God's Holy Days in Hebrews 6

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe to do it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.” God is very specific in His instructions to us so that we would worship Him in a way that is pleasing to Him. The world has other ideas about worshiping God, ways that are contrary to God’s instructions. Learn in this sermon how the doctrines in Hebrews actually outline and parallel the Holy Days that God commanded in the O.T., further explaining their meaning for us today.

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Justification in Romans & Galatians 1/ 2

Did Paul teach that we don’t have to keep the law? Not at all! This first in a two-part study of Romans and Galatians will show that the point he was trying to put across was that keeping the law does not justify us–does not make us righteous. There is still the death penalty, and only God can provide the means to remove that penalty. Man cannot make himself righteous.

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Our Responsibility…Regarding the Times

God is looking for a people who are willing to CHOOSE to live by His laws and REFUSE to go the way of this world! We are to learn from the past, but not dwell on it. God is judging us for how we live now, with a focus on our future. We are called to be DOERS! We are to be INVOLVED in the fulfillment of His purpose. This sermon will help you understand God’s purpose and what it is we are called to do.

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You Reap What You Sow

Why is sin so bad? God’s laws are living laws–they produce results no matter what we do. If we please God, He blesses us. If we do wrong, we cause harm to ourselves and others. We truly reap what we sow–either good or bad. The Bible gives many specific examples of how wrong actions actually return to the sinner in the same manner as was intended for someone else.

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The Book of Amos – Part 3/5

It is not God’s intent to destroy His people, but He deals with them as is necessary so as to bring about repentance. Israel would not repent and faced serious punishment unless they did. God urged Israel to seek Him spiritually, individually, with a repentant heart and a changed attitude. What about us? Do we sincerely seek God in this way?

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Book of Job – Part 2/2

Why did God allow Satan to try Job? Because Job was so righteous in his own eyes that he thought he should not suffer trials. He focused on what he had done according to the law and failed to see the intent in his own heart. God says that there is no one who who doesn’t sin. God had to bring Job to repent of his self-righteousness so that he could eventually be in the Kingdom. God also works with us through various trials so that we can learn the lessons that we need to learn in order to be in His Kingdom.

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