Loving Less

What do we love-less in our lives?  Do we put our own desires before God’s Word, our own salvation before His Church, and ourselves before God? In order to truely draw closer to God we must Hate the things He hates.  We must love everything less then we love our God.  If we do, then like King David, we will be a friend to God.

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The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2

After 15 years of inactivity, the Jews that had returned to Jerusalem, began to resume the work of building the Temple. And even though they completed the Temple within four years, restoration of the city of Jerusalem would not commence for almost 100 years. Filled with enthusiasm at one time, they had begun to become complacent toward the Work of God and their own personal lives. God chose the scribe and priest Ezra, as well as the governor Nehemiah and the prophet Malachi, to help the Jews to repent of their personal sins and to begin repairing the city wall and the city. The way God did it should give us today great encouragement and hope in the face of discouragement, persecution and trials.
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The Book of Ezra, Part 1

Why study the Old Testament book of Ezra? Is it in any way relevant to us? The surprising answer is: This book contains valuable lessons for us today–more than we may perhaps realize at first sight. The book of Ezra and related books show us what God can do for us, and how He may do it. We can also learn how man may react–in the right or the wrong way–to God’s challenges and opportunities.
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When Change Comes

The Bible records episodes of dramatic change for both individuals and for nations. We are taught in God’s Word what to do when change comes–about times of transition. We face changes in our lives and within the Church of God, and we need to understand how to handle them according to God’s will.


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Do Not Try to Tell Me What To Do

It is an indisputable fact that our culture is seeping – or has seeped into the church.    This includes a general breakdown in respect for authority, and the embracing of individualism, the attitude that says nobody can tell me what to do.   The true ministry are there for the express requirement of helping in every way possible the spiritual growth and development of church members – and when that is achieved with the right approach of members and ministry, the effect will be growth within the body of Christ.

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Christian Suffering

All men suffer. This does not exclude Christians. Sometimes, when we see that a true Christian suffers, we might ask ourselves, Why does God let it happen? It is important, then, to realize why God allows Christians to suffer. The reason is quite simple: We need to suffer to become perfect. Or to say it differently: We are made perfect through suffering.
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Jonah Speaks to Us

The Book of Jonah has been viewed as mere Hebrew folklore and a fairy tale. Especially the story of Jonah in the belly of the great fish has been labeled as a myth. But even science confirms that it might have happened exactly as written. If that story was untrue, then the bible would be worthless. Jesus Christ confirmed the veracity of the contents of the Book of Jonah. And the book contains many valuable lessons for us today–if we are willing to listen.
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Why Israel?

The Bible describes the nation God has formed and continues to sustain. Other stories about other people are recorded, but the primary focus is on Abraham and his descendants. Israel’s part in God’s plan for salvation is critically important for Christians to understand.

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