Is Overcoming a Priority For You?

God’s people today are a people called to overcome sin in their
lives! If one succeeds in this calling, God will give to him the gift
of eternal life as a member in the Family of God!One does not earn eternal life through this process of overcoming.
What one does earn should he fail in this endeavor to which he is
called, is what the Scripture refers to as the second death – eternal
death! This must never be our personal choice relative to our calling.
However, if we are successful in our calling through the power of God’s
Holy Spirit, God will give to us the gift of eternal life!Another very important thing one is able to earn, should he be
successful in His calling of God during this lifetime, is a position of
rulership in the coming Kingdom of God!

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Trials and Temptations

Many have used the phrase. Many are saying it in their church services. Some are saying it in prayer every day. But do they really understand what they are saying? We are referring to a phrase, which is attributed to Jesus Christ. According to the Authorized Version, Jesus asked us to pray to the Father, “Lead us not into temptation.” But, did Christ tell us to pray in that way? Wouldn’t this be a strange request, knowing that God does not tempt anyone? The problem is that the translation in the Authorized Version is very misleading. What Christ actually did say is a puzzle to many. The answer might surprise you.
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The First Day

A very important aspect of keeping God’s commanded Holy Days is to understand the meaning behind them. They outline the great master plan of God, and we find in them the message of our salvation and the promise of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. For Christians, the observance of this first day of  the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread pictures our deliverance out of the spiritual slavery of sin.

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Self Examination

The process of self examination is not a static but rather continuous process realigning our thinking and actions to the mind  of Christ as we follow his example as laid out in scripture and His personal example in the gospels, using the fruit of the Spirit as the criteria.

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As We Examine Ourselves

We are approaching the time for two of God’s annual festivals: The Passover and The Days of Unleavened Bread. As with the weekly Sabbath, there is a time established for preparation of these two festivals. And we must prepare, physically and spiritually, for each of these two.
The Passover is observed in the evening of the 14th day of the first month, which according to God’s calendar is Nisan or Abib. Passover is a one day festival. The festival God refers to as The Days of Unleavened Bread is a seven day festival, which begins at sunset as the 15th day of the first month (Nisan or Abib) begins. Each of these two festivals is significant in God’s overall Plan.
God requires as a part of the spiritual preparation for Passover that we “examine ourselves.” His concern has to do with our overall attitude in taking the Passover that we not eat of it in an “unworthy” manner. The command then is that we “examine ourselves” and that we “eat” the Passover.
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The Power of the Tongue

If we want to be righteous people, we must control the use of our tongues. Although no man can tame the tongue, God can, but we must let Him do it. If we keep saying wrong things, then there is something wrong with our hearts–with the way we think–the way our minds function. There are numerous principles in the Bible, showing us what to say and what not to say. There is also a strong connection between slander and wrong judgment. And, to use foul language or certain euphemisms is just another way of misusing our tongues. Death and life are in the power of our tongues. How we use them can make all the difference– for us and for others.
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Eternal Death

Mankind has a choice to make. That choice will lead to either eternal life or eternal death. The awful reality is that some both have and will choose to disobey God and bring upon themselves destruction in the lake of fire. We need to understand the kind of choice we are making!

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God's Kingdom and His Righteousness

Jesus Christ, while teaching His disciples principles by which they were to live instructed them that any who would follow Him should seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
Why did Christ say this? Why is it critical for one to seek after these two things? And how is one to accomplish this requirement?
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