A Whole New World

The world will be transformed into a place of peace with everyone keeping the laws of  God during the  millennial rule of Jesus Christ.

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“We live in a country full of blessings – Blessings given to us by God. Bet WE have been given an even greater blessing: God’s Holy Spirit. Are we using it to it’s fullest potential? Or, like the modern descendants of Israel, have we forgotten who we are and why we are here?
We must proactively seek to please God, not just reactively, in order to keep our blessings (both physical and spiritual) alive”

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Samuel – Life and Character

We are preparing to be priests and kings in the World Tomorrow. God regards Samuel an outstanding priest. He was judge, prophet, priest and authored 5 books. 12-points are examined: 1)Samuel’s unusual birth and vow, 2)Eli’s wicked sons, 3)God appears and speaks in person to Samuel, 4)Philistines capture the ark of God, 5)Samuel preaches repentance, 6)Schools of the Prophets, 7)God’s government rejected, 8)Samuel establishes the monarchy, 9)God and Samuel dealing with Amalek, 10)Samuel and David’s relationship, 11)Samuel’s last years, including authoring a book on royalty behavior, 12)Witch of Endor–was Samuel brought up from the dead?

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The Many Voices of God!

In Hebrews 3:7 and in Psalms 95:7 we read, “Today, if you will hear My voice, Do not harden your hearts…” God speaks to us in numerous ways; yet the Scripture tell us in John 5:37 that no man at that time had ever heard to voice of God nor seen His form! Do we, today, hear God’s voice and understand His purpose such that we can truly follow in His Way?

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The Kingdoms

We now picture the time of transition from man’s government under the sway of Satan to the intervention in this earth’s affairs and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. This is the fulfillment of the gospel–the good news of the Kingdom of God! The Bible records the record of the kingdoms that have ruled on this earth–kingdoms that have failed! The Word of God also reveals the certainty of a new time of world peace governed by Jesus Christ and the saints of God.

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When I Rule the World

How would you rule the world–or a city–if you were in total charge; if you did not have to worry about how to be reelected; if your authority and approval came only from God; if Satan would not be able to deceive your citizens? How would you teach God’s way of life? What methods would you use? How would you judge–based on what standards? How would you deal with your employees? What kind of employees would you want to have? How would you build and design your city? What laws would you apply? Join us on a trip into the not-too-distant future–when you might very well placed in a position to rule a city.

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Thy Kingdom Come

The world has nothing to offer in comparison to the Kingdom of God and an
integral part of a Christian’s life is to pray for the Kingdom to come. We
should yearn for this momentous event which will usher in a time that true
believers have longed for down through the ages – a time when death has been
vanquished, every tear has been wiped away, there is no night, and that the sum
total of human misery will have been eradicated.   This sermon looks at several
different points which should focus our minds on what should be of utmost
important to us.

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God's Desire to Dwell with His People!

The Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day represent something very special to our God! They represent a future time when all of mankind will have had an opportunity to become members of the Family of God. God will dwell on the earth with all who have qualified by their repentance, baptism and living their lives in a manner worthy of the calling with which they were called!

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