
We are commanded to rejoice at the annual Feast
of Tabernacles.   This is a
time to recharge our spiritual batteries and that must surely be helped when we
are surrounded by those of a like mind.   It’s a time to be together, to be
taught, to fellowship and to rejoice.   The Feast is a great opportunity
our great God gives us, in which many can strengthen relationships and where we
can develop family ties with our spiritual brethren.   The Feast is a foretaste of
sharing eternity together as glorified members of the very family of God.   Rejoice and make the best of this
wonderful opportunity.

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Friend or Foe?

God looks at us in only two different ways. We are either, in His mind, His friends or His enemies. There is no “neutral” ground. Either we are with Christ, are we are against Him. Either we serve God, or we serve mammon. Either we want the glory of God, or the glory of man. Either we love Christ more than anything else, or we love our friends, relatives or even our own life more than Him. We cannot be lukewarm. If we want to be “neutral,” we have made it clear that we really don’t want to be God’s friends–and that we therefore are His enemies.

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Like God

The fact that we can now have access to the Father through His Son is the underlying message of this Day of Atonement.
We are to become like God, and the preaching of the Gospel focuses on how Jesus Christ made this possible.

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Our Calling — A Privilege

It is a privilege to be part of and to have a part in God’s Church! This privilege provides an understanding of the Plan of God and of His Way of life, including the Truth of God’s Sabbath, the Holy Days, tithing, and the spirit in man. We must not take this privilege for granted!
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The Sound

We are commanded to observe the Feast of Trumpets as a memorial, a commemoration, a reminder of impending events that will find their fulfillment in the return of Jesus Christ. The sound of the blowing of trumpets had unique significance for the nation of Israel and it was often accompanied by awesome events. The future fulfillment of this Feast Day will shock and terrify the world, but it will lead to salvation for those who obey God!

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The Time of Christ's Return

The Feast of Trumpets points at the time of Christ’s return, following the time of Jacob’s trouble and of the entire world. The book of Isaiah includes many prophecies, describing the terrible devastation of this earth at the time of Christ’s return. It also promises us protection, and explains the role of God’s Church today, and in the future. Finally, it makes very clear that the events, as prophesied in the book, are preordained and certain to occur.
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The Way Of Give

Jesus Christ set an example of the way those called of God are to live their lives. That way exemplified the way of give – as opposed to the way Lucifer (Satan) lives his life, which can be summed up as the way of get. We must follow Christ’s example, living our lives in the obedience of God and in ministering to others, especially those of the household of faith!

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It Isn't Easy

Even the most righteous have faced supreme trials–trials that took unquestioning faith, courage and perseverance. Sometimes, life itself hung in the balance! The hardest thing we will ever face is our calling to eternal life. The lesson from the Bible and from the examples of those who have preceded us is that it isn’t easy–not for them, not for us and especially not for those who witness the looming events of the close of this age.

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True Christian Virtue

The Bible says that a true Christian must have “virtue.” What exactly does this mean? Dictionaries, encyclopedias and commentaries give us a wide variety of definitions, but what is correct and what is in error? In the New Testament, the Greek word, commonly translated as “virtue,” is only used five times. On two occasions, it refers to God, and in three places, it addresses Christians. In the Old Testament, the corresponding Hebrew word is used in many different ways, conveying a variety of meanings. Since Christians must have “virtue,” we need to know what, exactly, it is that we must manifest in our lives.

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Does Your Life Reflect Christ

When a person is called of God, God expects that person to learn to live a life based upon His Way. Having been given God’s Spirit, His Truth, and an understanding of His Way, a Christian is to come to live his/her life as the Father and Jesus Christ live. A Christian must truly come to understand the way of truth and must begin directing his/her life in that Way. This should become the goal to which the Christian dedicates his/her life.
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