As has happened throughout Biblical history, periods of harmony and cooperativeness have been supplanted with argumentative and quarrelsome changes. In light of today’s society and the recent circumstances in the Church of God, it is important for Christians to understand and to avoid this contentious spirit. This sermon examines the origin of the self-willed approach through Satan. In addition, other examples of the influence of a contentious spirit are given along with the stark consequences of this rebellious attitude.
Will You Be Counted Worthy
This world is fast approaching the time when Christ will return to this earth to establish His Kingdom. The question for you and me is – when He comes, will we be counted “worthy” to be considered one of the “elect” who will have qualified to rule with Him in His Kingdom?
Don't Forsake the Truth
Does God show us how we can prevent falling away from Him and the truth? Are there, on the other hand, certain steps one has to make before one actually does fall away? We can draw seven principles from the first chapter of the book of Romans, describing the steps one needs to make to fall away from God. In that chapter, Paul addresses people who once knew God and His truth, but who neglected to glorify Him as God and to give Him thanks. As a consequence, they became futile in their thoughts, until their foolish hearts were darkened. They exchanged the truth into a lie and did not like to retain God in their knowledge. Finally, they became haters of God, despising God and everything He stands for. It is impossible to renew a person to repentance who had been converted, but who has become once again a hater of God.
The Second Time
Beyond the historical references of the House of Israel and the House of Judah, Biblical prophecy shows that both modern Israel and modern Judah are destined to once again undergo national captivity. At the return of Jesus Christ, the people of these nations will be gathered together to return to the land of Israel the second time. Particular emphasis is drawn on the reason why God will once again punish the rebellion of His people.
Ears to Hear
In spite of the fact we are told that we will face trials test and even tribulation we must not get discouraged by all this. God and Christ have promised in the Bible not to try us more than what we can endure. There will be a way of escape in a trial and that we would never be forsaken in trials. Our hope is in the resurrection and God is interested in the final outcome of us being in His family so trials is the lost of this Christian walk.
Time and Chance
Are converted Christians the helpless victims of time and chance? Do true Christians die prematurely, because they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Did Solomon teach, in Ecclesiastes 9:11, that true Christians are subject to and dependent on time and chance? Some have taught this wrong concept over the years. In doing so, they have undermined the faith of Christians in the mighty and powerful hand of God. The Bible teaches very clearly that Christians do not die because of time and chance. Rather, when a Christian dies, it is because God decided that it was time for him or her to die. God is in total control. Many Scriptures prove this without a doubt.
The Trinity and the Holy Spirit
The doctrine of the “Trinity” and the Holy Spirit as it is encompassed within the “Trinity concept” is not a minor issue, as it relates to the Christian world. In fact, it reflects the extent to which mankind will go in his effort to walk contrary to the Ways of God.
Part of the Plan
This sermon is about the Day of Pentecost. It covers a review of the commands from God to observe this Feast Day, and it presents a very specific examination of the great meaning in the particular part of God’s great master plan that is revealed in this Holy Day. The meaning of the “two wave loaves” as mentioned in Leviticus 23 is discussed in detail in light of New Testament fulfillments.
How Will It Be As God
Those called by God strive to receive or use God’s Spirit to meet our ultimate goal and destiny — to become a Spirit being — a God being in the Family of God. But what then? What does it mean? Do we have any idea what it will be like to be God? Do we really know what God has in store for us? Do we understand why we need to strive — with the help of God’s Spirit — to become God? Or, are our action motivated by the fear what will happen to us if we don’t make it into the Kingdom?
We will notice in this sermon marvelous Scriptures revealing to us the life of God — the very life that we will share. How does God live? What does He do? Once we know, we will also know what really awaits us — and why all of our sufferings today, and the forsaking of things that are bad for us, are indeed worthwhile.