God calls and raises up in the last day. He gave His son so we should not perish but have everlasting life. As in Adam, all die but in Jesus Christ all made alive. He will pour out his Holy Spirit on all flesh in the last days. Fear God and keep His commandments. He will bring every work into judgment.
Our Part in the Plan
God is great and has an incredible future for us. We need his Holy Spirit to comprehend his plan. Blessed are we if we have eyes and ears to see and hear it. Stir up the spirit. Watch and be ready. Learn to be ruled and rule our own spirit. Have love for one another.
Developing a Kinship With God
Begotten now not yet born. Abraham believes God and was the friend forever. He had willingness without question. Moses was the only one to ever see God in His glory. Establish a friendship with God. See the Lord while He may be found. Stand at the door and knock. Come out of Satan’s world. Stay in continuous contact. Be grateful and thankful. You are my friend if you do what He says.
Understanding Self-Delusion
Perception is reality. Let no one deceive himself. We can have reactions to different truths: Dismiss, Accept, give fair consideration. Use the Bible to differentiate truth and error. Delusion needs something traumatic to bring them out. Beware the leaven: pride, vanity, arrogance, self elevation. Search scriptures daily.
Be Strong and of Good Courage
Learn from the examples in the Bible of how to remain strong and courageous. Don’t allow Satan to get us off mark and play on our weaknesses. Remember God can work with small numbers like Gideon’s army.
A Time for Judgment
If we qualify now we will have judgment responsibilities in the future. There is no just judgment on earth today. In righteousness you shall judge. God teaches us good judgment and discernment. If we would judge ourselves we wouldn’t need judging.
La Tortuga
Stay rooted and anchored to God. Don’t allow factors and the environment to damage our spirit that God gives us.
Share your techniques of spiritual battle with others.
Meaning of the Feast
The Feast is not a vacation. Understand the purpose to dwelling in booths. Learn to fear Eternal. What distracts us? Don’t allow anything to come between us and God. Simplify our lives and don’t become entangled in this life. Look at Abraham’s example of sojourning and obedience. Set your mind on things above.
Who are you? Do you know? Adam and Eve were given a choice. Life and death. Focus on goal, seize it and make it first priority. God chose me through salvation. Our titles: elect, brethren, holy priesthood, holy nation, followers of good, house of God, first fruits, good stewards.
Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords – over us. Our citizenship is in heaven.
Practicing To Be Kings and Priests
In order to be a King you must have a territory, subjects and law. Jesus Christ will be the King, the earth will be his territoy, survivors will be His subjects and the law will be God’s. In our lives now, the husband is King of home, with his family as subjects. Be faithful in small matters now: homes, jobs, family etc.