There Is Hope!

The Bible offers all of mankind the only true future–the only real hope that can have expectation of attainment. However, the vast majority live their lives apart from God with only a hope in this life. The Gospel reveals hope for eternal life in the glory of the Family of God for those who turn to God and embrace the future salvation He promises.

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Three Times Seven

In the book of John, Christ identified Himself seven times as the God of the Old Testament, by using the words, “I am,” in combination with certain godly characteristics. The book of John also records seven miracles performed by Christ prior to His death, and the four gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have preserved Christ’s seven last sayings on the cross. What do all these passages mean for us today?

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Behold the Man!

Jesus Christ did seemingly incredible things, and we may lose sight of both how and why He was able to do what He did. Understanding that Jesus Christ temporarily gave up His glorious existence to be born as a man is an absolutely vital part of our faith. We can more fully grasp this truth–that Jesus Christ came in the flesh–by closely examining the Biblical account of His life.

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Interpersonal Relationships

In this day and age, it seems to be difficult to have good relationships with other people. Friendships break up, marriages end in divorce, nations fight against nations–and everyone thinks he is right and the others are wrong. No wonder that there is so much strife in the world, and in our own personal lives. But it does not have to be this way. You and I CAN have, build and preserve good relationships with others. Here is how.
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Answered Prayer

Does God still answer prayer?  Do we believe in prayer?  Is it for real?  Does it work for you and me?  Can prayer help solve problems for you and me?  So, how can we make our prayers effective?  We’ll look at 7 basic conditions for “Answered Prayer.”   1)Seek and Know God’s Will  2)Believe God  3)Obey God  4)Fear and Humility  5)Be Fervent  6)Be Persistent  and 7)Use Christ’s Name.   In the conclusion, we look at 8 examples of fruits of answered prayer.

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To Be Spiritually Minded

How we speak is shaped by many factors, but it can be an indication of where we come from–a kind of geographical marker. Consider as well that the way we think can be even more telling! What goes on within our minds identifies us to God–whether we serve God or Satan!

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Abounding in the Work of the Lord

Accepting the calling of a Christian involves an obligation to work towards the righteous goals of God. God’s plan involves the establishment of His kingdom here on earth, and there are many jobs involved in bringing that to fruition. As Christians, we all need to be empowered with the fact that God calls us for a purpose, knowing that we each have something individually to offer towards establishing His Kingdom. In God’s eyes, even small contributions are significant if they are performed genuinely and from the heart. Each of us, no matter what we have materially, or what specific skills we have, are able to contribute in a significant manner towards God’s cause.

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Do You Know the Year of Christ's Return?

There have been many predictions over the centuries as to the exact time of Christ’s return–but all those speculations have been wrong. Recently, some have again begun to try to figure out the year of Christ’s return, ranging from 2011 to 2017–but Christ said that not even He and His angels know. He also said that He will come at a time when we don’t expect it. Why, then, don’t some believe His Words? And how are we to explain certain numbers in the book of Daniel, which some have used as a basis to calculate the exact time of Christ’s return?
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The Glory of God

God reveals Himself through His handiwork–through His wondrous creation. He also reveals Himself in His Word, and it is this unveiling that allows us to understand more about the glory of God and the tremendous future being offered to mankind to share in this glory.

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Sex and Marriage, Part 4

In this fourth and final installment, we will discuss Biblical principles regarding sex and marriage, as revealed in the New Testament, beginning with the first letter to the Corinthians. We will see how God uses the right and wrong types of marriage relationships as a means to show us our spiritual need to stay loyal and faithful to God. And we will discuss in more detail the fact that we must have Godly love in order to have a truly successful marriage and a truly successful spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ–our Maker and future Husband.
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