
Contrary to what many believe and even teach–converted Christians who once repented and had their sins blotted out, must continue to confess and forsake–that is, to repent of–their sins, when they do sin. We must be very careful to not become hardened to sin so that we justify ourselves and turn away from God. This is true of individual Christians, it is true of the Church of God and it is true of all nations!

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Why is God Angry?

We know that God is angry at this world. In a few years from now, God will send His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring peace, hope and happiness to this present evil society. This world is under God’s curse, awaiting the pouring out of God’s wrath.

God does not change. As He was angry at the world in Old Testament times, so He is angry at the world today, for the very same reasons. We read that God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

God is righteous. He is merciful and kind. He is love. But godly love does not justify evil. God is angry at the evil of this world, because it hurts man. When man does wrong, man suffers the consequences. God has also told us what He requires of man. We are called upon to make a difference!Play Video

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Offenses Will Come

To cause offense with another is a very serious matter. Yet, from time to time we all do cause offense. Offenses can be caused intentionally or unintentionally. We must be careful to make every effort not to offend. And, of course, we should, also, make every effort not to take offense except for serious cause.

But what should we do when offenses come? Offenses need to be resolved quickly, or Satan will use the offense for harm! Christ illustrates to us in Like 17 how offenses should be dealt with.

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The Good News of Pentecost!

The momentous happenings surrounding the Day of Pentecost picture and fulfill many events in the master plan of God.

Along with the promise of God giving His Holy Spirit to those called to be in the first resurrection as firstfruits, we understand that this is just the beginning, and God’s plan–the good news of salvation–will eventually include the reconciling of the entire world!

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You Shall Receive Power

God’s people need God’s help, today, in these very troubling times. And that help is available to those who diligently seek it. Jesus told the apostles just prior to His return to the Father to assume His position there at the right hand of the Almighty, having completed His purpose at that time here on the earth, that they would “receive power” when the Holy Spirit had come upon them.

The help of that Power is available to the people of God today, who diligently seek it!

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Products of a Selfish Society

When Satan rebelled against God, he did not believe that he had to be obedient to God. He thought he did not need God and could live without him. He influenced Adam and Eve to think the same way. The human societies which were built were all founded on the concept that we don’t need God to tell us how to live. Man created selfish societies, and became products of the same. Christ came to offer man solutions to their problems, but man did not accept Him. People were motivated by their own selfish pursuits and did not want to give them up. When God called us out of this present evil world, He showed us how to get rid of selfishness. We are to overcome selfishness, if we want to be in God’s Kingdom.

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The Flood

According to the warning from Jesus Christ, the end of this age finds parallels in the age just before the Flood. We need to understand what the Bible relates about the Flood and find the application to our own lives and to our own time and to the future our generation will surely face.

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The Trials of Your Faith

The trials through which we suffer benefit us in many ways. Scripture tells us we learn from trials, patience and endurance, humility and obedience, thankfulness, and that these trials help us to draw closer to God as we strive to the perfection God desires to see within us. God tells us these trials will do us good in the end!

How should we approach the trials we daily encounter? God gives to us understanding in His Word as to what our approach should be!

Seven points are outlined in this sermon for dealing with trials as they come our way!

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Alcohol–Friend or Foe?

When reviewing the subject of alcohol in the way it is treated in the Bible, we should be able to see some important lessons from the Biblical teaching. We will note that alcohol is not bad, per se, and that it is actually a blessing for the society and the individual, if consumed properly and in moderation. However, alcohol abuse will lead to terrible curses. Alcohol is a gift from God, to be used in moderation and with respect. It is not to control our lives, and we are not to become addicted to it. Alcohol abuse can also be compared with spiritual abuse, as in both cases, the abuser loses clear vision.Play Video

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A New Administration

When there is a change in government–when a new leader takes the place of the former leader–there is usually a period of time between election and inauguration during which administrators are chosen to help govern. In a similar way, Jesus Christ has qualified to replace the ruler of this world along with its current administrators–Satan and his demonic forces.

Those whom God calls to be in the first resurrection are offered roles in the Kingdom of God as rulers under Jesus Christ. We must learn to subject ourselves, now, to God’s will as Jesus Christ continually administers the Church of God in preparation for the fulfillment of God’s vast master plan for His enduring Kingdom.

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