Lessons from fhe Book of Jonah

Why is the book of Jonah placed in the middle of the minor prophets? Does it have any prophetic relevance for us today? Why did Jonah try to get away from the “presence of the Lord”? Was Jonah really swallowed up by a big fish? In what way did this incident mirror Christ’s death and burial? Why did Jonah hope that Nineveh would still be destroyed? Does the Church of God have a commission today regarding modern Assyria?

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Fear of the Lord

What does it mean to have fear of God? How does this work in our lives? How do fear and love work in a Christian context?

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Improved Economic Conditions Just Ahead (Given in Germany)

Governments in the world today all govern with varying degrees of success.   But none of them have the answer to all of the economic problems that beset every nation on the face of the earth.   But we have a bright future – let us all make sure that we make it into God’s Kingdom, and then, we will be part of the government that will have all of the answers, as we help and serve in a world where there will be abundance for everyone.

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The Future of Nations

God has created races and nations for a purpose. He has not turned His back on His creation; rather, He is actively guiding events even now, so that His plan will be completed.

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What are the destructive results of allowing compromise, and why is it important to recognize and deal with it?

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Future Self

God sees His children as begotten members of the God Family in the present tense. In His eyes, we already have a relationship that will have a glorified  fulfillment at a future time. Do we have the same frame of mind in seeing our future selves in the present tense?

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Bible Study—Should Christians Fight in War?

Who is the author of war? Will there be war in the Millennium? Why are we called to be peacemakers today? Is there ever a need to fight in war? Why did Jesus ask His disciples to buy swords? Why did Israel fight in war? Why was David not allowed to build a temple? And why was God angry with him when he numbered his army?

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Ultimate Commitment

There are two important decisions that one makes in their life that show commitment. They both correlate with each other and to help us better become perfect, so we can ultimately be in God’s Kingdom, we also must apply the 3 character traits described in 1 Corinthians 13.  
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The Great Reversal

We are living in a time where good is evil and evil is good! Is there hope that things will get better?  Is there a time in the future where the Great Reversal will occur? The Word of God reveals the answer!

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Civil Courage

Civil courage or the courage of one’s conviction can be described as the courage to speak up and act for one’s position. Even though the term “civil courage” is not used in the Holy Scriptures, there are many biblical examples of people who boldly and strongly stood up for their convictions and for others in need, even if that included the possibility of suffering and persecution.

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