God places tremendous value on human life. He has a great purpose in mind for mankind to the point He was willing to allow Jesus Christ to empty Himself of the very God Essence and to come to this earth in the form of a flesh and blood human being in order that God’s purpose should be fulfilled. As a part of His purpose, God has charged us, as parents, to see that our children be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Europe – Now What
The European Union’s effort to seal its first-ever constitution collapsed Saturday, December 13, 2003, after leaders could not agree on the best way to divvy power once the 15-member bloc adds 10 new members next year. The key stumbling block was a proposal from Germany and France to scrap a complicated point system that was accepted in 2000 and gave Spain and Poland almost as many votes as Germany, which has twice as many people as either. French President Jacques Chirac called for smaller pioneer groups of countries to forge ahead with closer integration in defense, economic policy and justice. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder predicted that there will emerge a Europe of two speeds. The Bible prophecies that in the end, ten nations or groups of nations will lead Europe. They will receive power for a very short time, and transfer it to the “Beast,” a political and military European leader. He is referred to as the king of the north, the beast, and King Jareb of Assyria.
The Armor of God
We are soldiers of God and we need the armor of God in order to overcome the adversary Satan. It is very crucial that we have the whole armor not just a part if it.
Before Now
It is vitally important for Christians to have the big picture perspective of how their lives relate to the master plan of God. The Bible speaks of events that are past, present and future. In order to not repeat the mistakes of history, God has given an extensive record in the Bible of individuals and events from past generations. Furthermore, the Bible also reveals the concept of eternity. It shows that God has been working out His purpose for mankind beginning even before the creation of the universe. Understanding and acting on the lessons of the past will help us assure our future in the Kingdom of God.
We Will Succeed
God has called us to bring us into His kingdom. He has called us to succeed. If God had any doubt whether or not we will succeed, He would not have called us in this day and age. God is sure and certain that we will make it into His kingdom. How certain are we about it? Only one person can prevent you from making it — and that person is you yourself. That is why we need to conquer our fears and doubts. That is why we need to overcome. But, in God’s eyes, this battle will be won.
How Are We Doing
Are we fulfilling what our Heavenly Father is requiring of us in order for us to achieve the results we desire in the calling we have received? Is the knowledge we have received helping us in the transformation of the way we think and act? As this transformation is taking place, do we see positive results in our lives as to growth and change, as we learn the Way of God? Are these results we are achieving pleasing in God’s sight? How are we doing?
All Men Everywhere
Where are we and what should we be doing as it relates to God’s plan for this world? In a time when the Church of God has become broken up into remnant groups, many have withdrawn inwardly. However, the commission to the Church remains in force! On the one hand, the Church is warned to come out of and be separate from this world, while on the other hand it is sent to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world. The Church must be doing both these things and doing them in light of the plan of God
Where to Now
As we get back into our daily activities, having returned from eight wonderful days observing the Feast of Tabernacles, we must be ever mindful that our calling from God is a calling to live a certain way – a way which is contrary to the ways of this world. We must not allow the cares of this life to distract us to the point that we fail in this tremendous calling.
California’s wildfires have been in the national and international news. To see the images on TV or read newspaper articles with photographs is one thing — to be right in the middle of those fires is quite another. My family and I found ourselves right in the middle of the Ramona fires. I’d like to share with you my thoughts and impressions, as I wrote them down, in the form of a diary, throughout the ordeal. It might help, perhaps, to communicate to others what is going on in the lives of those who find themselves surrounded by blazing flames of wildfires. We will also read Biblical passages to review the terrible time shortly ahead of us, prophesying the devastation, through fire, of the countries of modern Israel and Judah, and the rest of the entire world. We will review Scriptures explaining to us the reasons for such fiery devastation, and promising to us God’s protection during such terrible times.
Who Are You
If asked the question, “who are you,” many relationships or associations might correctly be used in answer. However, for Christians, it is important that we answer that question from the perspective of God’s Word. Three possible answers are explored with this in mind: (1.) you don’t know; (2.) you think you know; and, (3.) you know. Furthermore, the point is made that it is “Christ in us” that establishes how we are in relationship to God.