Abraham Part 1

When studying the life of Abraham, some assume that everything Abraham did in his life was right and pleasing to God. After all, is he not called the father of the faithful? He certainly is, but that does not mean that he never sinned, or that he had perfect faith throughout his life. Rather, as we will see in this study, Abraham did sin, and his faith was at times lacking and needed to grow.
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The Word of God

The Bible, synonymously called the Word of God, powerfully and unmistakably challenges mankind to hear, to believe and to keep what God says. Furthermore, the unique relationship of Jesus Christ being the Living Word of God is destined to also describe our relationship with the Father.

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Why the Church?

Jesus Christ established His church while living in the flesh on this earth. He established the church for a specific purpose. Jesus Christ is building a spiritual temple, far greater than the temple Solomon built. Christ will glorify His temple when He returns to the earth in glory. He will receive that spiritual body unto Himself at His second coming!

Those called of God, today, have a part in the building of that temple. They have their own individual responsibilities to fulfill in establishing God’s Holy Temple!

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The Son of Man and of God

Do you fully understand who Jesus was, when He lived here on earth? If so, you belong to a very small percentage of people who do, even within Christianity. But it is extremely important that you DO understand, and that you do not lose this precious knowledge. Because without it, you cannot know God, and you cannot overcome the world. And if you understand, how thankful are you for this precious knowledge, and how much is your thankfulness reflected in the way you live?
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Prophet – True or False?

There are prophets–the kind that are true and the kind that are false. We find in the example of Jesus Christ both the standard and the message of a true prophet of God. In the Bible, the most remarkable prophetic book ever written, false prophets are also
described. Their core message always involves lies. Jesus emphatically warns His followers that great deception will arise at the time of the end of this age and of His return to the earth!

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Sin- A Powerful Enemy

Sin is a living, dynamic, evil force which affects all human beings. Paul referred to this evil force as ‘the law of sin,’ which he states ‘reigns within our mortal bodies.’ If we are to overcome this ‘law of sin’ which reigns within us, we must utilize the Power of God’s Holy Spirit which one receives from God at the time of one’s baptism. It is only through this Power from God that one will be able to defeat and overcome the “law of sin” which reigns within us.
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Who is Your Lord

As true Christians, we must properly understand the role and function of God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son. When the New Testament speaks of “God,” it mostly refers to the Father, while the word “Lord” generally describes Jesus Christ. Christ identified Himself as the Lord; so did angels, and so did many of the New Testament writers. The word “Lord”–“kurios” in Greek–conveys the meaning of “controller, God, Lord, master, sir and owner”–one who is in authority, and to whom “service is due on any ground.” We must obey Jesus Christ, our Lord, recognizing that He is also God. This includes, consenting heartily to His commands, without being ashamed of His words, and walking worthy of Him. We are to love Him and His appearing, while eagerly waiting for His Coming without fear.
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Stir Up the Gift

Christians are admonished by the apostle Paul to Stir up the gift of God which is in you! This gift, which one receives at the time of his baptism, gives to a Christian the ability to truly follow in the Way of God. Many, however, who have received this precious gift, do not exercise it regularly, thus allowing God’s Spirit to slowly slip away. A true Christian must be diligent to see that he is utilizing this precious gift every day of his life.

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The Bible Family

A telling barometer of our Christianity can be found in the way we conduct ourselves in relation to our family. We need to be able to recognize the warnings contained in God’s Word and take proper action to correct problems within our family. The Bible explains about Who instituted the family; about how to properly conduct family life; and–importantly–what our individual roles are as members in both our human families and that of the Church of God.

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Christian Marriage

OT and NT
Scriptures clearly reveal that being unequally yoked is wrong, particularly in
marriage.   True Christians
must marry only in the faith to another baptized member as marriage is a holy
estate and the most supreme way of sharing in the life of another person.   Failure to comply with clear
Biblical admonition may well lead to matrimonial difficulties as well as the
possibility of being drawn away from God.

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