Day of the Laodicean

Laodiceans serve themselves. They profess to serve God, but all the while they serve their “gods” of wealth, power, success, entertainment, prestige, etc. They combine a bit of truth with a lot of error. How can we be sure we are not caught up in that same mindset? This important sermon explains how to avoid becoming a Laodicean.

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Day of the Lord

The day of the Lord has been well prophecied. There will be an end of everything, a time of distress and trouble. We can be hidden and protected in time of God’s anger in a secret place. Fear the Lord and have strong confidence. He will keep us safe through hour of trial. He has prepared a place for the church.

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Work of Gods Spirit

Day of Pentecost, book of Acts. Jesus enlarged the area for them to preach which started in Jerusalem – to the end of the earth. We need obedience to God before man. Wonders and signs by faith and power. Circumcision issue. The Holy Spirit guided Paul to go to certain places.

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The Ultimate Meaning of Pentecost

Describes the meaning of the Day of Pentecost – Feast of Harvest, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks, Wheat ingathering, count 50. First fruits of MANY. Better resurrection coming reserved for us – the elect, chosen, royal priesthood etc.

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The Majesty of God

The power and sovereignty of God. Description of: glorious, grandeur, highness, superbness, divinity. We need to reflect and meditate and His majesty. Our knowledge of God is diminished in this age. Jesus Christ made it possible for us to share majesty with God.

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US and UK in Prophecy

Discussion about European developments. Enemy from the north and east on Europe. Modern Assyrians. Remnant of Jacob. Israel into captivity.

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God's Chosen Leaders

God’s servants selected for a season and a reason to complete a job. They needed to continue through various trials and persecution for the sake of the brethren. Examples of servants and their works and personal attacks.
A minister is aware of the commission and is not afraid to do it. They are men of integrity. Their message is in harmony with previous apostle and building upon it. They have a total disregard of whether the message is accepted or not. The commission was authenticated by signs and wonders.

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Europe in Prophecy

Tyre, famous port city of Phoenicians that was fortified. Prophecy for Tyre to be destroyed and plundered. Alexander the Great and others who destroyed. Trading system in this area. Discussion of modern day Tyre and future prophecy for Jesus Christ to destroy it upon His return.

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