Evolution and the Spirit in Man

Evolutionists try, to no avail, to link human origin to animals. Scientists cannot prove the theory of evolution, but they are unwilling to agree to the alternate–creation by God. In doing so, they cannot explain man’s superiority of intellect. They cannot see the elemental difference between man and animals–the spirit in man. This spirit is given by God. It did not just “happen” by “survival of the fittest.” Learn more in this fascinating sermon!

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Justification in Romans & Galatians 2/ 2

Justification is God’s forgiveness of our sins. It is a process that BEGINS with our repentance from sin. God then grants us His pardon, His forgiveness, His mercy. It is a GIFT, not a REWARD for what we do; thus, the law cannot justify us. Conversely, those who refuse to keep the law will not be justified because they cannot obtain forgiveness if they don’t repent of breaking the law! This two-part message will clarify common misunderstandings of this very important topic.

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Knowledge That Kills

Our knowledge can lead to life, or our knowledge can lead to death. By Adam and Eve’s deception and disobedience, man chose death. The increase of worldy knowledge increases sorrow and is mere vanity. Because of solomons disobedience, God removed his blessings and many died. The reward of obedience and righteousness is life. But not Man’s righteousness, rather, God’s statutes of life. Christ gives us the knowledge necessary to attain eternal life and be released from the penalty of death. Compromise, the neglect of Godly knowledge leads to death.:35 Minutes

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The true origins of Christmas are steeped in paganism. This history and God’s view of this day and season are examined thoroughly.

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Repentance is the first act toward salvation. Unless we repent, we will never attain eternal life. Real repentance is a complete change from our way of thinking to God’s way of thinking. It is a continuous process of examining ourselves for sins and sincerely working to get rid of them, with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. Only with such a repentant attitude can God’s Spirit dwell in us.

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God's Holy Days in Hebrews 6

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe to do it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.” God is very specific in His instructions to us so that we would worship Him in a way that is pleasing to Him. The world has other ideas about worshiping God, ways that are contrary to God’s instructions. Learn in this sermon how the doctrines in Hebrews actually outline and parallel the Holy Days that God commanded in the O.T., further explaining their meaning for us today.

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Justification in Romans & Galatians 1/ 2

Did Paul teach that we don’t have to keep the law? Not at all! This first in a two-part study of Romans and Galatians will show that the point he was trying to put across was that keeping the law does not justify us–does not make us righteous. There is still the death penalty, and only God can provide the means to remove that penalty. Man cannot make himself righteous.

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