Get Specific with Sin

Paul wrestled with sin 25 years after baptism. Noah had to deal with evil continually. Lot had to deal with people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Don’t treat sin lightly. David took personal responsibility. We need to undertand ourselves. Discover the problems to rid and talents to use. Overcome hatred with love. Hatred stirs up strife. Love covers all sins. Deal with each sin specificaly and individually.

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Sin, Our Enemy

We can discern the blind spots with God’s spirit. Jesus came to replace and qualified at that time. He is our intercessor now and is ready to take control as King of Kings. We need the Holy Spirit to correct, repent and change direction. Stop sin in the mind. Lucifer’s sin was conceived in the mind. Keep our mind on things above no on earthly things.

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Coming Out of Sin

Incentive – desire to come out of sin. Initiative – action requires direction. Inspiration – hope, courage. Search for spiritual leavening and use the tools with the right attitude. Points:
Never doubt God. Don’t be complainers. Search hearts daily not annually. Have humility. Respect Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. Sincerity and truth. Love your brother.

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Have Trust in God

Blessed is the man who trusts in God and doesn’t put trust in man. God doesn’t lie and therefore is trustworthy. God doesn’t forsake those who seek Him. Don’t worry or be anxious about anything but rely on God’s promises. Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you. God will strengthen your heart.

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Keeping the Passover Worthily

Be transformed. Prove by examining selves. Our lifestyle will reflect faith. Lead a life worthy of the Lord. God has qualified us to be partakers of His inheritance by trials. Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Overcome SELF, SATAN, SOCIETY. God give us the victory through Jesus Christ. Lose our life for God’s sake and find it. Be alert, pray always to be counted worthy.

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Sheep or Goats

The difference between goats and sheep. Cantankerous old goat compared to a gentle sheep that stays silent while being shorn. Sheep keep giving wool all of their life. Jesus Christ is the lamb of God and He knows His sheep as a good shepherd.

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End-Time Prophecy

Patience is needed for endurance. Have faith and patience. Beware, don’t let your heart be weighed down. Identify where the body of Jesus Christ is – there also will be vultures. More evidence is the love they will have for one another. Satan will bring persecution from within and out. Be involved in work of God. Don’t be discouraged and follow Jesus Christ.

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Power of Prayer

Jesus Christ is there to plead our case. Our advocate. He knows it because He has lived it. God will give us faith if we ask without doubting. Don’t be disconnected from the power source. Persistence. Ask according to His will, ask in faith – never wavering. If you don’t know His will – ask. Be immoveable and steadfast. Prayer unselfishly for others.

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Are Sinners Blessed

God leads us to repentance through His goodness. It is a gift that cannot happen without Him. Don’t be envious of evil doers or desire to be with them. They will be cut down. Wait on the Lord and cast your burden on Him who sustains. Biblical examples: Noah, Abraham, Issac, David – they all were “full of days”. Look at trials as an opportunity to be more perfect. They are evidence that we are counted worthy.

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