LGD: The Hope of Eternal Life

God has promised something–eternal life! We have been called to receive eternal life and all will have a chance to enter God’s Kingdom and the gift of eternal life. This Last Great Day of the Feast pictures that future time.

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LGD: The One Way

Mankind has tried in vain to overcome their natural state—and failed continuously. The goal of achieving permanent instead of temporary success is what God offers to anyone who will fully submit to Him.  Fulfilling the will of the Father through our faith in His plan is the one way we will enter His kingdom.

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LGD: God’s Church At the End Of Days

The apostle Peter wrote that „the end of all things is at hand.” And Jesus Christ told his church to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” So what is the mission of God’s church in the endtimes? In this sermonette you will find answers which challenges are waiting for God’s church in the last days.

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LGD: To Whom Shall We Go?

The Word of God shows us the right way to life and how we are to function as a true Christian.   Where else, apart from the Bible, would you ever get information on the right way to live?   Jesus asked the twelve disciples if they were going to go away and Peter replied “to whom shall we go? (John 6:68).   It’s a good question to ask today.  We must build our relationship with God so that it will withstand all the pressures that may come our way.

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LGD: God’s Plan for Mankind

What has been God’s plan for mankind, even before the creation of Adam and Eve? How does God carry out His plan? Many don’t know. The human potential and our future are so much greater, awesome and breathtaking than what man could have ever imagined.

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FOT: The Fruit of Belief

Our beliefs are the source of our actions. Our actions determine our fruits. Knowing this, will our beliefs lead us closer to God, or further away?
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FOT: How To Be a Servant

When we become a Christian, we also put on the attitude of a servant. Christ explains in many areas what that means for us. This is not something that comes naturally for us. Rather we must learn and grow in being a servant.

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FOT: Gabriel’s Messages of Hope

This Sermonette will cover scriptures that convey not only the messages that the Angel Gabriel was charged by God to carry to specific people, and by extension—the human population of the earth, but the vital information that he brought. We do not often think or focus on the work that God created angels to conduct. They are however very important in God’s Plan.

FOT: How to Deal with Gossip

God wants us to have the same attitude that He has against gossip.   And so, the first step towards stopping gossip is to hate it.   We are to become more like God and should be striving to be like Him, to think like Him and to do that which He tells us to do.  In short, we must use our tongue to bring life – not death!

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