On Belay

Stepping beyond one’s comfort zone by overcoming doubt and fear is absolutely necessary for Christians. That is possible when the Father and Jesus Christ live in our lives.

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The Cover Up

In this age of moral relativism people seek ways of justifying behaviors that just a decade ago were discouraged. Many who claim to be Christian seem to forget the ever-present Creator Father and His requirement for obedience. The world has become skilled at crafting legalistic reasoning to excuse truly horrible actions. Just as Adam and Eve covered themselves when they had sinned, many, including God’s people attempt to cover sinful behaviors with rationalizations. In this Split Sermon we will consider scriptures that tell us how God views these behaviors, false arguments, and the pathway to repentance.

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Personhood—What the Bible Reveals

When does human personhood begin, and is that a question for which we are free to simply make up answers? Amidst the controversial definitions, there is only one source which encompasses the true meaning and purpose for the life of every individual person!

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Incremental Growth

This message reviews the characteristics of God and explains why it is important to implement them in our lives for spiritual growth in knowledge and understanding.

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What Do You Say To God

We are taught to hallow God—especially when we pray. Recognizing God as Creator of all things will help us praise and glorify God when we speak to Him.

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The Second Amendment and Gun Laws—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 9, 2022

A Mass Shooting at a Fourth of July Parade; the assassination of Japan’s Shinzo Abe; and the call for tougher gun control. Why is this discussion oftentimes hypocritical, and what is overlooked when addressing the Second Amendment and the Law of God? We also speak about the mess in the UK; the confusion pertaining to the definition of “a woman”; and the reasons for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Specks and Planks

We are admonished in Luke 6:41-42 to examine ourselves first before we point the finger at others.  We want to avoid being hypocrites when judging others unrighteously, because we will also be judged by our actions.

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Greatly Divided We Fall

In a world that is divided on all sides – where do we stand in regards to our relationship with God and with our fellow Christians? We have to be united or we will fall.

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America No Longer a Great Nation—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 2, 2022

President Donald Trump said it well at a recent rally in Mendon, Illinois: “It is no longer a great nation. It is a nation in decline.” He then went on to explain as to why he came to that conclusion which is, sadly, very true. In this program, we also discuss the possibility of “legal civil war” in the USA, as well as the willingness of many American citizens to take up arms against the government “at one point soon.” Finally, we quote recent comments from Pope Francis which echo what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong already said in 1945.

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It is Written

It is easy to take all the world’s literature for granted these days—there are many choices and many outlets from which we can read, learn, and enjoy great works. Scripture is different in that it was given to mankind to get to know God and draw closer when He calls us. It is so important that we utilize the gift of the written word contained in our bible and understand that each word builds on another as God intended. In this Sermonette we will cover various scriptures that help us use these words given by God for our spiritual growth.

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