how magnificent our great God truly is.

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A peculiar Treasure

God desires that we be different to the world by living His way of life. This makes us odd, different or strange to this world. But God considers us His peculiar treasure and prizes us greatly provided we please Him.

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God’s Warning to the Nations (Feast of Trumpets 2024)

The Feast of Trumpets should remind us of God’s command for His end-time Church to warn the nations of the coming calamity and worldwide destruction that will occur shortly before Christ’s return. Most people will pay little attention to the warnings; some, perhaps many, will mock and scoff at them. This is to their own detriment! But you can be different and submit to God by heeding the sound of the war trumpet from God’s watchmen and turning away from modern godless Babylon.

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When the Israelites complained, God dealt with them time and again. In one instance, He sent snakes in to deal with their complaining. What can we learn from this situation?

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The Cure for the Hardened Heart!

We have to maintain a heart that is soft and usable by God. What happens
when we have. Hardened hearts? Are there Spiritual consequences for having a
hard heart?

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Israel’s Countless Enemies–Comments on News and Prophecy, September 28,2024

The UN wants Jerusalem’s Old City, Judea and Samaria to become “Judenrein”; Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas speaks of the danger of the Third Temple; the world is consumed by Anti-Semitism; the USA and Germany have failed to bring peace to the Middle East; Israel attacks Lebanon and kills the leaders of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah and Ibrahim Aqil, and other officials; and many speak of further escalation involving outside powers. Israel is facing numerous enemies—Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, the UN, Russia and China… the list seems to be endless. Not to forget Germany, France and most of Europe. Can Israel win such a war which is being fought on multiple fronts?

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The Legacy of Faith

Do Christians leave a legacy–like many of those listed in the Bible? Will there be long-lasting impact for what God’s people do with their lives? By our actions, are we helping to shape our own future life in the Kingdom of God?

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Living in the world today poses unique challenges for each of us, and more so for a true Christian. In this Sermonette we will cover various scriptures that will help us understand that we must rely on God and His Son to guide us through the turbulence and to salvation. We also must have empathy for our Brethren and understand that we must support one another through our trials and have compassion, just as Jesus Christ has compassion for those who obey Him.

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