I Wouldn’t Have Done That

The expression “I wouldn’t have done that” can often be made with the advantage of hindsight. We can sit in judgement when we may not know all the facts or have been in the position that others may have found themselves in.

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A Short History of Christmas Observance

The celebration of Christmas, as well as being Pagan, has had a long and confusing observance. December the twenty fifth is not the only time it was and is celebrated, and at different times and places, it was banned altogether. God commands us not to keep it.

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Why Is Jerusalem Important?

Jerusalem is the most contested city on the planet, and that status will become even more intense in the near future! Few understand that Jerusalem is destined to soon become the capital of the world but that tremendous problems lie still ahead!

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Reconciliation with God the Father

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were cut off from God the Father, the Highest in the God Family. In following Adam and Eve’s example, the whole world has been cut off from God. Atonement for our sins and reconciliation with and access to God the Father can only come through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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What Do You Owe?

Do we as Christians owe anything? If so, who and what do we owe? What does the Bible say about owing?

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Attempt to Overthrow the German Government?–Comments on News and Prophecy, December 10, 2022

Was there really an imminent attempt to overthrow the German government? 3,000 police officers were deployed to search over 100 apartments and objects, arresting 25 people, believed to belong to the “Reichsbürger” movement.  As more facts about the raid come to light, the narrative of the mass media has reached “such a level of absurdity” that it encourages people to ask critical questions. The reaction of the German government is telling. Germany’s Minister of the Interior “wants to change the disciplinary law in that officials with ‘subversion fantasies’ should in the future have to prove their innocence.” What is REALLY going on in Germany?

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God the Father is the Highest, Part 2

In the second and final part of this series, we give additional biblical proof that God the Father is the highest in the Godhead, and we also concentrate on the extremely important role of Jesus Christ as the only Mediator between God and man. We show how Christ acts in this regard, who gives us the Holy Spirit, and what it means to pray to the Father in Christ’s name.

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Shepherds and Sheep

Why does the Bible use Shepherds and Sheep extensively throughout its pages? What can we learn by studying what it says about these creatures and the people who were to tend them? How can we learn to become better in both regards so that God can use us perfectly in all ways?
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Our Unique Talents

Each one of us is blessed with unique talents which God has given us to use.  There are examples in the Bible of individuals who had specific talents for God’s purpose.

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