Our Ultimate Human Potential

First, God created spirit beings and things within the spirit world, and the Bible also shows us WHAT He created. In due course, He created the physical world—the universe with its galaxies, suns, and stars, and our earth. Science is still puzzled to this day as to how the universe came into being. The earth later became void and empty, and God renewed the face of the earth and created man. Why? What is the purpose of human existence, and what does the Bible reveal about the future of man… as well as the future of our solar system and the entire universe?

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The Unprofitable Servant

Why are offerings crucial? Why can only tithing or meeting the minimum requirement make us unprofitable servants?  What should our attitude be when giving an offering?

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An Opportunity for Everyone

God’s plan is full of mercy. People who never had the chance to correctly understand the complete Truth of God’s plan will have a chance to learn and obtain salvation during a resurrection to physical life during the Great White Throne Judgment period. The firstfruits in God’s Family will have the role of sharing the Truth to guide them in their understanding.

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LGD: Our Calling To Eternal Life!

This eighth day—the time which has come to be called “the Last Great Day” does not end the plan of God! The Bible reveals that a New Heaven and Earth and a New Jerusalem will be created by God. This future time will also include the New Members of the Family of God—those who will have a place in the eternal realm of God’s glorious New Kingdom!

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The Great Day of Salvation

The Last Great Day symbolizes the period of the “Great White Throne Judgment”, and is the crowning achievement in God’s plan for the salvation of all of mankind and the building of His exceedingly extended Family, consisting of righteous God beings who will be perfect in character. This high holy Sabbath follows directly the Feast of Tabernacles. An overview of its meaning is given in this message.

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The Meaning of the Last Great Day

This Last Great Day has meaning that is incomprehensible to the world.   They don’t keep the Feast days and so they simply cannot understand.   Because we keep this day we understand that those who were not called in previous ages, who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ or the message He brought, will, in just over a thousand years from now, have their first and only opportunity for salvation.   Because people have to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, this automatically rules out all those other religions and ideas that have their basis on other erroneous foundations.

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Thank God!

The expression, “Thank God” is typically used as a casual phrase without a proper acknowledgment to God.  However, when WE use that phrase, do we truly believe it?

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Immortality or Death?

What is it like to be immortal, to not experience pain and death anymore?  There are those in the Bible who had a glimpse of what it was like to not feel pain or death, in certain examples.  Christ, when He was on the earth, was able to resurrect people from the dead.  We will all experience that in the near future when Christ returns, a chance to be in God’s kingdom and have everlasting life.

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Famine in the Land

The Bible mentions many occasions of famine in the land and, in general, in
the world. But more than physical famine, a spiritual famine (a famine of
the Word) is in this present world and will engulf the world in the future!

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