Are We of One Mind?

God’s plan is for man to come to the point that he thinks like God, something that does not come naturally for human beings. In order to do this, we need to have the mind of Christ, through His Spirit dwelling in us. Only then can we develop a willing heart and mind, thereby magnifying the very character of God.

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Discouragement-How to Conquer It

What’s the use? Why go on? Feelings of despair, helplessness, and hopelessness are common to man. But God offers a better way. He tells us to place our trust in Him each day and place our hope in the future He has in store for us. If we do this, then Satan cannot feed on our feelings of despair and devour us. Once we learn this lesson, then we can move forward in our conversion and we can also encourage others who are suffering.

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Producing the Right Fruit

Christ talks about bearing fruit, and that our fruit should remain. John talks about bearing fruits worthy of repentance. Paul talks about fruits of the spirit and the fruit of righteousness. What do these statements mean, and just how can we bear the right fruit? This sermon thoroughly explains this very interesting subject.

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