Is the Church of God a Sect?

Down through the ages, the
Church of God has undergone persecution, scattering, martyrdom, wolves among the
sheep and accusations to mention but a few.  The apostolic church was called a
sect.  We are the direct descendents
of the first century church and, therefore, we may be called the same.   The real problem in today’s
society is the connotation that is put on the interpretation of that word.   We were not promised an easy life
– indeed, narrow is the way, and persecution has always been part of the true
Christian’s lot.   It has been
claimed that there are nine different marks that reveal a sect and these are all

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I Also Will Keep You

In the face of disaster–such as hurricane Katrina, Christians need to consider what God has both warned and what He has promised. The Bible records examples of people who faced life and death circumstances–unable to sustain themselves–yet, God protected them! God has also promised protection in this time of the end for those who honestly and from the heart serve Him.

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How Assertive Are You?

Are you struggling with weakness or a lack of success, not knowing why? A major problem which plagues many members in God’s Church is a lack of assertiveness. Did you know that lack of assertiveness will prevent you from becoming victorious? You will never be given the crown of righteousness, if you don’t develop the character trait of godly assertiveness. In doing this, you must also overcome its opposite–cowardliness and fear.
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Do Not Quench the Holy Spirit

During these serious times just prior to the Day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God, we must be ever alert to all that is going on around us, and we must take extra care that we do not quench God’s Spirit in our lives!Play Video

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Take Heed

Many times in the Bible, the words, “take heed” are used. That means to discern clearly, to be circumspect, to pay attention or to hearken. For some few, what God said served to awaken them. Today, we, as part of the Church of God, are members of the “household of God” as spoken of in God’s Word. As such, we have unique relationships with God, Jesus Christ and with fellow members. Uniquely, the Church has been given very specific warnings beforehand of prophesied events. Will we believe God and Jesus Christ, and will we really take heed?

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A Remarkable Psalm

Psalm 22 has been correctly understood as revealing in advance the thoughts of Jesus Christ at the time of His crucifixion. In addition, Psalm 22, as written by David, describes David’s personal feelings during his times of trial. Finally, Psalm 22 is relevant for all of us today, when we face difficulties, and it encourages us to never give up, even when we are tempted to do so. Psalm 22 begins with addressing suffering, but ends with describing God’s help, our victory and our great reward.
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Our Commitment

When we accept God’s calling, repent of our sins, and are baptized with the laying on of hands of His Ministry, He commits to us His Spirit, His faith, the knowledge of His truth, and His promise to always be there for us as long as we are faithful to our commitment to Him.

But how committed are you, today, to God and to His Way of life, as you struggle in this evil world, which at this time is ruled by Satan the devil, the prince of the power of the air?

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The Mercenaries

There are individuals who know better; who, nonetheless, have chosen to compromise truth in order to satisfy their own desires. In secular terms, we might call them mercenaries. For them, the bottom line is personal gain–a greedy desire for money, possessions or prestige. The Bible also contains the record of such evil people who willingly sold themselves for their own interests at the expense of the truth and obedience to God!

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Faith in Luke's Writings

Luke, the Evangelist, one of Paul’s faithful and loyal companions, wrote two records to Theophilus, about Jesus Christ and the early Church. These records can be found in the gospel of Luke, and in the book of Acts. Although there are many lessons to be learned from Luke’s writings, we want to concentrate today on the subject of faith. Luke is pointing out that faith must be accompanied by action, as well as a true and sincere heart. But faith alone is not a guarantee for correct understanding, and righteous living is not a guarantee for faith. Finally, our faith is not enough to inherit the kingdom of God.

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We Must Conquer Pride and Vanity

God hates pride and vanity. He refers to these life choices as sin. He tells us He will not endure these choices. He equates one who chooses them as a way of thinking and acting as fools!

These two attributes are very destructive when used and the father of these attributes is none other than Satan the devil! When elected for use in our lives they cause contention and shame and are equated with the evil way.

When we do see these creep, subtly, into our thoughts and actions, we must repent, immediately, of this error, and pray for God’s help in our being able to replace them with humility in the way we direct our lives.

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